Distinguish egalitarian, rank, and stratified societies in anthropology

There are universally acclaimed structures of society and these can either be useful for the people or not. One of the many political doctrines that can be helpful to the individuals of a society is Egalitarianism. Egalitarianism is described as a kind of society that gives equal rights and opportunities to individuals. Egalitarian societies offer equal treatment to their people, equivalent rights to resources, equivalent in moral status and equivalent rights of the laws and church and they do not have even irreversible management.

The idea of egalitarianism happened because, in scriptural verses, it was written that God enjoyed His individuals similarly (Arneson).

Another type of political teaching is social stratification; it is considered as the social hierarchy of social classes and strata within a society. Social stratification is generally acclaimed, however, varies appropriately to the societies that promote it.

There are three major components of social stratification according to the conflict-perspective sociologist Max Weber; class, status, and party. The status of a person in society plays a big role in the determination of his or her role and the behavioral patterns and changes that he or she will have.

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There are actually four classes in a stratified society; the propertied class, the propertyless class, the bourgeoisie, and the working class.

An individual’s role in society is predicted by the class he or she is in. In stratified societies, those who have the capital are the ones who rule and have the greater opportunity for resources and services and those who have nothing have the lesser opportunity (Rodriguez).

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Societies have differences; some give equal rights to the people and others do not. Thus, societies continue to exist because social order is maintained.

Updated: Feb 19, 2023
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Distinguish egalitarian, rank, and stratified societies in anthropology. (2017, Jan 17). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/distinguish-egalitarian-rank-and-stratified-societies-in-anthropology-essay

Distinguish egalitarian, rank, and stratified societies in anthropology essay
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