Chemical Kinetics - Bleaching of Dyes

Categories: ChemistryScience


The primary objective of this experiment was to employ spectrophotometry as a means to investigate the rate law and rate constant associated with the reaction between a blue dye and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). Spectrophotometry, a technique widely used in chemical kinetics studies, allows for the measurement of absorbance at specific wavelengths, providing insights into reaction kinetics. By analyzing the kinetic traces obtained from spectrophotometric measurements, the experiment aimed to elucidate the order of the reaction and calculate the rate constant.

Upon conducting the experiment, it was observed that both the blue dye and NaOCl exhibited first-order kinetics, as evidenced by the linear relationship between the natural logarithm of absorbance and time.

This finding implies that the rate of the reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactants. Specifically, the rate constants (k) determined for the reaction were 0.308 M-1 s-1 for NaOCl with a concentration of 0.4 M and 0.336 M-1 s-1 for NaOCl with a concentration of 0.8 M.

Understanding the kinetics of chemical reactions is essential in various fields, including industrial manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and environmental science.

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By elucidating the rate law and rate constant of the reaction between the blue dye and NaOCl, this experiment contributes to our broader understanding of reaction mechanisms and kinetics principles. Additionally, the utilization of spectrophotometry highlights the importance of advanced analytical techniques in modern chemical research and analysis.


Chemical kinetics, a branch of chemistry concerned with the study of reaction rates and mechanisms, holds paramount importance in understanding the behavior of chemical systems.

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Kinetic stability and reactivity are fundamental concepts that underpin various applications in the realms of manufacturing, medicine, and engineering (Nussbaum, 2019/2020). By elucidating the kinetics of chemical reactions, scientists and engineers can optimize processes, design efficient reactions, and develop new materials with tailored properties.

The rate of a chemical reaction, defined as the change in concentration of reactants or products per unit time, serves as a crucial parameter in determining the feasibility and efficiency of chemical processes. Understanding the factors influencing reaction rates allows for the optimization of reaction conditions to achieve desired outcomes. Moreover, kinetics provides valuable insights into reaction mechanisms, shedding light on the sequence of elementary steps involved in a chemical transformation.

The concept of reaction order plays a pivotal role in kinetic analysis, offering a quantitative description of how the rate of a reaction varies with changes in reactant concentrations. In a zeroth-order reaction, the rate is independent of reactant concentration, indicating that the reaction proceeds at a constant rate regardless of changes in reactant concentrations. Conversely, in a first-order reaction, the rate is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactant, meaning that as the concentration of the reactant decreases over time, the rate of reaction also decreases proportionally.

Experimental Section

The experimental procedure commenced with the careful transfer of nine milliliters of dye solution into six separate vials, utilizing a precise serological pipette to ensure accurate measurements. To facilitate mixing and ensure uniformity in the reaction mixture, a small magnetic bar was introduced into each vial, enabling efficient stirring throughout the experiment. These vials were then carefully positioned within the spectrophotometer, a sophisticated instrument capable of measuring the absorption of light by the chemical species present in the solution.

Upon preparation of the dye solutions, the next step involved the addition of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), commonly known as bleach, to each vial. A precisely measured volume of 0.8 M NaOCl solution was dispensed into each vial using a syringe, ensuring uniformity in the concentration of the reactants across all samples. It is noteworthy that the addition of NaOCl initiates the chemical reaction with the dye, triggering a series of chemical transformations that lead to the bleaching of the dye molecules.

Immediately following the addition of NaOCl, the experimental measurements commenced, with absorbance values recorded at regular intervals of 5 seconds over a predetermined duration of time. The choice of wavelength for the spectrophotometric measurements, set at 635 nm, was based on the absorption characteristics of the dye molecules and NaOCl solution, ensuring optimal sensitivity and accuracy in detecting changes in absorbance over time.


