The Essence and Evolution of Humanities Study

Humanities is the study of language, philosophy, communication, environment, history, religion, sociology, arts, culture, education and ethics. The word humanities originally comes from the Latin word, “humanus.” The word “humanus” means “human.” To be “human” is to possess the qualities and attributes of man. Being human also has the feelings and dispositions proper to man. However, humanities as the study of the different cultural aspects analyze man’s weaknesses in life and how each can be improved. Culture includes speech, knowledge, beliefs, arts, technologies, ideals, and rules.

To be cultured means to be refined and well-versed in arts, philosophy, and languages. It is also to be learned about great men and leaders in the past. Culture should regulate the type of behavior considered appropriate for an individual. Its teaching is essential for one to obtain the proper knowledge in his efforts to achieve the status of being a cultured man. On the other hand, understanding man and his affairs rather than just a body of accepted facts and theories is a purpose for humanities.

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It has various meanings in different historical periods, but it is only the same.

This sums up to remind everyone about humanity. Humanities dealt with philosophy and theology in the 12th, 13th centuries and the Renaissance period. This was the study of disciplines among languages, fine arts, music, and philosophy. Recognizing literature defined humanities in the past. There were different types of performing arts such as music, dance, theatre, philosophy, and religion. Humanities supported various categories of literature.

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Each and every one of these types were studied academically. in the early centuries. Humanities is still an ongoing study of today and the future.

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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