Cosmetics company

As the marketing manager for the skincare range of a large cosmetics company, it is important to define the target market as a key to boost sales and put marketing efforts to the right, identified target market. In this case, my target market is babies, mothers, and fathers consumers. Customer-delivered value defined as the difference between total customer value and total customer cost (cited in Kotler, Cunningham, & Turner 2000).

The product example of a sun block cream for babies can offer customer delivered value by enhancing the features of the product such as using a face and body tear-free formula, moisturizing formula, and scented, hypoallergenic sun block cream.

Based on the customer relationship management (CRM) theory, some of the ways to establish a long-term relationship with customers are to identification of target market, assessment of product quality levels, promotion expenditures, and prices (Sudarshan 1995) so as to assess the impact of the industry of baby skin care on the company’s formulation of marketing mix.

By studying the market as well as the product’s quality and prices of competitors, the marketing programs can be designed to meet, attract, and develop of the target market.

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My company can demonstrate a societal marketing approach by undertaking activities that promotes awareness on the environment and society.

Societal marketing must be committed to show social awareness by initiating fun activities for babies and parents that promote their health specifically skin care by inviting dermatologists to educate them on the importance of using sun block in relation to avoiding skin diseases such as skin cancer.

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References Kotler, P. , Cunningham, M. & Turner, R. (2000). Marketing Management. Canada: Pearson Education Canada. Sudarshan, D. (1995). Marketing strategy: Relationships, offerings, timing, and resource allocation. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Cosmetics company. (2020, Jun 01). Retrieved from

Cosmetics company essay
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