Leadership Styles in Different Organizational Contexts

Categories: Leadership

Leadership within organizations is a multifaceted concept, with various leadership styles offering distinct approaches to guiding teams and achieving goals. While democratic leadership is often considered favorable, it's essential to recognize that there is no universally superior leadership style. The choice of leadership style should align with the organization's specific context and needs. In this essay, we will explore different leadership styles and their effectiveness by examining real-world cases from GLANZ GROUP, the Ohio Employee Ownership Center (OEOC), and Kohl's Department Store.

The GLANZ GROUP: An Autocratic Success Story

The GLANZ GROUP, under the leadership of Mr. Qinde Leung, serves as an illustrative example of autocratic leadership's effectiveness in specific contexts. Mr. Leung's journey began in 1978 when he founded the Guizhou Feather and Down Factory, a predecessor to the GLANZ GROUP. At that time, he lacked specialized knowledge and skilled personnel in the industry, making it a significant risk for him to venture into the business.

Initially, many employees were apprehensive about Mr.

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Leung's plans, but he persevered with his vision and experience. During the early stages of the company's development, faced with a complex operational environment and an unevenly skilled workforce, Mr. Leung had no choice but to adopt an autocratic leadership style. He made critical decisions independently, essentially managing the company in an autocratic manner. His conviction and unique perspectives were instrumental in steering the company to success.

By 2003, the GLANZ GROUP had transformed into a thriving enterprise, owning approximately 740 acres of land and employing 20,000 staff members. It had earned recognition as a global leader in home appliances, with titles such as "Global Microwave Oven Manufacturing Center" and "Global Small Appliance Manufacturing Center.

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" Mr. Leung's transition from autocratic leadership in the early days to becoming the CEO of the GLANZ GROUP was marked by unchallenged decisions, driven by his visionary leadership style and compelling personality.

Mr. Qinde Leung exemplifies the benevolent-autocratic leadership style, characterized by power and prestige, yet open to communication and concerned about subordinates' issues. While he structured activities and made policy decisions, he encouraged participation in planning. His leadership was paramount during the company's developmental phase, requiring clear direction and decision-making. However, as attitudes toward leadership styles evolve, younger generations may seek a more participatory approach.

The Ohio Employee Ownership Center (OEOC): Fostering Democratic Leadership

The Ohio Employee Ownership Center (OEOC) provides a contrasting example of democratic leadership and its positive impact. Founded by John Logue, a professor of political science at Kent State University, OEOC focuses on promoting employee ownership and democratic decision-making within companies. Logue's inspiration came from studying worker-owned cooperatives like the Mondragon cooperatives in the Basque region of Spain.

OEOC's mission is to assist companies in transitioning to employee ownership, thereby safeguarding jobs and facilitating asset-building for workers. The organization offers leadership training, educational resources, and support to employee-owners. By adopting a democratic leadership approach, OEOC empowers employees to actively participate in decision-making processes and share in the ownership of their workplaces.

OEOC's efforts have yielded impressive results. Since its inception, the organization has assisted 438 Ohio companies and plants, employing over 83,000 people, in exploring employee ownership possibilities. Sixty-four of these organizations have successfully implemented partial or complete employee ownership plans. Through direct employee ownership, OEOC has contributed to reinvestment, job creation, and asset-building for workers and local economies.

Kohl's Department Store: A Blend of Leadership Styles

Kohl's Department Store offers a dynamic example of leadership that combines various styles to achieve operational excellence. Store manager Audrey McCaskey, a dedicated leader, utilizes different leadership styles based on situational demands. Her leadership qualities encompass a transactional leadership approach, emphasizing clear expectations and rewards for performance.

Audrey's leadership at Kohl's is marked by several styles, including:

  • Coercive Leadership: Emphasizing the importance of employee effort and teamwork in achieving goals.
  • Authoritative Leadership: Encouraging employees to excel, innovate, and contribute to the store's growth.
  • Affiliative Leadership: Fostering a harmonious work environment that promotes employee comfort and collaboration.
  • Democratic Leadership: Encouraging participation through incentives and contests, allowing employees to have a say in certain decisions.
  • Pacesetting Leadership: Setting clear performance expectations and motivating employees to meet or exceed them.
  • Coaching Leadership: Providing extensive training and support to employees, especially newcomers, to develop their skills and leadership potential.

Every morning, before the store opens, Audrey conducts meetings with her team, discussing sales performance, credit application goals, and other priorities for the day. These meetings reflect a blend of authoritative and democratic leadership, as they involve both clear directives and opportunities for employee input. Kohl's also utilizes regular evaluations to provide feedback to employees, emphasizing their strengths and areas for improvement.

The store's leadership approach demonstrates the adaptability and effectiveness of combining leadership styles to meet specific organizational needs. Kohl's has thrived by implementing various leadership strategies that promote teamwork, motivation, and operational efficiency.

Leadership Styles in Context

These real-world examples highlight the importance of context in determining the most effective leadership style for an organization. Autocratic leadership, as demonstrated by Mr. Qinde Leung during the early stages of the GLANZ GROUP, can be instrumental in situations requiring swift decisions and strong direction. However, it may not be suitable for organizations seeking to foster participatory decision-making.

Conversely, democratic leadership, exemplified by the OEOC's approach, empowers employees to actively participate in shaping their organizations. This style is well-suited for businesses that prioritize shared ownership and democratic principles. It encourages collaboration, innovation, and a sense of ownership among employees.

Furthermore, the flexible leadership approach at Kohl's illustrates the benefits of combining leadership styles to address different situations. Leaders at Kohl's adapt their leadership strategies to motivate employees, set clear expectations, and create a harmonious work environment.


In conclusion, leadership styles should not be considered one-size-fits-all solutions. The most effective leadership style depends on the unique context and goals of an organization. Autocratic leadership, democratic leadership, and a blend of various styles can all prove successful when applied appropriately. Leaders must remain open-minded, informed, and adaptable to ensure their leadership style aligns with the specific needs and challenges their organizations face. Ultimately, effective leadership is about achieving the desired outcomes while fostering a positive and productive organizational culture.

Updated: Nov 02, 2023
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Leadership Styles in Different Organizational Contexts. (2016, Jul 12). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/democratic-leadership-essay

Leadership Styles in Different Organizational Contexts essay
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