Coastal management involves developing strategies

Coastal management includes establishing strategies that are designed to secure and preserve the coastal environment. The actions of humans have changed the operation of the natural coastal procedures. During our fieldwork we have learned the essential issues of coastal management and their strategies and the way they resolve them at Cronulla Beach. The three essential geographical procedures that form the seaside environment are erosion, transport and deposition. The essential problems connecting to coastal management at Cronulla beach are Pollution, Tourist, Presented Plants and Population Development.

Contamination is one primary key problem at Cronulla beach because individuals are cluttering they are consuming on the beach.

There are factories near the beach which is very bad for the environment as the smoke from the factories is entering into the water is not safe as all the toxic will remain in the water and it would not be safe for individuals to swim. Tourist pertain to the beach as it is a popular destination for the citizens and tourist.

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Throughout holiday times the population of these locations can double, putting pressure on the facilities and environment of the location. Leisure activities like 4x4 places pressure on the coastal environment if it is not carefully managed, big dune areas and beaches where automobiles are admitted can be highly prone to disintegration.

Population growth is the overdevelopment and fast development of seaside locations take place due to the current Australian trend for people to move from big cities to smaller sized coastal towns and towns where the lifestyle is more unwinded.

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Presented plants have areas along east coast which have actually become invaded by presented plants. The bitou brush or Chrysanthemoides Monilifera introduced in Australia in 1908. This plant can overtake native greenery and this would not use dune have same defense against wind erosion as it is covered by native plant life.

The management strategies used to address the issues at Cronulla Beach is Seabee wall, fencing and signage/ rubbish bins. Seabee walls are used to minimize the impact of erosion behind the wall and protect road, paths and residential area. The slope encourages the wave to move back out to sea. Where it is reducing the speed of the wave and the lip redirects the wave back out to sea. The holes are to trap the water so the wave slows down and depthposion bought the sand. There are no sand dunes at Elouera or Wanda in Cronulla because they have sand dunes there and the sand dune would protect what is behind it. Fences are a useful management technique used to ensure adequate access to beach for people while protecting the vegetation that stabilizes the sand dunes.

The advantage of fence is that they secure the beach, it shows where people are allowed to walk. Signage is very important when it come to beaches as it tells people what you can and cannot do on the beach basically tells you what you are allowed to do on any beach but the signage stops bad things from happening to the beaches and what you are meant to do on the beach. Rubbish bins are just as important it keeps all the litter away from the beach and makes sure that it does not harm the coastal environment and keeps the beach looking neat and tidy and that it is not going into the water and harm the sea creatures that are in the water. People should not have to go and tidy up after other people who dump their rubbish on the beach.

In conclusion, there are many things that we can do for the coastal environment and the issues that relate to beaches and how you can management them through strategies and it is also for the future generations it is to preserve and conserve for them so there is still a beach by the time it is the future.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Coastal management involves developing strategies essay
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