The Evolution of Photography: Digital Cameras and the Future of Image Storage

Digital cameras allow computer users to take pictures and store the photographed images digitally instead of on traditional film. With some digital cameras, a user downloads the stored pictures from the digital camera to a computer using special software included with the camera. With others, the camera stores the pictures directly on a floppy disk or on a PC Card. A user then copies the pictures to a computer by inserting the floppy disk into the disk drive or the PC Card into a PC Card slot (Chambers and Norton 134).

Once stored on a computer, the pictures can be edited with photo-editing software, printed, faxed, sent via electronic mail, included in another document, or posted to a Web site for everyone to see.

Three basic types of digital cameras are studio cameras, field cameras, and point-and-shoot cameras(Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft Word 2000 Project 2). The most expensive and highest quality of the three, a studio camera, is a stationary camera used for professional studio work.

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Photojournalists frequently use field cameras because they are portable and have a variety of lenses and other attachments. As with the studio camera can be quite expensive.

Reliable and lightweight, the point-and-shoot camera provides acceptable quality photographic images for the home or small business user. A point-and-shoot camera enables these users to add pictures to personalized greeting cards, a computerized photo album, a family newsletter, certificates, awards, or a personal Web site. Because of its functionality, it is an ideal camera for mobile users such as such as real estate agents, insurance agents, and general contractors.

The image quality produced by a digital camera is measured by the number of bits it stores in a dot and the resolution, or number of dots per inch.

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The higher each number, he better the quality, but the more expensive the camera. Most of today's point-and-shoot digital cameras are at least 24-bit with a resolution ranging from 640x480 to 1024x960 (Walder 57-89). Home and small business users can find an affordable camera with a resolution in this range that delivers excellent detail for less than $400.

Chambers, John Q., and Theresa R. Norton. Understanding Computers in the New Century.

Chicago: Midwest Press, 2001.

Shelly Cashman Series® Word 2000 Project 2. Course Technology. 5 Mar. 2001.


Walker, Marianne L. "Understanding the Resolutions for Digital Cameras and Imaging Devices." Computing for the Home Feb. 2001:57-89.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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The Evolution of Photography: Digital Cameras and the Future of Image Storage essay
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