Dealing With a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Categories: Friendship

Dealing With a Wolf in Sheep’s ClothingI was enrolled in a small Christian private school at the beginning of my sixth grade year. For the most part I was the new kid. I only knew one person before starting school there, which was my best friend Kyle. I vividly remember the first day that year. I was extremely excited, but also incredibly nervous to be in an entirely new environment. Kyle and I had first period together. I was utterly thrilled to start the day with my best friend.

On top of that the class was taught by Mr. Jackson. From what I heard he was the best teacher on campus. All of the students I knew that had taken his class talked about how he was their favorite teacher, and how much fun he was. As much as he was loved by students, he was also adored by parents.

Mr. Jackson was good friends with a few kid’s parents outside of school.

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He was loved by just about everybody. Everybody except for me that is. I can recall the first time I ever met him. The second I shook his hand I felt was something off about him. He put off an aura to me that just did not seem right. I sat in his class on the first day and listened to him lecture. I have to admit he was a hilarious and a witty guy. In addition to his humor he also seemed to be extremely educated about the topics he was teaching.

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I had no reason to dislike the guy. I even felt a bit of shame for judging him in my mind. As hard as a tried to give him a chance I felt a certain uneasiness whenever I was around him. I pushed the concerns I had for Mr. Jackson in to the back burners of my mind and just decided to give him a chance. As the year went on I began to notice a few peculiar things about him that set off some red flags. This of course added to my dislike for him. First of all, he definitely had students that he favored.

There were a few students in my grade that he would give more attention to in class. He would help them out more often than the others, and would joke around with them more. At the time I thought It was just because they were kiss ups to him and because their parents were friends with Mr. Jackson. The second thing he would do that made me feel uneasy is he would invite a few girls that were in student council to come into his room during lunch to plan school events. It was weird to me, because when they were in his room the door would be locked and there would be a paper divider over the small glass window. Even in sixth grade I thought this was crossing a few boundaries. I voiced my concerns to my friends one day at lunch and instantly got shut down with responses like “Mr. Jackson would never do anything weird like that.” Afterwards, I kept my concerns to myself. I started to act up in his class and cause disruptions. I guess subconsciously this was a way of getting back at him for the way he made me feel. After a few of these disruptions he would call me out in class and threaten to send me to administration for my behavior. At this point not only did I feel a weird vibe about him, I also thought he was a jerk for singling me out. A few months went on and I pushed my concerns to the side once again. We came back from spring break that year and I walked to his first period class. I was greeted by one of my friends. He said to me, “Ethan, did you hear Mr. Jackson got fired?” I was shocked to hear this news.

Our grade had a small assembly that morning to discuss the news. There were a few kids crying because their beloved teacher was gone. The sixth grade English teacher told us that Mr. Jackson had resigned for reasons they were not allowed to disclose. I was incredibly happy to hear this news. I did a little investigation and was able to uncover some shocking news. Mr. Jackson was caught having an inappropriate relationship with a one of the high school students. Her parents read some sexually explicit text messages between her and Mr. Jackson. The administration had given him an ultimatum. He could either resign and leave the school, or he could stay and have the situation investigated. He, of course, chose to leave. This almost turned into a scandal. I now know that all of the feelings I had for him were valid. My gut was way more accurate then the opinions of my peers. Although this experience was horrible I learned a valuable lesson. Always trust your intuition above all else.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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