How America Started Taking Up England's Sports Such As Rugby, Croquet And Cricket

Categories: Cricket

England’s Sports

England has originality and a great, vast history on their side. Their sports are unique to their culture and landscape. Americans adopted and adapted some European sports, but not many people in America know which sports were adopted and revised. America changed sports from Europe like cricket, croquet, and rugby.

Cricket is the original form of what Americans know as baseball. Cricket was started in the Dark Ages before 1550, in Northern Europe. Cricket is played between two teams of eleven with each team batting when it is their turn.

Turns are based on the flip of a coin. Two umpires are placed on the field and one off so that both teams are equally observed. The term “Bowling people out”, means to strike them out just like in baseball (Williams.) A team strives to get ten people out in order to have their turn at bat. A score of four is given to a batter if he/she hits the ball beyond the set boundaries on the ground, and a six is scored if the ball passes the boundaries in the air.

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This game accumulates well over a hundred points in a short amount of time, therefore; a cricket match takes a total of five days maximum to declare a winner. Baseball is more fun than cricket, however, because in baseball the rules are less strict and provide a short by fun game. Whereas cricket drags on usually for about three days and by that time people are bored and lagging.

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Croquet was founded in 1850, in Ireland then passed on to England in 1851 by a royal nobleman. It developed from the game Pall Mall, which golf also stemmed from, but instead of hitting the ball into a hole, however, a person’s objective is to hit the ball through wickets, or rings that are stuck into the ground, in the direction towards the stake. Also, one has to stay within the set boundaries of the game. The object of the game is to be the first one to the score of ten. A person achieves the winning score by being the one to reach the end stakes by going through the wickets, and not going out of the set boundaries. Golf is more laid back and easier to do than croquet because you can hit the golf ball harder and not worry too much about over shooting the hole or going out of bounds. Plus, in golf, one has prettier scenery and a bigger area in which to play than croquet.

Finally, rugby is the original base for our American football. Rugby began in 1823 when Webb Ellis during a game of football (soccer) picked up the ball and ran with it down field. The rules are much the same as American soccer: one can only kick the ball forward, and the play continues until one team makes a penalty or scores. Rugby eventually got twisted into American football because of Ellis’s, “fine disregard for the rules of football (soccer)” (origins.) foot ball is easier to follow than rugby because it has fewer rules and less minor regulations to follow.

England’s sports are specifically designed for their culture and landscape. Every sport has a base that has been twisted and made to fit into a different culture and scenery. England’s sports just have happened to be the building-blocks of American sports, and the fundamentals for branching out to make a different, better end product. England’s sport of cricket inspired American baseball, croquet inspired golf, and rugby inspired football, which all turned out more simple but way more fun than their original inspiration.

Updated: Feb 13, 2024
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How America Started Taking Up England's Sports Such As Rugby, Croquet And Cricket. (2024, Feb 13). Retrieved from

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