Death Penalty: Methods Overview and My Perspective

The Capital Punishment Law is also known as the death penalty.

The death penalty is the punishment of execution for murder that is administered to someone that is legally convicted of a capital crime. The death penalty, or capital punishment, may be prescribed by congress or any state legislature for murder and other capital crimes. The supreme court has ruled that the death penalty is not a per se cruel and unusual punishment.

As of October 11, 2018, there is currently 30 states with the death penalty and 20 states without the death penalty. There are also 3 states with gubernatorial moratoria, which means that a governor's office needs to authorize the delay, suspension of a legal decision that is made by the court of justice.

There are five different methods of execution which are: lethal injection, lethal gas, electrocution, hanging, and the firing squad. The lethal injection is obviously an injection with 3 different drugs that is used for different causes during the process. Does sodium thiopental induce unconsciousness, pancuronium bromide which makes you paralyze and you go into respiratory arrest which means you aren't getting enough oxygen in you suffer brain damage.

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The last one is potassium chloride which makes your heart stop.

Lethal gas execution you are put into a gas chamber that is sealed and you are poisoned with hydrogen cyanide carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

In the electrocution death the inmate is put into an electric chair. They are strapped into the chair and are electrocuted the route their head and legs.

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They receive about 500 to 2000 volts for 30 seconds, and an inmate usually dies within 2 to 15 minutes. After the doctor waits for the inmate body to cool down they check to see if there is a heartbeat in if there's no heartbeat then the inmate is pronounced dead but if there is a heartbeat then they continue the process until there's no heart beating.

The other type of execution is the hanging execution method. The prisoner is Wade a day before the execution happens to determine the length of the drop to make it a quick death. The day of the execution the prisoner is blindfolded with the noose around the neck with the not behind the left ear. Once the trap door is open the prisoner falls then the wait coz is a quick fracture which dislocates the neck, and the prisoner dies instantly.

The last execution is the firing squad. The prisoner is put into a chair that is placed in front of an oval wall with the leather straps across the waist and the head. The chair has sandbags all around it to absorb the prisoner's blood. A black hood is placed on the prisoner's head, and a doctor places a white cloth on the heart with a pin so that the shooters can aim towards it. The shooters stand about 2 feet away from the inmate with a with rifles that are loaded with single rounds. The shooters aim 3 slot and shoot towards the prisoner. The inmate then dies by blood loss.

The death penalty is very interesting to know how every state has a different mentality on how they use are not use the death penalty and it's also interesting to know the different methods they use as well. I personally agree with having the death penalty I don't think we should reward murders by keeping them alive and air condition prisons where they are given food every day. Stop I think that the death penalty should only be giving out to those who are definitely guilty and then someone is beyond a doubt guilty they should be giving the death sentence instead of life in prison. I personally don't want my taxes to go towards keeping a murderer alive I would rather want my text money to go towards killing those murders. If they are capable of taking away someone else is right to live then they are themselves giving up their right to live.

Updated: Jan 25, 2024
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Death Penalty: Methods Overview and My Perspective. (2024, Jan 25). Retrieved from

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