Fpga Based Real Time Temperature Measurement System

Categories: EngineeringScience


The purpose of this study is to achieve real-time acquisition and monitoring of temperature in large-scale industrial or agricultural production scene, and timely detect abnormal temperature. FPGA chip, multi temperature sensor and alarm control module three parts consist of FPGA alarm system obtained based on multi temperature sensor. Multi temperature sensor is used for the acquisition of relevant temperature signal in the production site, and the transmission of the collected data through the way of digital signal chip to the FPGA chip for further processing.

The FPGA chip is responsible for the parameter setting, the temperature signal acquisition and the threshold comparison and so on, and according to the data processing result, it can send out the normal response control signal to the alarm module.

The alarm module contains the pre-warning lights and the alarm device that it can receive the control signal and realize alarm response. The results showed that the test in planting flowers in greenhouse showed that the system is sensitive in response and small in error of temperature acquisition, in accordance with the requirements for use.

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As a result, the system can be widely used in the temperature monitoring in the production scene, suitable for being promoted in a variety of occasions needing for monitoring the temperature.


Temperature is the physical quantity to reflect the cold and hot degree of object, and also one of the most common and basic parameters in industrial production. In the production process, we often need to monitor the temperature.

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For agricultural greenhouses, the suitable temperature is especially important. The growth and breeding of crops are carried out in the appropriate temperature. If the temperature is not appropriate, it may cause a decline in the yield of crop, plants wither and even death [1].

But today, most of our country agriculture greenhouses have no practical temperature monitoring system, and there are some agricultural greenhouses still following the simple temperature device and paper data recorder for temperature measurement, unable to achieve real-time measurement and monitoring task of temperature data [2]. At the same time, with the rapid development of social economy, more and more production departments and the production links put forward more and more requirements on the accuracy of temperature monitoring, and the traditional temperature sensor has been unable to meet the needs of people's lives.

Throughout the current temperature monitoring system using intelligent temperature sensor DS18B20, the vast majority make use of micro-controller development. According to the FPGA chip with various I/O pins, static, dynamic, and repeatable programming and so on characteristics in the reconstruction of the system, this study attempts to use FPGA and DS18B20 temperature sensor combination to conduct the design of temperature monitoring alarm system. In addition, with the expanded function and flexibility of electronic system developed by FPGA chip, it provides a powerful guarantee for the system function upgrade in the future.

Literature Survey

Real-time temperature measurement system was implemented using a field programmable gate array (FPGA) via tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy. The system can be used to measure the average temperature along the laser path. The wavelength modulation spectroscopy (WMS) method was applied to realize temperature measurement. First, a recursive peak detection algorithm was proposed to improve the accuracy of main peak detection of WMS signal and reduce the computational complexity.

Second, an FPGA was facilitated to realize: 1) a real-time quadrature demodulator to extract the signals at frequencies of 2 f and 1 f and calculate the WMS-2 f/1 f signals on chip and 2) in-situ accurate main peak detection of the WMS-2 f/1f signals and hence target gas temperature measurement. Third, experiments were conducted to verify the real-time performance of the system. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm and hardware design can implement continuous temperature measurement with a temporal resolution of up to 0.25 ms and the measuring rate can reach 4 kHz

Proposed Work

The proposed system the temperature signal outputs the digital signal through the temperature sensor DS18B20 acquisition, and then the digital signal output is sent to FPGA for the processing (divided into three parts). Binary signal by decoding input is converted into 10 decimal signal, to display in the digital tube, and the binary signal input is sent to the comparator, to compare with the set threshold signal. According to the comparison result, control the level of the output electric level, and achieve the role of controlling the external unit components.

FPGA based temperature sensing alarm system, from the hardware module, can be divided into: temperature alarm module, temperature display module, configuration circuit module, clock circuit module, configuration module, clock circuit module, temperature alarm control system setting module, and system power supply module. The various modules cooperate together, to provide hardware basis guarantee for the realization of the temperature alarm function.

If there is any changes in the atmosphere it is detected by the temperature sensor unit. After the sensor unit detects changes, it sends the signal to the microcontroller with the help of ADC. After that the microcontroller receive the signal, send by temperature sensor then it sends activation signal to other external devices connected to PC with the help of Rs232 serial interface communication. At the end, when the changes are successfully found then with the help of reset button the whole system is made to reach its initial stage.


Power supply -: Every circuit needs a source to give energy to that circuit. The Source wills a particular voltage and load current ratings. The following is a circuit diagram of a power supply. We need a constant low voltage regulated power supply of +5V, providing input voltages to the microcontroller RS232, LM311 and LCD display which requires 5 volts supply.

Liquid crystal Display -: An LCD is a small low cost display. It is easy to interface with a micro-controller because of an embedded controller (the black blob on the back of the board).This controller is standard across many displays which means many micro-controllers have libraries that make displaying messages as easy as a single line of code. LCDs with a small number of segments, such as those used in digital watches and pocket calculators, have individual electrical contacts for each segment. An external dedicated circuit supplies an electric charge to control each segment. This display structure is unwieldy for more than a few display elements.

Xilinx-: Xilinx has instituted a number of changes and enhancements that have contributed substantially to the feasibility and viability of the targeted design platform Field Programmable Gate Array is specifically designed to meet the needs of high volume, cost sensitive consumer electronic applications. FPGAs avoid the high initial cost, the lengthy development cycles, and the inherent inflexibility of conventional ASICs. Spartan-3 FPGA enhancement, combines with advance process technology, deliver more functionality and bandwidth per dollar than was previously possible, setting new standards in the programmable logic industries.

Simulation-: System level testing may be performed with ISIM or the Model Sim logic simulator, and such test programs must also be written in HDL languages. Test bench programs may include simulated input signal waveforms, or monitors which observe and verify the outputs of the device under test.

Spartan-3A-: ELBERT V2 is a simple but versatile FPGA Learning/Development board featuring Xilinx Spartan 3A FPGA. An excellent choice for beginners and advance learners for experimenting and learning system design with FPGAs. This development board features Xilinx XC3S50A 144 pin FPGA with maximum 108 user IOs (Some IOs are dedicated for system and peripherals). USB interface provides fast and easy configuration download to the on board SPI flash.


With the development of the times, in order to meet more diverse requirements for real-time monitoring of temperature, from the principle of technology based on FPGA chip, this paper developed a set of temperature sensing alarm system with intelligent temperature sensor as the element of temperature monitoring, and eventually completed the physical production. The purpose is to be able to apply it in greenhouse to realize temperature real-time monitoring and promote agricultural production through scientific measurement methods.

Research work includes the system software and hardware function design of temperature alarm system, and finally it makes a systematic functional test in the flowers greenhouse. The results proved that the system was accurate and reliable, and can collect accurately the indoor temperature. When the temperature exceeds the set range, it will send out an alarm, so as to avoid the loss caused by the improper temperature control.


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Updated: Feb 20, 2024
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Fpga Based Real Time Temperature Measurement System. (2024, Feb 20). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/fpga-based-real-time-temperature-measurement-system

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