Christ Commission Fellowship (CCF)

History of church

In the 1980s, God touched the hearts of a couple to begin a movement that would lead to the transformation of lives for the greater glory of God.


Peter Tan-Chi began an evangelistic home Bible study in the Brookside Subdivision, Cainta. Only three couples attended that first bible study in the home of Ike and Del Punsalang, but as they began to invite their friends, the Bible study grew. Eventually, the Bible study moved to San Juan, meeting in the garage of Loreto Carbonel.


A core group of 40 people - businessmen, professionals, and their families - emerged from these Bible studies.

This core group met at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) for their first Sunday worship service as Christ's Commission Fellowship.


The continuous growth of CCF moved the worship service from AIM to the Greenbelt Theater. Later, in 1988, services were moved to the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) Mini-Theater then to the 4,500-seat Plenary Hall.


Sunday worship services were moved to the Valle Verde Country Club in Pasig.

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With the number of worshippers from the south of Metro Manila growing, CCF decided to form a separate congregation in Para?aque. Thus, the first satellite church, CCF Sucat, was established. It later moved from Para?aque to Sucat Road in 1994.


CCF was continuously growing with various satellites establishes around the Philippines.


CCF planted its first international satellite church - CCF Singapore.


CCF found a place where they can build their own main building. In addition, CCF live streaming of Sunday worship services online and more satellites are being established inside and outside the country.


CCF officially moves church offices and Sunday worship services to the brand new CCF Center at Frontera Verde, Ortigas.

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Today, by God's grace, CCF is a thriving church of over 60 satellites here in the Philippines and abroad. It is a unique fellowship composed and led by lay men and women, all of whom still share God's love and the Gospel in the style of the first century Christians: in small groups, in their homes, communities and workplaces. It is an indigenous church which operates without foreign affiliation or financial assistance.


To honor God and make Christ-committed followers who will make Christ-committed followers.

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

Matthew 28:19-20


Our vision is to see a movement of millions of committed followers of the Lord Jesus Christ meeting in small groups and transforming lives, families, communities and nations, for the glory of God.

Main orgs

Comprised of different ministries, CCFMI aims to uplift people morally, intellectually, economically, physically and spiritually with the goal of transforming lives.

BackStreet Kids: where kids as young as 7 years old until 14 years old can serve through their talent of music. It is a ministry where kids themselves will lead the worship with their fellow church mates.

Basketball: it is a sport ministry where anyone who is into this sport can train and play with other people but also to have a a time where they can have a session talking about God.

Biyahe Jail: To transform jail inmates for God's glory and to transport their families to God's kingdom. CHRIST_VEST = V -Visitation with sharing of the Gospel. E-equip by mentoring and bible study. S- Support by giving hope through sharing God's grace. T-Transformation and transport prison inmates to God's glory!

Exalt: where members of the church can volunteer to use their voice in worshipping God by singing in choir during different events. (Wakes, celebrations, anniversaries, etc.)Family: where families can join to have a great bonding time with each member and having God in the center of their family by having devotional and fellowships together.

Host Team: in this ministry, people who have the talent to engage people and present things are encouraged to join. They are also the one that helps advertise the ministries and organizations of the church to the people.

Law: in this ministry social issues are being tackled by professional lawyers and they also give insights how to resolve these issues to the attendees.

Live Production:

NxtGen: These offers Sunday school for kids that would help them better understand the message of God through stories and other activities.

Saturday Night Service: It offers a Sunday service during Saturday nights for people who aren't able to go to church at Sundays to give them an opportunity to hear the Word of God..Shepherd's Staff: this ministry is composed of the senior citizens in the church. This serves as a help group and also a fellowship group where they can talk about their life experiences and God.

Other Ministries that the church has: Sports Ministry, Traffic Parking Shuttle, Welcome (ushers), ministry for the disabled, ministry for the LGBTQ+ community, etc.


My church is considered a mega church which means that it is a church with an unusually large congregation, typically one preaching a conservative or evangelical form of Christianity (Google dictionary). There are three challenges that were faced by our church same as the other mega churches. Firstly is overcoming the stereotypes, the stereotypes that are saying that megachurches are driven by personality cults, and they fall apart when there is a transition in leadership, megachurches are concerned only about themselves and the needs of their attendees, it is only composed of people of the same race and same class, or that it grow because of the show. Secondly, the breaking in, a lot of people leaves and go from church to church, due to its massive congregation the ultimate goal of the megachurches it for them to be intentional to people not because they want to increase in number but to help people know God more in addition to how the people or members feel that they really belong or connected to that church. Lastly, are the pioneering microtrends. 'Today's era is one of large churches trying to step beyond their comfort zones and expand their influence in the name of Jesus to reach people currently underserved by churches. This is definitely happening in global missions, as large churches tend to focus on one specific geographic area. It's also happening locally. All of these microtrends are the ways of helping people become better disciples of Jesus Christ', (Warren bird, 2016).

