Creative Writing - A love so true

I had never seen her so depressed. Tears were running down her face as I walked towards her. I would have given my life to stop these tears in her eyes but there was nothing I could do. Nothing can console a person who has lost a loved one. She probably did not know it then, but she meant the whole world to me. I wanted to talk to her and gather her in my arms and tell her that I loved her and that she had me for the rest of her life, even if her mother had left her.

Restraining myself because the elders were there, I took her hand and squeezed it gently to let her know that I felt the pain in her heart.

She looked into my eyes and then fell into my arms.

Then she threw all restrain and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I could not hold back my tears and started crying too.

A few of our friends who had just arrived, threw their arms around her and all of us huddled together and cried.

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We stayed with Jane the whole time of the wake and the funeral.

Next day I sat thinking of the plight my lady was in. I knew that she needed me, so I decided to go to her. When I arrived, her father was glad to see me. He led me in and pointed to her room. I went in and saw Jane sitting in the corner of her room; staring vacantly into space.

I managed a weak smile and sat beside her.

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She looked at me and tears sprang into her eyes. I took out my handkerchief and gave it to her. She accepted it and wiped her tears dry.

" Let's go out," I said.

She shook her head.

" I think you should. Being alone at home is not going to help you overcome your grief," I said gently.

She kept really quiet.

"Let's go to a movie," I suggested, hoping to change her mind.

She turned to me suddenly. " Are you asking for a date?" she said.

I nodded slowly.

"Well, you chose a fine time," she said and turned away angrily, "I think you better go."

That got me angry. "Look," I told her, "this may not be the right time to tell you this. I don't care what you think of me and I know that you probably won't care about me at all, but I'm going to tell you this anyway. I'm crazy about you. I cannot replace your mother; no one can. But I want to be there whenever you need me. I cannot stop caring for you no matter what you say," I said and stood up to leave the room.

Her father put his arms around my shoulder when I went into the hall. He heard everything that I said but did not mention anything. His arms around my shoulder probably meant that he approved of me. I shook his hands and later left the apartment.

Then I walked to the lift and pressed the lift button. Within me I was trembling, half with embarrassment and half with anger. Also, deep within, I felt emptiness. Anyway I was glad that after worshipping her for four years, I had finally told her. At that moment, I heard a voice shouting "John!"

I turned around and saw Jane running towards me. She threw herself into my arms and held on to me tightly. I hugged her. I could never describe the overwhelming happiness when she finally said the words "I love you, John".


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Creative Writing - A love so true essay
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