Creating a Database for a Rugby Club

Categories: RugbyTechnology

I have been approached by a professional rugby club in Leicester and was asked by them to design a database that stored all of their members details. This database has to be attractive and cost effective. It is my objective to keep records of all of the clubs members including the managment. The staff will also have to have their qualifications recorded in order for us to make sure that they are fully qualified and able to look after and teach a group of rugby players.

They asked me to create a database to store all of their information on, the problems with doing it manually are as follows:

* Files can take a long time to find, especially if someone has put them back in the wrong place.

* Files need to be kept about ex-players in case they want reference in the future.

* The filing cabinets are taking up more and more space.

* The problem is that the rugby club does not have a permanent record of all of its members on computer and that the places where these facts are recorded have recently been lost or thrown away by accident.

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* The problem is that England Rugby coaches want quick and easy access to a computer telling them all about a player they may wish to purchase.

Discussion of the software to be used

To create this attractive and cost effective database I have decided to use Microsoft access. I have chosen to use Microsoft Access because it has many advantages over other programs such as Microsoft Excel.

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The good tools in Microsoft Access are as follows:

* Microsoft Access is very easy to navigate around.

* In Microsoft access the main tools I will use are the Wizards and the mail merge.

* I will use the mail merge because once all the relevant information has been stored a letter will be sent to each member, showing the data recorded about them and confirming its accuracy.

* The poster will be in bold so it is very easy to read.

* The pictures I will get will be from the Internet.

* To create this eye catching cost affective database I have decided to use Microsoft Access.

* I have chosen to use microsoft Access because it has many advantages over other programs such as Microsoft Excel.

Comparison with alternatives

Microsoft Access has many advantages over Microsoft Excel and these are as follows:

* Data Validation - These are checks that the database performs to make sure that the data is allowable. Databases will not allow you to put letters into a field which you have specified as numeric.

* It allows you to input queries - Performing a query is referred to as searching a database. This involves extracting information from the database. For example you could make a request of the database to list the details of all personel with certain qualifications.

* It makes it easier to create mail merges.

* It easily allows you to sort each member out alphabetically at the click of a button, you can also place them in alphabetic order backwards at the click of a button.

* Overall it is easier to navigate and is very flexible unlike Microsoft Excel which makes you hunt for the things that you wish to do.

* It allows you to amend the database. This means that if any members have gained any more Caps or achievments they can easily be changed and the database easily updated.

* It has hundreds of Wizards, which makes it much easier for making posters, flyers and other things.

* Overall it is easier to navigate and is very flexible unlike Microsoft Word. It allows you to move text boxes you had created on and off the page.

* It has tools, which are much more easily accessible on the tool bars whereas in Word you have to go searching for it.

* I have chosen to create this attractive eye catching poster on computer rather than doing it by hand because it saves a lot of time which otherwise could be spent making money for the school CCF and trying to gather more people, the computer is also easily accessible.

* It is also better to use he computer instead of doing it by hand because you would be able to find information more quickly and whilst you were doing it by hand .

* To find the relevant information on computer it would take about half an hour, but if you did it by hand it would probably take you much longer.

The benefits of ICT

There are many benefits of doing this database on computer and these are as follows:

* I have chosen to create this attractive and cost affective database on computer rather than doing it by hand because it saves a lot of time which otherwise could be spent making money for the Rugby club.

* It is also better to use he computer instead of doing it by hand because you would be able to save it and make sure the database is kept in a safe place where it cannot be lost or thrown away.

* If any of the members gain any more Caps or achievments, which appears to be pretty likely, I can enter them into the database quickly and easily and therefore do not have to copy out the database each time something needs to be amended.

* If you did it by hand it would probably take me weeks.

* It would not look as nice if it was done by hand instead of done on computer.

* I also decided to create it on computer because once the database is completed it needs to be sent to each member which would take a long time to copy out and if some of the details were wrong it would take a long time to put it right again.

* If I did it on computer I would only be paying for the ink cartridge but if I did it by hand I would have to pay for the paper used and all of the pencils.

Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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Creating a Database for a Rugby Club. (2020, Jun 01). Retrieved from

Creating a Database for a Rugby Club essay
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