Difference Between the Effective and Ineffective Entrepreneur

The dissimilarities between the effective and ineffective entrepreneur is echoed within their various distinct practices and predilections. Entrepreneurs who preform effectively have created the predilections to do so. Ineffective entrepreneurs may be caught in destructive behaviors that may affect all aspects of their establishment. This paper will investigate the distinctiveness, character, social, reasoning, behavioral qualities and attributes that differentiate effective and ineffective entrepreneurs, consequently resulting in conflicting outcomes. In conclusion, this paper will propose a benchmark that makes an entrepreneur effective, as shown in prior studies.

In order to become an effective entrepreneur the individual must learn to work with customers and staff members, gain knowledge of their establishment and have an understanding of how the market functions in the business world.

When becoming an entrepreneur individuals should realize that it requires commitment and perseverance because it is more than just a job. Entrepreneurs work very hard, often work long hours, not including the possibilities of financial gain, and without assurance that their establishment will be successful.

Numerous entrepreneurs may be inspired by a passion or basic dedication for something other than financial gains.

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The distinctiveness, character, social, reasoning, and behavioral qualities that differentiate effective and ineffective entrepreneurs are described by their capability to supervise, implement and execute ideas. Individuals who attempt to establish their own business must have the capability to develop the appropriate competency needed to do so, which is then applied to their establishments, (Lazear, 2002) Effective entrepreneurs are often better prepared, are equally fare and less bias, are less dependent on exploratory ideas, are less probable to be irresponsible, and developed an elevated sense of self-confidence than ineffective entrepreneurs, (Baron, 1998).

Successful entrepreneurs often scored broadly higher than non-entrepreneurs when yearning for specific achievements, when have the tendency of taking risk, and refusal to accept indistinctness, (Begley & Boyd, 1987).

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As a result of these findings, one key behavioral characteristic associated with being an effective entrepreneurs is self-confidence. Self-confidence is a key trait which differs effective entrepreneurs from ineffective entrepreneurs ,(Bandura, 1994). Furthermore, the writer stated that effective entrepreneurs have the competence to comprehend where they want to go and concentrate on that task at hand in spite of challenges that may arise. This capability permits effective entrepreneurs to be skilled at employing their chances to develop connections with individuals who may be essential to the achievement of their establishments objectives, (Collins & Porras, 1991).

In the year 1965, McClelland suggested that effective entrepreneurs develop a greater obligation for achievement than non-entrepreneurs and were, discreetly precarious. Effective entrepreneurs are supervisors, and retain numerous traits or experiences that can be acquired and others that are essential to their specific individualities, self-confidence, clear communication skills, have the capability to encourage and inspire others. Even though several entrepreneurial characteristics are important and most individuals have the tendency to become entrepreneurs, numerous individuals may struggle to become entrepreneurs without the proper education, dedication, and hard work.

Competency is an important trait that may ensure encouraging venture results, (Grove, 1996). When comparing between effective entrepreneurs and ineffective entrepreneurs, the unsuccessful businesspersons are soften reluctant to obtain business employment skills, incapable of maintaining concentration and avoid disruptions, are unaspiring, shy, and does not present leadership potential, (Abbaszadegan, 2004).

Effective entrepreneurs are often not supervisors or individuals in charge of making decisions, dismiss explanations for liability and accountability, are reluctant or incapable of obtaining business employment skills, lack ideas and are fearful of disappointment or embarrassment, (Cope, 2011). Capabilities and personal abilities take on an important part in the overall accomplishment of an entrepreneur, nevertheless Collins (2001) stated that when individuals are effective in business it is often the outcome of an efficient idea, making the appropriate choices, and hard work. Ineffective entrepreneurs are often unable to battle their fear and accomplish their task successfully.

Prior studies have suggested that the style of business undertaking is similarly vital in calculating future accomplishments. Effective entrepreneurial undertaking results are described by highlighting the entrepreneurial purpose of the establishment which provides them with greater abilities for major improvement adjustment, and development (Bellon & Whittington, 1996). Entrepreneurs often develop effective undertaking results, by supervising risk and acquiring capital after the undertaking has been established and the risk behavior has been significantly decreased (Mair & Ignasi, 2006). Entrepreneurs who have victorious undertaking results brand their establishments noticeable to others, attempt on seek and purchase new establishments and the appropriate tools, search for established and well-informed financial stockholders, develop the form the essential authorized entities, create a knowledgeable group of staff members, and obligate a great deal of time to constructing their establishment, (Kuratko & Hodgetts, 1998).

Undesirable undertaking results take place when entrepreneurs do not successfully design and oversee risk. They designated risk that may not be apparent or manageable, and numerous entrepreneurs do not have a strategy for incidents that are not observed at the time, (Camerer & Lovallo, 1999). These are some of the reason why entrepreneurship is fundamentally risky; it may create higher wages for some individuals which may be the key motives for establishing a business, but on the down side, it may also create immense losses and individual hardships. Another reason for obtaining undesirable undertaking results by ineffective entrepreneurs, is the absence of a strong business strategy. When attempting to become an entrepreneur individuals should realize that just developing a yearning to establish a business will not automatically lead to an effective undertaking result. Developing a successful business strategy will assist the entrepreneur so that they will be able to communicate with key contributors or organizations, apply for contributions that may be beneficial for your business needs, seek out board members and work closely with the establishment in order to stay focused on company goals. Effective establishments needs to have a well-developed business plan that exhibits a framework of documented goals and how these goals will be met (Nunn & McGuire,). These task are vital when attempting to obtain the appropriate resources from financial institutions in order to create or launch a new business.


Social network sponsorship is recognized as the achievement and creation of a newly formed establishment. A social network sponsorship approach believes that an entrepreneur's ability to reform and coordinate between individuals and organizations are very important when establishing a new business and its success, (Bruerderl & Preisendoerfer, 1998). The writers also suggested that effective entrepreneurs, more often than ineffective entrepreneurs recognize that support from unverified social network, for example, acquaintances, family members, prior supervisors and friends may be a benefit to the accomplishment of their establishment which will be hard to achievement on their own.

Finally, the research revealed a theme associated to entrepreneur self-assurance. This was one of the collective reflections in the performance of numerous individuals. Individuals who displayed average to highly elevated confidence levels were often more productive than those who lacked confidence. Furthermore, those appearances were regularly linked with a “decent” supervisors are often seen in effective entrepreneurs: know-how, flexibility, effective communication skills, and capability to encourage. Up and coming entrepreneurs have the appropriate skills to develop a maintainable business, an effective entrepreneur recognizes that their effectiveness or ineffectiveness may center on their capability to develop a knowledgeable social sponsorship network, not just being dependent on their own distinct abilities, (Bruerderl & Preisendoerfer, 1998).

Updated: Aug 12, 2021
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Difference Between the Effective and Ineffective Entrepreneur. (2021, Feb 25). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/difference-between-the-effective-and-ineffective-entrepreneur-essay

Difference Between the Effective and Ineffective Entrepreneur essay
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