Lab Report: Measurement Techniques and Analysis

Categories: EngineeringScience


The purpose of this lab is to introduce the basic measurement techniques for fundamental quantities such as length and mass, quantitative analysis tools like the average and the percent difference, and reinforce concepts such as unit conversion. In this lab, we measured the dimensions of a wooden block using a ruler and Vernier calipers and measured its mass using an electronic scale. We used these measurements to calculate other properties of the block, including its surface area, volume, and density.


Measuring distance with different tools can yield significantly different results.

A ruler, for example, is limited to reliable measurements down to 1 mm, while calipers can achieve precision down to 0.1 mm, and lasers offer even greater accuracy. This lab aims to provide a better understanding of how these measurement tools work and their impact on results.

Materials and Methods

  1. Using a ruler, we measured the length, width, and height of the wooden block to the nearest mm. These measurements were repeated twice more.
  2. We calculated the average length, width, and height of the block from the measurements obtained with the ruler.
  3. Using Vernier calipers, we measured the length, width, and height of the block to the nearest 0.1 mm.

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    These measurements were repeated twice more.

  4. We calculated the average length, width, and height of the block from the measurements taken with the calipers.
  5. We used an electronic scale to measure the mass of the block to the nearest 0.01 g, repeating this process twice more.
  6. We averaged the mass readings and recorded the result.

Equipment Used:

  • Vernier calipers
  • Ruler
  • Wooden Block
  • Electronic scale


Using the average measurements from the ruler and calipers, we calculated the following quantities:

Measurement Ruler (cm) Calipers (cm)
Length 4.83 4.83
Width 4.83 4.83
Height 4.83 4.83
Mass (g) 54.03 54.03

We also calculated:

  • The areas of the faces (LxW, WxH, and LxH)
  • The total surface area
  • The volume (LxWxH)
  • The density (density = mass / volume)


Property Ruler Calipers % Difference
Area (LxW) 23.3 cm² 23.3 cm² 0%
Area (WxH) 23.3 cm² 23.3 cm² 0%
Area (LxH) 23.3 cm² 23.3 cm² 0%
Total Surface Area 69.9 cm² 69.9 cm² 0%
Volume 112.7 cm³ 112.7 cm³ 0%
Density 0.48 g/cm³ 0.48 g/cm³ 0%


The results from both the ruler and calipers yielded the same average measurements, resulting in a percent difference of 0%.

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This indicates that our measurements were consistent and accurate, regardless of the tool used. Consequently, our block will float in water due to its density being less than that of water.

The volume of our block is 112.7 cm³, which is equivalent to 112.7 ml. To coat the surface area of our block with steel, it would require 349.5 cm² (69.9 cm² multiplied by 5).

Since everyone used the same block for measurements, the results across different groups should also be fairly consistent. This suggests that the densities obtained by different groups won't differ significantly from each other.


This lab has provided us with valuable experience in using Vernier calipers and reinforced our understanding of basic measurement techniques for length and mass, percent differences, unit conversion, and calculating averages. It has also helped us practice working with significant figures.

Our measurements with both the ruler and calipers yielded identical results with a 0% difference, demonstrating the precision and accuracy of our measurements. The calculated volume, surface area, and density were also consistent between the two methods, with a 0% difference in measurements.

We can confidently conclude that our lab group has effectively learned how to use Vernier calipers and apply fundamental measurement concepts.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Lab Report: Measurement Techniques and Analysis. (2016, Mar 15). Retrieved from

Lab Report: Measurement Techniques and Analysis essay
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