Employability means the ability of someone to gain a job retain it

Categories: JobPsychology

Employability means the ability of someone to gain a job, retain it and progress on to a higher stage in their working life. Employability is improved by strong personal and communications skills which will impress a potential employer.

For the role in advertising for this specific role I will need a confident

ambitious team leader who is dedicated to this coffee shop and excellent customer service it's important for me that the potential employee has these personal skills as their presence in the coffee shop will be portrayed onto the Customers and other workers.

A cheerful friendly leader will motivate employees and make them feel valued and appreciated in the working environment. This will lead to employees putting this out onto the customers. If I were to employ someone who maybe doesn't fit into the culture or just shouts at workers I think this will decrease productivity and efficiency. Hurtzburg said "it's the job of a manager to not light the fire of motivating, but to create the environment to let each personal spark of motivation to blaze" I agree partly with his theory but I think they should be a major motivator and not just money motivates all.

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Praise, encouragement responsibility and recognition are all factors that help increase motivation and these are the personal skills I am looking for.

Another big thing I am seeking is someone with good communication verbally and through text or emails making sure everything is clear and easy to understand. Then to follow op and listen and consider anything back if there was a miscommunication or ideas employees want to express this is important.

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They will need be able to hold a two-way conversation. They will also need to acquire good decision making they will need to prioritize situations on importance if they do this un-effectively can lead to problems in workplace.

Another skill they need is good customer service as managers have loads of customers internal and external with employees and customers they need to understand and acknowledge each group and what they want and then from that decide what can they do to make it happen. An example could be a customer coming to complain about a service or product they did not like. I would want them to quickly asses what needs to be done to not only make this customer happier but make sure they are retained for the future. Quick thinking would be to swiftly apologies for the inconvenience they have caused. Offer a refund and then going

onto offering a discount for the next time they come back or perhaps something free depending on how the shop is doing.

A great skill I also want them to have is conflict management they should be able to address conflict both in terms of helping them and resolving it. Then will need to make decisions even though it might mean disagreeing with other colleges. They will have to learn how to intervene as a manager effectively in a workplace.

Another one is to set high expectations and expect big results. This means not setting the bar too low, but setting it to realistic achievable and attainable. To expect more from their people and not less and being invested in not only the business.

There's a lot of responsibility being a manager so these are the basic skills they will need to do this job and as an owner I will need to underline and make clear the expectations in my job description. And things I will look out for in interviews but overall a friendly demeanour and leadership qualities are required for this position.

The skills I have are confidence in groups and individually. I am friendly and can be talkative which is positive to an extent if it is controlled correctly and I can work well in either or with others or on my own effectively. I also have the right mind set and extremely motivated to do something without push from others. However, I only have experience of my one week in a hair salon and just starting a new job I also will have to take on work experience for my BETEC course so I am slowly gaining knowledge. The physical skills I have are English, science and business GCSEs I have not yet passed my maths but in year one of college I am working towards my math GCSE and completing year1 business course of two years. The skills I need to work on are listening and communicating properly and clear tend to end up rambling on something totally different so I need to learn how to stay on task also but hopefully I will achieve and improve these skills by the end of the year.

Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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Employability means the ability of someone to gain a job retain it. (2019, Dec 10). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/employability-means-the-ability-of-someone-to-gain-a-job-retain-it-example-essay

Employability means the ability of someone to gain a job retain it essay
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