Concentration of NaOCl (M) Initial concentration (M) Average k' value (s-1) k value (M-1 s-1) Class k value (M-1 s-1)
0.4 M 0.04 0.0123 0.308 0.302
0.8 M 0.08 0.0269 0.336 0.322

Initial concentration:

0.4 M bleach: 0.4 M × (1 mL / 1000) / (10 mL / 1000) = 0.04 M

0.8 M bleach: 0.8 M × (1 mL / 1000) / (10 mL / 1000) = 0.08 M

Calculated k values:

0.4 M bleach: 0.0123 / 0.04 M = 0.308 M-1 s-1

0.8 M bleach: 0.0269 / 0.08 M = 0.336 M-1 s-1

  1. Concentration of NaOCl (M):
    • This column presents the concentrations of NaOCl used in the experiment. Two concentrations were tested: 0.4 M and 0.8 M.
  2. Initial concentration (M):
    • The initial concentration of NaOCl in each solution is calculated based on the volume of NaOCl added and the total volume of the solution in the vial.
  3. Average k' value (s-1):
    • The average pseudo rate constant (k') is determined from the kinetic traces obtained during the experiment. This value represents the rate of the reaction under specific conditions, such as concentration and temperature.
  4. k value (M-1 s-1):
    • The calculated rate constant (k) is derived by dividing the average k' value by the initial concentration of NaOCl. This value indicates the rate of the reaction per unit concentration of NaOCl.
  5. Class k value (M-1 s-1):
    • This column provides the class average rate constant calculated from multiple experimental trials conducted by different groups. It serves as a reference point for comparison with the calculated k values obtained in this experiment.

Additionally, the absorbance measurements for different dye concentrations provide insights into the relationship between dye concentration and absorbance. This data is crucial for constructing a calibration curve based on Beer's law, which allows for the determination of dye concentration in subsequent experiments.


The analysis of kinetic data unveiled intriguing insights into the reaction kinetics, particularly evident when plotting the natural logarithm of absorbance (ln(absorbance)) against time for both concentrations of bleach. Remarkably, the resulting plots exhibited linear slopes, indicative of first-order kinetics governing the bleaching reaction. This observation underscores the fundamental nature of the reaction mechanism, wherein the rate of reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactant species, namely the bleach.

Furthermore, the relationship between the rate constant (k') and the concentration of bleach provided compelling evidence in support of the first-order kinetics hypothesis. As expected, the rate constant exhibited a discernible increase with higher concentrations of bleach, signifying a heightened rate of reaction under such conditions. This phenomenon aligns seamlessly with theoretical expectations, wherein an increase in reactant concentration leads to a corresponding enhancement in reaction rate, a fundamental tenet of chemical kinetics.

Of particular note is the observed doubling of the reaction rate with a doubling of bleach concentration, a trend that is entirely consistent with the principles of first-order kinetics. This proportional relationship between reactant concentration and reaction rate serves as a pivotal validation of the experimental findings, reaffirming the accuracy and reliability of the conducted experiments.


In conclusion, this experiment successfully employed spectrophotometry to investigate the kinetics of the reaction between a blue dye and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). By analyzing the kinetic traces obtained from spectrophotometric measurements, the experiment elucidated that both the blue dye and NaOCl follow first-order kinetics. The calculated rate constants (k) for the reaction were determined to be 0.308 M-1 s-1 for NaOCl with a concentration of 0.4 M and 0.336 M-1 s-1 for NaOCl with a concentration of 0.8 M.

Understanding the kinetics of chemical reactions is of paramount importance in various fields, including industrial manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and environmental science. By discerning the rate law and rate constant of the reaction between the blue dye and NaOCl, this experiment contributes to our broader understanding of reaction mechanisms and kinetic principles. Additionally, the utilization of spectrophotometry underscores the significance of advanced analytical techniques in modern chemical research and analysis.

Chemical kinetics plays a pivotal role in optimizing reaction conditions, designing efficient processes, and elucidating reaction mechanisms. The experimental findings reaffirm the fundamental nature of first-order kinetics governing the bleaching reaction between the dye and NaOCl. Despite minor disparities between calculated and class average rate constants, attributed to systematic errors in the experimental setup, the hypothesis that the reaction follows first-order kinetics is strongly supported by the data.

In summary, this experiment provides valuable insights into the kinetics of the dye-bleach reaction, shedding light on the underlying mechanisms driving chemical transformations. By employing rigorous experimental techniques and analysis protocols, this study advances our understanding of reaction kinetics and underscores the importance of accurate measurement and data interpretation in chemical research.


  • Nussbaum, S. Chem 121/123 Laboratory Manuel; 2019/2020.
  • Dotto, G. L., & Pinto, L. A. A. Adsorption of food dyes onto chitosan: Optimization process and kinetic. (2010).


Updated: Feb 27, 2024
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Chemical Kinetics - Bleaching of Dyes. (2024, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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