Programs and activities

Rescue Kabataan Elevate:

Main Proponent: Abigail Mesa

Beneficiaries: Youth

In partnership with the Department of Education, Rescue Kabataan Elevate, a non-profit organization conducts seminars to campuses to help youth to be taken out from their darkest moments and to encourage them to be a 'rescuer' in the future. The movement has three-fold program: Prevention, Restoration and Leadership Training.

Today, our country is facing a lot of youth related issues including substance and computer games addiction, pornography, gambling, teen-age pregnancy, alcoholism, suicide and the list goes on. However, the solution is far-fetched unless the real reason is uncovered. Rescue Kabataan Elevate will help students to uncover that and provide them ways to get freedom from their vices and issues. It is true that they are the 'hope of the nation' but we must also take note that they don't know it all unless the older generation will help them.

SIPAG (Simula ng Pag-asa):

Main Propenent: no specific proponent mentioned; CCF

Beneficiaries: for surrendered drug dependents

0000SIPAG is a 12-week recovery program for surrendered drug dependents, which aims for participants to be reconciled with their families, communities and God and integrated into a bible study group and local church.

It was first conceptualized when DDB tapped Christ's Commission Fellowship (CCF) to launch a faith-based recovery program to cater to the thousands of drug dependents who surrendered as part of President Duterte's war against drugs.SIPAG aims to address the emotional, physiological, and relational, as well as spiritual issues battling within the drug dependents and their family members.SIPAG desires for the drug dependents to know that there is more to life than substance abuse.We aim to make a difference in the lives of the surendered drug dependents and share with them the Hope, Joy, Love and Grace that comes only in Jesus Christ.


Main proponent: no specific name ( A government official attending in CCF)

Beneficiaries: Men and women

GMen is committed to spreading the good news of salvation across the government by forming and facilitating small group discussions as well as conducting leadership seminars anchored on biblical principles.

Vision:To see a movement of Christ-committed followers mentoring public servants transforming the government for the glory of God.Mission:To mentor public servants to become Christ-committed followers who will mentor other public servants.


Chief operating officer: Ptr. Ito De Jesus

Beneficiaries: Individuals who are 16 years old and above and have not had the opportunity to finish high school.

0000UPLIFT Cares is a DepEd-accredited Alternative Learning System (ALS) service provider. They mentor our scholars three times a week - two days for general academics and one day for values formation. Through ALS, we bridge the academic gap, in preparation for the final DepEd examination, which allows our scholars to complete up to Grade 10 or Junior High School. The team goes to the marginalized communities of various barangays, in the areas of Metro Manila, East Rizal, South Luzon, and North Luzon. They then go from door-to-door, searching for individuals who are 16 years old and above and have not had the opportunity to finish high school. They invite them to our program with the assurance of free education, regardless of the grade level they have last attended.


My perspective on the following programs of my church is that they do their best to serve others as Christ served us. They aim to help people know God and let their lives be transformed starting with themselves then the family or the people they are with. I was actually surprised that my church was offering a lot of organization and programs that actually address the current issues in our country.

I also liked how CCF tries to reach out to the students as the next generation that would led our country and that would build the actual future. Moreover they are intentional for people to really know God in a personal way not only on the surface level. They also use hobbies or talents to reach to different kinds of people. I can see that they try to use everything to connect to people and let them know God more. Being in our church really molded me as a person seeing how humble my church is even though it is considered a megachurch. I really saw that it's not in how popular you are or how many you have but it's about the spirituality and intentionality to each member that the church is really doing their goal. In addition, just like St. Paul CCF targets the people in power because they are the most influential people, once you targeted them and help then to know Christ in a personal way they can also share this to the people under them. I think it is an effective way to let people see how God really moves in our lives.

Being part of a mega church I can only do so much but I will strive to follow the core value of my church. I believe that the values that my church is holding up are actually for the common good of the people. It serves to remind me that I am in a church not just to attend but o actually have my life fixed and my eyes on Jesus. Though a lot of people judges CCF because of the facilities it has or other things, I can see that the only goal of my church is to help people know God in a personal way. In my youth I was taught to focus on the essential things which is that we are sinners we really deserve to die but God loves us so much that He sent His own son in our place to receive the penalty we really deserve but Jesus resurrected and we are all saved if we just believe Jesus and make Him as our Lord and Savior. Other issues apart from that like the tribulation or rapture or the things that many Christians debate about is nonessential to our faith. We are to understand and focus on the essentials and not cause further division between Christians. I will just do my part as a citizen and do it rightly and justly.

As a student, I am only limited with the things that I can do to make an impact but it doesn't mean that it wouldn't have a ripple effect. I will utilize the things around me to give awareness to people around me that can actually do something. I will use the social media i have to share the truth in the increasing violations of human dignity. Furthermore, I will do my best to exemplify my respect to each and every person that would reflect as an action toward the promotion of human dignity and the common good, in my own little way. I will not hold any standard or bars in treating people, respecting everyone equally.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Christ Commission Fellowship (CCF). (2019, Dec 12). Retrieved from

Christ Commission Fellowship (CCF) essay
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