Descriptive Speech

Categories: Descriptive

Well i choose to save one of the most important things to me as a tattoo. As you may now i have a huge passion for dancing and i love to have this passion in me forever. I have a tattoo of a music note that represents dancing because music is very essential to dance. I choose this topic because i like to share with you my own method of remembering moments forever and because this tattoo is very unique.

Body: The tattoo i am talking about is my second tattoo, localized in my left foot very near to my ankle.

It has the size of a quater, so it can be consider small. The tattoo is the musical note “sol” and has two loops: the superior one which is thinner than the second loop that is below. I choose the musical note “sol” because dance is the light that brightens my days just like the sun give us light everyday.

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Inside the lower loop, which is the thick one, it has a black small outlined heart.This heart has the size of a tictac and represents my love and passion to music and to dance. Below the second loop with the heart there is the continuation of the musical note which is a black small and round curve that forms a filled black circle. Now i will show you a picture of my actual tattoo. (Picture of the tattoo)

Conclusion: Well like i said, my tattoo is the musical note sol, that has two loops one thin and the other one thick.

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Also it has a heart inside the thick loop and is all black. I did this tattoo represents my love and passion to dance. I would like to finish reading you this great quotes.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Descriptive Speech. (2016, Sep 13). Retrieved from

Descriptive Speech essay
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