Laboratory Report: Kinetics of Chemical Reaction - Landolt Iodine Clock Reaction

Categories: Chemistry

The Landolt Iodine Clock Reaction is a classic experiment used to study the kinetics of chemical reactions. In this experiment, we will investigate the reaction between hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and potassium iodate (KIO3) in the presence of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and starch indicator. The reaction is characterized by a sudden color change, signaling the formation of iodine. By varying the concentrations of reactants and measuring the time taken for the color change, we can analyze the reaction kinetics.

Experimental Procedure:

  1. Chemical Reagents:
    • Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
    • Potassium Iodate (KIO3)
    • Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
    • Starch Indicator
  2. Apparatus:
    • Stopwatch
    • Glassware (flasks, beakers, and pipettes)
    • Spectrophotometer
  3. Procedure: a. Prepare solutions of H2O2, KIO3, and H2SO4 with varying concentrations. b. Mix the solutions in a flask containing starch indicator. c. Start the stopwatch as soon as the solutions are mixed. d. Record the time taken for the appearance of the characteristic blue-black color.


The rate of the reaction can be determined using the following formula:

Rate=1Reaction TimeRate=Reaction Time1​

where the reaction time is the time taken for the color change to occur.

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The rate is inversely proportional to the time, meaning a faster reaction will result in a higher rate.

To study the reaction order with respect to each reactant, different trials with varying concentrations should be performed. The general rate equation is given by:



  • k is the rate constant.
  • [H2O2], [KIO3], and [H2SO4] are the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, potassium iodate, and sulfuric acid, respectively.
  • a, b, and c are the reaction orders with respect to each reactant.

In this laboratory experiment, we explored the kinetics of the Landolt Iodine Clock Reaction by varying concentrations of reactants and measuring the reaction times.

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The analysis of the experimental data allowed us to determine the reaction orders and rate constant for the reaction. Understanding the kinetics of chemical reactions is crucial for various industrial and scientific applications, providing insights into reaction mechanisms and optimizing reaction conditions. The Landolt Iodine Clock Reaction serves as an excellent model system for studying reaction kinetics due to its visually striking color change and well-defined reaction pathway.


  • Conduct experimental investigations to determine the reaction order of the Landolt iodine clock reaction at a specified temperature.
  • Investigate the impact of varying temperature on the reaction rate.
  • Experimentally determine the rate constant of the Landolt iodine clock reaction at different temperatures.
  • Graphically analyze temperature and rate constant data to determine the activation energy of the Landolt iodine clock reaction.


The speed of a chemical reaction is influenced by various factors, including the nature of the reaction, reactant concentrations, temperature, and the presence of catalysts. Reactions may vary from extremely slow at room temperature to virtually instantaneous. The rate of a reaction often increases with higher reactant concentrations and is described by a rate law, such as Rate = k [A]^x [B]^y, where x and y are reaction orders.

Temperature is a crucial factor affecting reaction rates. Generally, a 10-degree Celsius increase can double the reaction rate, highlighting the temperature dependence. This dependency is explained by the concept of activation energy, the minimum energy required for reactant molecules to collide effectively during the rate-determining step. An increase in temperature provides the necessary kinetic energy for more collisions and, consequently, a higher reaction rate. The relationship between temperature and rate is complex, and experimental data can be used to quantify this relationship and determine the activation energy of the reaction.

To determine the reaction order with respect to each reactant, various trials with different concentrations can be conducted. The initial rates can then be calculated, and the data can be plotted to determine the reaction orders.

Sample Calculation: Let's consider Trial 1 where [H₂O₂] = 0.02 M, [KI] = 0.01 M, and [S₂O₃^{2-}] = 0.05 M.

Given that the time taken for the reaction (t) is 120 seconds, the initial rate (r0​) can be calculated as: r0​=t1​

Substitute the values to obtain the initial rate.

Through this experiment, we have explored the kinetics of the Landolt Iodine Clock Reaction, examining the effects of reactant concentrations on the reaction rate. The determination of reaction orders provides valuable insight into the mechanism of the reaction and allows us to calculate the rate constant (k).
Understanding the kinetics of chemical reactions is crucial in various industrial applications and helps in optimizing reaction conditions for desired outcomes. The Landolt Iodine Clock Reaction serves as a fascinating and educational tool for studying reaction kinetics in the laboratory.


  • Conduct experimental investigations to determine the reaction order of the Landolt iodine clock reaction at a specified temperature.
  • Investigate the impact of varying temperature on the reaction rate.
  • Experimentally determine the rate constant of the Landolt iodine clock reaction at different temperatures.
  • Graphically analyze temperature and rate constant data to determine the activation energy of the Landolt iodine clock reaction.


The Arrhenius Equation establishes a relationship between the specific rate constant (k), Kelvin temperature (T), and activation energy (Ea). With R as the ideal gas constant (8.314 J/mol·K), the activation energy can be calculated by plotting ln k against 1/T.

The experiment focuses on the "iodine clock" reaction, where potassium iodate (KIO3) and sodium hydrogen sulfite (NaHSO3) react to produce elemental iodine (I2). The rate is monitored by observing the time for the appearance of the iodine color due to the formation of a starch/iodine complex.

The rate law is expected to follow the general form Rate = k [HSO3-]^x [IO3-]^y, where x and y are the reaction orders with respect to hydrogen sulfite ion and iodate ion, respectively. Experimental determination of these orders provides insights into the slowest step in the reaction mechanism.

In Part A, multiple runs with varying potassium iodate concentrations are performed, and the time for the appearance of iodine color is recorded. In Part B, the reaction is carried out at different temperatures, and the reaction rates are calculated.

Safety Precautions:

  • Wear safety glasses.
  • Handle chemicals cautiously, especially sodium hydrogen sulfite and potassium iodate.
  • Elemental iodine may stain skin but is not harmful at the concentrations used.

Materials Needed:

  • Stopwatch
  • Solutions: Potassium iodate, sodium hydrogen sulfite, starch
  • Pipetters, stirring rods, thermometers
  • Graduated cylinder, beakers
  • Safety equipment: safety glasses, wash bottle with distilled water

Procedure - Part A:

  1. Prepare solutions of potassium iodate and sodium hydrogen sulfite in labeled beakers.
  2. Measure out bisulfite solution and water, mix, and record the temperature.
  3. Pipet iodate solution into the mix beaker, stir, and record the time for color change.
  4. Repeat for multiple trials with varying iodate concentrations.
  5. Obtain results from another group for averaging.

Procedure - Part B:

  1. Perform the reaction at different temperatures (40°C, 30°C, 20°C, 10°C).
  2. Record exact temperatures and reaction times.
  3. Obtain results from another group for averaging.

Calculations - Part A:

  1. Calculate actual initial concentrations for each trial.
  2. Calculate the rate (-Δ[IO3-]/Δt) for each trial.
  3. Determine the order of iodate ion using the initial rates method.
  4. Calculate rate constants (k) for each trial and find the average.
  5. Write the experimentally determined rate law.

Calculations - Part B:

  1. Calculate reaction rates for Trial 1 at various temperatures.
  2. Using concentrations and the rate law, find rate constants for each temperature.
  3. Create a graph using Logger Pro to isolate activation energy graphically.

Ensure cleanliness during the experiment, and follow safety precautions rigorously.

Updated: Feb 28, 2024
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Laboratory Report: Kinetics of Chemical Reaction - Landolt Iodine Clock Reaction. (2024, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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