Psychological Research: Unraveling Behavioral Issues

The element of mental basically relates the scientific explanation concerning the behavioral attributes and character issue of a specific as a human being. In this field, the important elements of personality development and behavioral qualities of everyone as unique and individual beings are explored connecting to their social action and habits. Consisted of in this technique are the research study of the significant problems and components associating with the advancement and the establishment of the behavior and character of everyone particularly on the critical conditions such as abnormalities and psychological problems.

Certainly, the mental field goes over the human mind and the facility of the attributes and qualities associating with the biological and physiological basis of their character and habits.

There are a number of crucial issues and elements that are critical in the study of the psychological aspect of each specific particularly on the focusing of discussing his or her present condition or behavioral attributes.

On this element, a specific method in line to the mental research study is employed to identify the pertinent aspects, contributory aspects and the prominent system to the present behavioral qualities of each individual.

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Numerous of the typical techniques to this research element are the observation method, profiling, interview and others in which the scientists try to uncover and determine the possible cause and contributing aspect describing the present behavioral particular and mental problem of the topic.

Through identifying the primary root and the possible influences to the symptom of the problem, additional understanding can be helped with which promotes awareness to the mental characteristic of the included individual.

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As a real example of the aspect of mental research study, consider the workout conducted by the author of this paper where a particular method were utilized to identify, understand, and describe the possible causes and the significant impacts to the development of particular behavioral concern of a chosen topic.

The subject established in this exercise is a female classmate of the researcher that displays a certain critical behavioral condition namely the alcoholism and smoking problem of the said person. As the person of this exercise, the researcher wishes to determine and the primary causes and specific influences to the development of this personal issue which is manifested in her social interaction. As a primary approach, the researcher first resorted to observation method and background profiling wherein she learned that the behavioral problem of the subject is commonly displayed when she is with peers of her social group.

As observed, the likely need for the said behavioral issue only comes or is displayed when the subject is socializing, bonding with friends, and during social events. It is also noted that the subject spends most of her time for the said activities making the manifestation of her behavioral problems to be common in her daily routine and contributing to the development of this psychological issue. Proceeding after the observation is the interview approach wherein the researcher will evaluate the said psychological issue through based on the exposition and perspective of the subject.

As she relates, the said issues namely the alcoholism and smoking have already became a habitual act on her part. It first started as her medium to deal with her personal problems and as a bonding grounds for her peers and friends which eventually developed into a behavioral routine. She also expressed that the said actions and issues are only exhibited while she is engage to social interaction and activities and are only passive when she is alone. Another particular element she expressed emphasis on her story is the issue of her family situation wherein she must also deal with the separation and certain conflicts between her parents.

Living under these conditions, she started to resort to external means to adapt to her situation and gain stability over her problems. Based from the facts and factors gathered through the different approaches employed in determining the nature of the behavioral condition and issue of the subject, a form of evaluation will be conducted to determine the possible nature of the said issue. As based from the observation and interview, the alcoholism and smoking problem of the subject is mainly attributed to two specific condition namely her personal family situation and her social characteristics.

First, the behavioral problem of the subject manifest as her form of her adaptation process to her situation particularly with the separation of her parents. It is also established that the behavioral problem of the subject also started during this period making this among the primary causes of her problem. Second, is her social characteristic wherein the problem manifests as her approach of socializing, interacting and bonding with her friends who also share the same behavioral condition. It is likely that the subject learned the said behavior from her social group.

Also, the constant practice and involvement of the subject of the said behavior with her social group led to the routinary development of the said act leading to its integration to her personality. Leading up to the possible solution, two particular approaches are important to address this behavioral problem effectively namely, to tackle her family situation and address the parental guidance crucial to her withdrawal and the change of her environment particularly separation from her social group who also practice the said problem.

These two particular issues are the main causes of her behavioral problem as established from the conducted critical observation research. From the determination of the primary causes and the significant contributory elements, an effective approach to address the problem can be created through tackling the fundamental factors leading to the development of the general issue. Indeed, as displayed in the result of the conducted critical observation research, the application of the said aspect in the field of psychology promotes critical understanding and effective intervention measures for the behavioral issue and problems involved.

Through determining the possible causes, the related circumstances, the contributory factors as related from observation, profiling, and interview, the involved researcher can draw an effective approach to intervene and address the problem at hand towards the development of a positive and healthy behavioral characteristic for the subject of the matter.


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Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Psychological Research: Unraveling Behavioral Issues essay
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