Design of Various Pavement Types: a Report

Categories: Engineering


The quality and durability of road pavements are critical for ensuring safe and efficient transportation networks. Proper pavement design is essential to withstand various traffic loads and environmental conditions. This comprehensive report explores the design methodologies and calculations for different types of road pavements: Granular Road, Bitumen Road, Flexy Road, and Rigid Road.

Each section of this report delves into the specific design approaches for these pavements, considering factors such as traffic volume, load-bearing capacity, and material properties. The recommendations provided aim to strike a balance between structural integrity, longevity, and cost-effectiveness in pavement construction.

As we examine each pavement type, we will also discuss the rationale behind the chosen design parameters and how they contribute to the overall performance of the road surface.

This report serves as a valuable resource for engineers and stakeholders involved in road infrastructure projects, offering insights into the intricacies of pavement design.

Design Methodologies

Design methodologies vary depending on the pavement type, traffic load, and material characteristics.

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The following sections detail the specific design approaches for each pavement type.

Granular Road


The objective is to design a granular pavement with 20mm sprayed seal bituminous surfacing capable of accommodating a design traffic load of 5990,000 Equivalent Standard Axle (ESA) and a California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of 6%.


The following calculations were made:

  • Average number of axle groups per heavy vehicle (A) = 1
  • Average number of ESA (B) = 0.17
  • NDT (Normalized Design Traffic) = 5,990,000
  • CBR (California Bearing Ratio) = 6%
  • DESA (Design ESA) = 1.018 x 106

The recommended thicknesses for the layers are:

  • Sprayed seal surface (20mm)
  • Base (140mm)
  • Sub-base (210mm)
  • Sub-grade


Based on the calculations, it is recommended to use the specified thicknesses for each layer to ensure the pavement can withstand the design traffic load.

Bitumen Road


The task is to design a granular pavement with 30mm thick bituminous surfacing for a 4-lane road (30 km long, 2 lanes each way) with specific traffic characteristics.


The following calculations were performed:

  • Average annual daily traffic (AADT) = 6500 vehicles/day
  • Heavy vehicle percentage (HV%) = 3%
  • Direction Factor (DF) = 0.6
  • Lane distribution factor (LDF) = 1.0
  • Design period = 28 years
  • DESA = 1.15 x 105

The recommended thicknesses for the layers are:

  • Thick bituminous surfacing (30mm)
  • Base (105mm)
  • Sub-base (175mm)
  • Sub-grade

Flexy Road


The task is to design two configurations for a flexible pavement with different asphalt thicknesses.


For the first configuration:

  • Asphalt thickness = 90mm
  • Cemented material thickness = 280mm

For the second configuration:

  • Asphalt thickness = 160mm
  • Cemented material thickness = 210mm

Cost calculations for both configurations were performed, and the results are as follows:

  • Configuration 1 Total Cost = $24,464,000
  • Configuration 2 Total Cost = $6,400,000

Rigid Road


The task involves designing two pavement sections using different methods: Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement and Plain Concrete Pavement.


For Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement:

  • Effective subgrade strength = 75%
  • Project reliability = 85%
  • HVAG (Heavy Vehicle Axle Group) = 7.689 x 106
  • Concrete base thickness = 175mm
  • Sub-base material = 125mm LCS

For Plain Concrete Pavement:

  • Concrete base thickness = 185mm
  • Sub-base material = 170mm bound

These designs ensure the pavements can withstand the specified traffic loads and meet safety standards.


The design calculations have provided thickness recommendations for each pavement type that ensure structural integrity and durability.

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It is essential to consider factors such as traffic load, subgrade strength, and material properties when designing pavements.


In conclusion, the design methodologies presented for Granular Road, Bitumen Road, Flexy Road, and Rigid Road have been based on thorough calculations and considerations. These designs aim to provide safe and reliable road infrastructure while optimizing cost-efficiency. Proper pavement design is crucial for the longevity and performance of road networks, and these recommendations serve as valuable guidelines for future construction projects.

Updated: Jan 17, 2024
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Design of Various Pavement Types: a Report. (2024, Jan 17). Retrieved from

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