Deep and Surface Learning

Deep learning is a learning approach which seeks to understand the whole picture of what is being learned. In this approach, new ideas are learned deeply, giving more time and effort into the learning process. Learners are expected to relate what they already know with the things that they recently found out in their subjects so that they can have a broad understanding of the topic. These connections are then used to understand new learning situations that the student may still be unfamiliar with.

Knowledge from other courses or fields of interest is also introduced into the subject being studied so that the learner gains a wider understanding of the subject.

Theories and other ideas are not limited within school because they are put into actual practice in everyday life. Deep learning also focuses on the student, especially on the understanding of the learner, instead of focusing on the school requirements.

For example, a student using the deep learning approach makes use of his previous learning from other disciplines and applies it to his academic study of social science.

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The student then applies his wide understanding of social science into practical life such as daily conversations and other social activities. Surface learning is an approach that simply involves the memorization of different concepts and ideas. The learning process focuses on the memorization of ideas and facts.

Also, the studied concepts are treated as separate items and are not connected with another. Instead of promoting the interest of students on the subjects, it encourages students to study just to pass the course regardless of whether or not they have an interest in any of the subjects.

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The recall of memorized facts is the main aim of the surface learning approach instead of the application of knowledge in real life situations. Students simply study their school lessons in order to pass their examinations and their subjects at the end of the school term.

An ordinary example of surface learning is when students are given too many school materials such as take-home assignments and class readings while teachers do not make a good explanation of these materials. Students are also allowed to remain passive during the learning process instead of encouraging them to become active in class discussions. As a result, there is a very limited basis for teachers to evaluate the performance of their students at the end of the school year.

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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Deep and Surface Learning. (2020, Jun 01). Retrieved from

Deep and Surface Learning essay
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