The Sociological Dimensions of Johnny Manziel's Rise to Fame

Categories: A Historical Event

As I sat in the doctor's office, contemplating potential current events that encapsulate various sociological concepts, my attention was drawn to a Sports Illustrated cover featuring Johnny Manziel, the acclaimed "Johnny Football." This 19-year-old sophomore quarterback from Texas A&M University had recently become the first freshman ever to receive the prestigious Heisman Trophy. The captivating narrative, penned by Andy Staples, delved into the complexities of Manziel's newfound fame and the sociological constructs that shape his reality.

The Unprecedented Sociological Construction

Henslin's perspective on the sociological construction of reality offers profound insights into Manziel's situation.

College football had never witnessed a freshman Heisman awardee. Not only was he an underclassman with three more years of eligibility, but he was also a minor below the age of 21. The typical trajectory for a Heisman winner involves accepting the award at the Waldorf Astoria and entering the NFL draft in the same year, avoiding the intricacies of NCAA rules. Yet, Manziel's case defied convention, highlighting the strict regulations that govern athletes in collegiate sports, effectively limiting their lives to the game.

The Transformation of Johnny Football

As Johnny Football's name echoed through the halls of the Waldorf Astoria, his life underwent a seismic shift.

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Overnight, he transitioned from an 18-year-old from Killeen, Texas, to a celebrity with a vast fan base, substantial wealth, and relentless media attention. The social stratification ladder welcomed him to a higher rung the moment he raised the Heisman Trophy. Herein lies the crux of the NCAA's influence, as the governing body dictates the rules that bind collegiate athletes and universities.

The NCAA's social control mechanisms are designed to maintain order and prevent players from capitalizing on their premier athlete status.

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Johnny Football's decision, along with his parents, to trademark the "Johnny Football" name and profit from his notoriety was deemed deviant behavior, a violation of NCAA regulations. The consequences were swift, with the NCAA penalizing him by forcing him to sit out the first half of the season opening game as a disciplinary measure.

The Temptations of Fame and Social Media Scrutiny

Beyond the confines of NCAA regulations, Johnny Football, at the age of 19, faced the challenges that accompanied overnight stardom. The allure of fame brought with it various temptations, exacerbated by the omnipresence of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Manziel found himself in the public eye for all the wrong reasons—caught on numerous occasions drinking underage and violating laws. Even a seemingly trivial incident, such as receiving a parking ticket for improper parking, became part of his narrative.

The Johnny Football saga unfolds as a compelling example of environmental sociology. Within the environment of fame and fortune, Manziel grapples with the complexities of his newfound status. Ironically, the NCAA, which placed him in this environment, provided little guidance, leaving him to navigate the challenges on his own.


In conclusion, Johnny Manziel's rise to fame exemplifies the intricate interplay between sociological concepts and the realities of collegiate sports. The unprecedented nature of his Heisman win, coupled with the subsequent struggles and deviant behaviors, highlights the societal constructs that govern the lives of young athletes. The NCAA's stringent rules, designed for social control, clashed with the temptations and pitfalls of fame, ultimately shaping the narrative of Johnny Football's journey. As we witness the unfolding chapters of his story, it becomes evident that environmental sociology plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals thrust into the spotlight, and the responsibility of institutions like the NCAA to guide and support these young talents remains a critical aspect of the broader sociological landscape.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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The Sociological Dimensions of Johnny Manziel's Rise to Fame. (2016, Apr 16). Retrieved from

The Sociological Dimensions of Johnny Manziel's Rise to Fame essay
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