Comprehensive Exploration of Teaching Roles and Responsibilities


Being a teacher is definitely not the easiest kind of job, especially if you aspire to be a great one. Nonetheless, the retribution can be tremendous when seeing the results in your students’ accomplishments. In this assignment we will discuss about the role and responsibilities of a teacher. We will mention the teaching cycle, the boundaries, legislation and the codes of practice.

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1 Understand own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning.

Your main role as a teacher is to provide your learners with a deeper capacity, reeling them into the dimension of your teaching subject and captivating them by always bringing new ways and methods to make your lessons more interesting.

Reece and Walker believe that, “the modern teacher is facilitator: a person who assists students to learn for themselves” (Reece & Walker 2002)

As a teacher, you are a role model, which will considerately affect your students, either positively or negatively.

Your mood and attitude towards the class will definitely have great impact on how the learners will evolve.

Being aware of the students’ needs and requirements is of outmost importance, as they will require understanding and acceptance in achieving their goals.

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By showing both professionalism and sympathy, a high level of discipline, civility and mutual respect will be maintained. For your own wellbeing, it is best to keep a professional stance and not become too personal with your learners. Fail to do so, will result in possible disrespect or not being taken seriously.

Be cautious of the information or advice you give to your students, by assuring that the instructions given are according to the codes of practice. The main roles of a teacher are: facilitator, role model, assessor, planner, resource developer and information provider. Marshall (2006) believes about the role of the teacher as “Perhaps the most important element is passing on what they know about a certain area or subject and ensuring that learners have enough practice and motivation to pass the course.”

Summarize key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities.

LLUK standards

Domain A: Professional values and practice are the rules by which teachers operate; Domain B: Learning and teaching is about educating ourselves and the others, applying a practice; Domain C: Specialist learning and teaching in your specialist area; Domain D: Planning for learning are the rules and standards the required abiding; Domain E: Assessment for learning is to create self-regulated learners. Domain F: Access and progression is keeping track of the students’ progress.

The code of practice is there to sustain and guide the teacher, in becoming a great asset for the specific organization. In order for a teacher to develop successfully, there are legislation to be acquired, which there will be mention in the paragraphs to follow.

The Code of Professional Practice (2008) “protects the interest of learners, the wider public and defines the professional behavior which IfL expects of its members throughout their membership and professional career” (IfL website)

One of the most important regulations is the Health and Safety Act 1974, which is an act that involves taking extra precaution, in securing the wellbeing, health and safety of the individual in an institution.

Another major regulation is the Equality Act 2010 which ‘‘brings disability, sex, race and other grounds of discrimination within one piece of legislation’’ (Gravells, 2013). The examples of discrimination are: race (color and nationality), sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion or belief (including the lack of belief), gender reassignment (transsexuality), pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, Age.

The data protection Act 1988 is in use, in order to protect and keep confidentially any personal data of the individual. Other examples of regulations are Children Act (2004), Education and Skills Act (2008), Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006), Human Rights Act (1988), etc.

1Analyze own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity

Analysing is the way of examining in detail in order to discover meaning, essential features, etc. It is also a way to break down into components or essential features. Demonstration is the action of proving clearly and deliberately, being true by reasoning or adducing evidence.

The equality refers to the state of being equal in rights and opportunities. It is our responsibility to treat everyone fairly. Accepting diversity is understanding that each individual is unique and we must all tolerate each other. Allowing ourselves to differ means that we respect equality and diversity. Kelley-Browne, (2007) p18, states “One of the core professional values expected of teachers in the school context is that of demonstrating awareness and consideration for the social, cultural, linguistic, religious and ethnic backgrounds of the pupils they teach.”

Gravells (2008) states teachers have the duty to give equal opportunities to all individuals in order to achieve their goals. The equality act replace all other discriminations acts and keeps it in one only.

Evaluate own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning

According to Gravells, the teaching and learning cycle can commence at any
phase and continue so on, whereas the name. On the other hand, in order to be efficient, the teaching and learning must involve all the stages, which will be detailed subsequently.

Identifying Needs

The fundamental stage is to identify the needs of both you and the students by carrying out initial assessments and engaging characteristic learning programs. It is also important to know which your boundaries and limits are, in order to be an example teacher.

Your responsibilities as a teacher are to behave and dress appropriately, being a positive model for those around you. Follow the regulations at all time, by maintaining confidentiality and respecting equality and diversity.

Planning Learning

A plan of curriculum, learning materials, resources and strategy of work must be prepared. An appropriate and effective communication towards the other professionals is required to be recognized and appreciated. Providing a safe and accessible learning environment will benefit the students and help them to increase their potentials.

Facilitating Learning

Using different approaches enables teaching and facilitating learning. There is a vast range of ways to do so, like establishing the ground rules, promoting equality and respecting diversity.

Motivate your students using diverse learning technics, a wider range of approaches and help them by supporting them appropriately. Always conform yourself to the codes of practice and value, demonstrating your desire for righteousness.

Assessing Learning

Assessing your students’ improvements and keeping records is required which it will show you if your methods are satisfactory. Assure yourself that you are using the right principles by assessing yourself and the plan, receiving feedback from other.

Quality assurance and evaluation

Assure yourself that you are using the right principles by assessing yourself and the plan, receiving feedback from other. The evaluation is an ongoing process through the stages of the cycles.

