Comparative Analysis Of Beowulf And Qiu Shaoyun As Heroes

Categories: Beowulf

I think Beowulf is the greatest hero in the history, and the highest virtue for warriors is loyalty and bravery be loyal to the king is to be loyal to the society. The warrior perfect himself by courage. Also people believe in fate, brave people are saved from it, deed keep him alive in the memory of future generation that he will gain eternal life became to immortal hero. And values of these clan societies were pagan and non-Christian.

In other hand, the epic Beowulf is also a Christian work showing the struggle between good and evil.

Beowulf's victory over them was symbolic of the victory of good over evil. What happened after the war, The hero's name is forever inscribed on the stone wall of the main peak of 391 heights. He was captured by an 18th regiment of the Sichuan Army then became a soldier. On December 1949, the PLA marched into Sichuan and into the southwest. After the Chengdu campaign, the Sichuan army disintegrated.

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Qiu shaoyun was incorporated into the 97th company of the 10th division of the people's liberation army. Two years later, 29 divisions entered the war. On October 1952, the famous battle of Shannon ridge was launched. On October 11, qiu shaoyun and his troops were ordered to finish the latent task only 300 meters away from the enemy, and the next day enemy shot some Molotov cocktails at latent area, burning qiu shaoyun's clothes, shoes, and socks until he burned his whole body, but he remained motionless until his death.

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He was only 26 when he died.

On November 16, 1952, the leadership of chinese people volunteer army awarded qiu shaoyun as its most important and responsible officer. On May 18, 1953, the People's Daily published a full-page version of his famous long newsletter, the great warrior qiu shaoyun. This article, immediately at home and abroad caused a strong response. On June 10, 1953, leadership of chinese people volunteer army again awarded qiu shaoyun the name "first class war hero", recognized him like a member of communist party in China, and the awarded him the name of "model communist youth league member. The epic Beowulf, with the heroic deeds of the Scandinavian hero Beowulf, showed traditional heroic values of the Germanic nation such as strength, generosity, hospitality, courage, loyalty, and a strong view of honor. This poem we have seen was written by an English poet in the eighth and eighth centuries. It reflects the life and ethos of many centuries from the gens to the early feudal society.

The epic Beowulf reflects the value of the clan society, the highest virtues for the samurai were bravery and loyalty. To be loyal to the king is to be loyal collective. The warrior perfected himself by courage. Also the people believe in fate, brave people are saved from it. A brave soldier, before the final triumph of fate the most heroic deed must be done. These deed will keep him alive in the memory of future generation, so that he will gain eternal life and become an immortal hero. Values of these clan societies were pagan and non-christian. But, the epic Beowulf is also a Christian work showing the struggle between good and evil. Glenn was a descendant of Cain, who represented evil with his water horse mother. Beowulf's victory over them was symbolic of the victory of good over evil. In the church's parable, the dragon symbolizes Satan. Beowulf's victory over the dragon symbolizes Jesus Christ's victory over satan. In Beowulf, indeed, there is a messianic spirit. From this perspective, there also seems to be a spiritual connection between the Old English epic Beowulf and the 17th-century Milton's religious epic paradise lost.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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Comparative Analysis Of Beowulf And Qiu Shaoyun As Heroes. (2024, Feb 08). Retrieved from

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