Eating at Fast Food Restaurants

Life is moving at a very fast pace in today's world. Everyone is striving hard to compete with others and get to the top because of which a rat-race is going on all the time. Adults are busy with their careers and children with their academics because of which people rarely have time for one's self let alone others. In spite of all this busy schedule, everyone still need to consume food in order to survive and since people don't have time to cook so they just grab a quick lunch or dinner from fast-food restaurants which are now almost everywhere in town.


It does not take long to make fast food and it is quick and hassle free to eat as the name suggests 'fast food', hence we can see that because of these factors the consumption of fast food is on the rise in today's fast-paced world. If one is hungry and in a hurry, one can quickly grab a burger or a pizza and can eat it easily unlike the desi foods for which one need to be properly seated on a table to accommodate for its side-lines and so that the gravy doesn't spill.

Fast food like pizza and burger are delicious, kids love them, the adults find them the most appropriate kind of food when they are running on a tight schedule, all in all fast food does seem as the best food option available, but sadly it is not.

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Fast food may be considered very delicious and hassle-free but it comes with its own negative effects.

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Fast food is known to be the unhealthiest kind of food as it leads to many health related problems like obesity, diabetics and other heart related problems.

The growing problem of obesity of kids and adults in the west is due to fast food only, as because of their tight schedule people there mostly consume fast foods because of which they fall prey to such health related problems. As fast food is usually very oily with a lot of cheese and when these things are consumed on a daily basis it deteriorates the health of a person. Hence, it is best for us if we consume fast food just to a certain limit instead of all the time, as everything has its own disadvantages in addition to its advantages.

Updated: Apr 12, 2021
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Eating at Fast Food Restaurants. (2017, Jan 05). Retrieved from

Eating at Fast Food Restaurants essay
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