Review own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of learners

As mentioned in previous assessment criterion, the main roles and responsibilities are to identify the student’ needs, planning, facilitating and assessing learning. Without following these stages, a proper development of the students cannot be achieved.

To promote additional learning it is always recommended that learners review their literature to keep ideas fresh in their minds as well as taking other courses, whether those courses contain new information or just backup of the information that they have already been presented with.

As a teacher one should expect to be self-sufficient with regards to the everyday running of one’s courses. This branches into many different professional areas.

Gravel states that “You should always refer your students to an appropriate specialist or agency if you can't deal with their needs. Never feel you have to solve any student problems yourself and don't get personally involved.” (Gravells 2012:52).

Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in lifelong learning 2.1 Analyze the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles

As in any other profession, you will be faced with certain boundaries that will restrict your initiatives or actions. Trespassing these rules, might affect your career, thus it’s in your best interest to make sure you respect them. Not following the health and safety regulations, might jeopardize your life and possibly your learners’.

Your responsibility is to model and teach boundaries to the others, use extreme caution with physical contact or touching and try to eliminate possible misunderstanding. You will be assessed on a continual basis, which means that you will have to be prepared. Examine yourself and reflect on the experiences.

A very important point is as Gravells (2008) insists as “...knowing where your role as a tutor stops”. Always keep notes when concerned of any possible future issues. When having meetings with the students, make sure that either doors are open or at least you will be in the view of others. A professional distance between teacher and students should also maintained, while taking into consideration Petty’s words: “Good teacher-student relationships are based on mutual respect” (Petty 2004:80)

Don’t become a student’s counselor, unless that is your job. Don’t become your own legal counsel either. Try not to single any students out, by rewarding them or punishing them. Unless you have consulted a knowledgeable person about your situation, do not give any verbal or written statement to anyone. Don’t allow pressure or any kind of stress to put you in the situation of submitting a resignation. 2.2 Review points of referral to meet the needs of the learners

The points of referral are sources of assistance in situations that we lack confidence in, or in those that we don’t have permission in. These sources are there to guide, help or give information.

There two types of points of referral: internal and external. By using external/internal referrals we are attempting to take care of the student’s needs and provide whatever they require for success.

Examples of internal professional are the college principle, admin, mentors, student welfare officer, same organization and first aiders.

The external ones are counsellors, QAA, awarding body, external mentor, IFL- Social workers, other colleges, SENCO, Council department, Dept. of Education, GP, solicitor. 2.3 Evaluate own responsibilities in relation to other professionals

In order to maintain the order and welfare of the organization we work in, we are responsible to keep a good relationship and communication with the other professionals.

The most conscious thing to do is to show our respect and appreciation towards all around us. Also, we are supposed to demonstrate the maintenance of standards. A great practice is reflecting on the situations around us and making sure we are as thoughtful as possible.

We must always document ourselves and make sure that all new legislation and codes of practice are being followed. We shall not forget that we are accountable for all actions and measurements we take. 3 Understand own responsibility for maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment

A safe and supportive learning environment is a place where students can feel safe and relaxed. It’s where they can raise their self-esteem and improve their skills. It can create supportive relationships among teachers and students.

To be able to maintain a proper environment you have to promote an appropriate behavior and respect the others. This can be achieved by setting and implementing ground rules.

Though there are times when we might be restricted from availability of certain materials, try to be imaginative and find other ways to improve your lessons. Keep it professional, by not letting your students know about any issues are within the organization

Explain how to establish and maintain a safe and supporting learning environment

In order to have a suitable and safe environment, we must make sure that all rules and legislations are being followed, as this is a very important factor in facilitating learning. Though learning can take place in many kinds of environments, it is the method you teach that makes learning effective. What motivates student the most, is actually your passion and enthusiasm that you transmit through your work.

Legislation is the act or process of making or enacting laws. There is a large amount of government debates whether to reduce or add more legislation. The noun legislation refers to the actual law enacted by a legislative body at the national, state, or local level.

Always comply with the Health and Safety regulation by checking and have in consideration all hazard aspects. Make sure you know about the accident and fire procedures, such as the location, meeting points and first aid facilities. You will also be required to inform all these to the students too. It is also your duty to familiarize with your students’ situations, such as disabilities or diseases and treat them as needed.

The child protection establishes systems to keep children and young people safe from being harmed which is another factor that helps in maintaining a safe and supportive environment. 3.2 Explain how to promote appropriate behavior and respect for others

One of the best ways to promote appropriate behavior and respect for others, is actually to abide to the rules yourself. You cannot behave in a certain way, different from the actual implements and expect the others to follow
the right ones. Being a role model means to really believe in everything you do and to care.

What drives students ahead, is mostly their motivation, which can be intrinsic or extrinsic. The intrinsic motivation is more effective and long term. Students are given ownership of the ground rules.


  1. Gravells, A. (2012) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector: The New Award, 5th Edition, London: Learning Matters
  2. Gravells, A (2008) Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector, 3rd Edition, London: Learning Matters
  3. Institute for Learning (2008) Code of Professional Practice, [Online], and Available at
  4. Kelley-Browne, L. (2007). Training to Teach in the Life Long Learning Sector. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. 1st Edition
  5. Marshall, B. (2006). Preparing to teach in the Life Learning Sector. London. Edexcel.
  6. Petty, G. (1998) Teaching Today – A Practical Guide (2nd edition). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd
  7. Reece I. and Walker S. (2002) Teaching, Training and learning, 6th Edition, Business Education Publishers Ltd.
Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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