Father Complex Impact on Women's Relationships

Categories: Daddy By Sylvia Plath

Throughout the years there have always been relationship issues between a daughter and a father, commonly known as daddy issues, and or another term called father complex in which is an informal phrase for the psychological challenges resulting from an absence of a father, abnormal relationship with father, manifesting in a distrust of, and or men who just whom just act as a father figure. Many women have a father complex, in which many cases they need for approval, love, and support, and most may result in poor decision making within relationships.

In the poem, Daddy, Sylvia Plath, shows the disturbed relationship between her and her father. She compares herself as a conflicted Jew against a Nazi. In the poem, I state that “I thought every German was you. And the language obscene. An engine, and engine Chuffing me like a Jew.” In which she uses her allusion comparing as if she was in the concentration camps, showing how bad of a parent her father really was.

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Another metaphor she uses that shows the type of father she grew up with was in the last two stanzas “The vampire who said he was you and drank my blood for a year, seven years if you want to know.” here she shows an image of him as a dead man who has been holding her down years. Daddy, you can lie back now. There’s a stake in your fat black heart and the villagers never liked you. They are dancing and stamping on you.

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They always knew it was you. Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I’m through.” This last stanza shows his pass and celebration of him gone out her life

A very interesting line that the speaker stated was, “every woman loves a fascist”. Meaning that women love the dangerous, alpha type of guy, or commonly known as “bad boy type of guy”. In the twelfth stanza it states “I was ten when they buried you. At twenty I tried to die and get back, back, back to you. I thought it was the bones would do.” here after her father has passed, she says that she still can’t get rid or escape from him, due to the man she married who had similar characteristics to her father.

In conclusion, she clearly had relationship problems with her father, knowing that the type of parenting that was given to her. She gave an allusion of her father as a Nazi, assuming her father was a devil in human form, this places huge hints on the type of guy he really was. Even after she tries to commit suicide, the person she married was just as similar to the man her father was. So, assuming that her husband was a clear image of her father, she yet wasn’t able to escape from him. Yet, there are multiple similar cases of having a father complex. Many women who have relationship problems either physical or emotional abuse from their fathers, can cause trauma growing up. Needing and wanting a father figure after leaving the house can come back to the same result of what women have dealt with growing up with their new partners.

Updated: Mar 22, 2023
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Father Complex Impact on Women's Relationships. (2022, Apr 19). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/daddy-issues-essay

Father Complex Impact on Women's Relationships essay
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