Data Mining Performance and Execution in E-Governance

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Information and Communication Technology plays foremost role in all business undertaken by the government. If all interactions with government can be done through single counter 24x7, without waiting in lines at the vacation of house than it will be highly suitable to all citizens. This will not facilitate the government to avoid fraud and reach people directly, it will additionally help government agencies in increasing operational efficiencies, scale back scheme costs, and become citizen-friendly across a variety of domains, that includes transport, municipal records, education, healthcare, ports and shipping, disaster administration, crime and criminal tracking system, public distribution system and agriculture sector etc.

Keywords: Data Mining, Decision Making, e-governance, Knowledge Management


E-government can be defined as a purpose of four variables: governance (G), information and communication technology (ICT), business process re-engineering (BPR) and e-citizen (EC) [22].

It also refers to the release of national & state government information and services through the digital media to citizens or business or other governmental agencies.

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According to UNESCO definition ( ' E-governance is the public sector's use of ICT with the aim of civilizing information and service delivery, encouraging citizen contribution in the decision making process'. E-governance, importance “electronic governance‟ is using ICT at different levels of the government, semi government and public sector, for the purpose of enhancing governance and use of internet to implement their functions of supervising, planning, organizing, coordinating and staffing effectively [32].

Data Mining

The Data Mining techniques are widely used by government/ private organizations and research communities to expose hidden trends and knowledge from historical data.

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The Data Mining concepts are successfully implemented in several areas like “Banking”, “Credit Card Business”, “Insurance”, “Customer Relationship Management”, “Super Store Sales data analysis”, “Stock Market”, “Gaming”, “Network and Security”, “Financial Market”, “Telecommunication”, “Oil and Gas exploration”, “Weather Forecasting”, “Water Resource”, “Agriculture”, Healthcare etc…In current past, the government organizations have also realized the potential use of Data Mining on e-governance data [16]. The Data Mining algorithms can be practical on e-governance data to find secret trends and knowledge from historical data.

Data mining is one of the most important steps of the knowledge finding in databases process and is considered as major subfield in knowledge management. Research in data mining continues rising in business and in learning association over coming decades. The field combines tools from statistics and artificial intelligence (such as neural networks and machine learning) with database management to evaluate large digital collections, known as data sets [37].


E-Governance involves group of equipment based processes that involves better communication between government and citizens and hereby have highly enhanced delivery of public services [14].

E-Governance is based on the effective deployment of information and communication technologies (ICT) with major objectives of making public council more transparent, responsible and effective by providing better information and service delivery and enhanced contribution of people in day to day activities [18].

‘E’ in e-Government stands for much more than electronic and digital world. ‘E’ indicates:

  • Efficient – do it the accurate way with the goal to achieve maximum output with minimum effort and/or cost.
  • Effective – do the right article
  • Empowerment – energetic role in governance method
  • Enterprise – proposal and improvement
  • Enhanced – enhanced user interface by providing 24x7x365 access to government based services
  • Environment friendly – it is achieved through paperless governance.

The advancements in ICT over the years along with Internet provides effective medium to establish the communication of people with the government hereby playing major role in achieving good governance goals. The information technology is playing major role in assisting the government to provide effective governance in terms of instant, expenditure and accessibility.

Types of Government Interaction in E-governance

Government to Citizen (G2C)

Computerization of land records

In association with NIC. Ensuring that land owners get computerized copies of ownership, yield and tenancy and updated copies of Records of Rights (RORs) on demand.

Bhoomi Project

Online delivery of Land Records. Self-sustainable E-governance project for the computerized liberation of 20 million rural land records to6.7 million farmers through 177 government owned kiosks in the State of Karnataka.

Gyandoot Project

It was initiated in Madhya Pradesh with identical objective of providing related information to the rural population and acting as an interface between the district administration and the people.

Lokvani Project

It is a public private partnership project initiated by UP Government, to provide a single window, self-sustainable e- governance clarification with observe to handling grievances, land record maintenance and providing a combination of essential services.


Fast, Reliable, Instant, Efficient Network for the expenditure of services, is a project undertaken by Kerala government. It is a single window facility providing citizens the means to pay taxes and other financial dues.

E-Mitra (Rajasthan)

It is an included project to smooth the progress of the urban and rural masses with maximum achievable services related to different state government departments through Lokmitra -Janmitra centers.

E – Seva(Andhra Pradesh)

This project works on delivering services online to customers by connecting them to the respective government departments and providing online information at the point of service delivery.

Common Entrance Test (CET)

With the rapid growth in the demand as well as supply of professional education, the process of admission to these institutions became a major challenge in the early 1990‟s. The government decided to conduct a common entrance test based on which admission to different colleges and restricted was made.

Government to Business (G2B)

E-Procurement Project

To reduce the time and cost of doing business for both vendors and government.

MCA 21

This project aims at providing easy and protected online access to all registry related services provided by the Union Ministry of Corporate Affairs to business and other stakeholders at any time and in a advance that best suit them.

Government to Government (G2G)

Khajane (Karnataka)

It is a inclusive online funds mechanization report, initiated by the Government of Karnataka. The report has resulted in the computerization of entire reserves related activities of the State Government.

Smart Government (Andhra Pradesh)

It has been developed to reorganize operations, enhance efficiency through workflow automation and knowledge administration for implementation in Andhra Pradesh secretariat.

Government to Employees (G2E)

This kind of communication is between the government and the employees as the Government is by far the largest employer. This interaction is a two-way process aimed at increasing the satisfaction levels of employees.

Non-Government Organisation(NGO)

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a non-profit, citizen-based cluster that functions independently of government. NGOs, occasionally called civil societies, are organized on community, national and international levels to provide specific social or political purposes, and are cooperative, rather than saleable, in nature.

Objectives of E-governance

The main objective of E-governance is to accomplish smart governance. E-governance ends up in major advantages in the government association administration. The consumption of ICT in Government activities has given a alternate plan of governance called e Data Mining in E-Governance Models and Applications governance (Kodukula, S. 2008) to attain the successive advantages we had like e-governance. Krishna, D. V. (2014) depicts that an sincere e-governance provides:

  • Augmented potency in several Governmental processes
  • Transparency and anticorruption all in all dealings
  • Persuade the voters for his or her part attractive in e-governance.
  • To generate higher choices and effort a lot of flexibly
  • Political commitment and valuable body relationships
  • To save precious time of the national by provided that services at his place


An inter relationship between e-Governance and Data Mining is obtainable in this paper. The prologue of DWDM in the area of ‘e-Governance’ strengthens the system. Originally few sectors need to be identified to incorporate the DWDM system. Once the preferred reaction is achieved, the same can be implemented in other fields also. Once the full system is implemented at the national level, establishment of knowledge bank can play leading role for whole ‘e-Governance’ environment.

By just click of the mouse, ‘e-Governance’ has the possible to solve large set of problems that exist within the presented system [13]. Once it becomes a reality it will give a major make better to the rights of an ordinary citizen. The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi has taken major steps towards e-governance and had approved Rupees One Lakh Crore in last resources towards Digital India project. The call for minimum government, maximum governance has happen to louder nowadays.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Data Mining Performance and Execution in E-Governance. (2021, Mar 03). Retrieved from

Data Mining Performance and Execution in E-Governance essay
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