Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model: Addressing Child Abuse on Multiple Levels

Categories: ChildFamily

Uri Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model suggests that child abuse is not limited to the home and can be addressed through various interconnected systems at different levels. This model consists of the Chronosystem, Macrosystem, Exosystem, Mesosystem, and Microsystem working together to combat the problem. To truly understand Bronfenbrenner’s theory, it is important to carefully analyze each layer using examples from Dave Pelzer’s memoir, A Child Called “It” (Pelzer, 1995).

The Chronosystem, as described by Bronfenbrenner, emphasizes how significant life events can impact a child's development and well-being over time.

This idea is exemplified in the narrative of Dave from A Child Called "It" (Pelzer, 1995), where his father's failure to protect him after his mother's violent actions showcases this concept. Dave's father distanced himself from his role as a protector, becoming increasingly disconnected from both Dave and the rest of the family. By spending less time at home, even when not working, Dave's father left him vulnerable to continued abuse from his mother.

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Without his father's presence and support, Dave lost his sense of safety and belonging within the family.

The Macrosystem, as described by Bronfenbrenner, encompasses a community's shared beliefs, attitudes, and values regarding a child's growth and development. This is exemplified in Pelzer's memoir through the perspective of Dave's Mother on family. In the chapter "Good Times" from Pelzer's book (1995), Dave recalls a time when he felt loved and supported by his parents. His Mother often expressed happiness about having a close-knit family, suggesting that her own upbringing may have lacked affection.

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Her longing for an ideal family dynamic likely stemmed from her own childhood experiences of not receiving love and support. If she had been raised in a more nurturing environment, Dave's early life could have taken a different path.

In the Exosystem, Bronfenbrenner includes various systems such as the economic, political, education, government, religious, neighbors, social services, and mass media that can impact a child's development and influence their upbringing. Examples from Dave's memoir illustrate this aspect of Bronfenbrenner's model. For instance, a neighbor like Dave's Boy Scout Den Mother could have provided support to Dave in times of distress. Despite seeing Dave in distress when he explained why he couldn't attend a troop meeting, the Den Mother didn't seem to be affected and simply said she would see him at the next meeting. Similarly, when Dave's mother met with the educators and teachers of his elementary school to discuss his wounds and bruises, it showcased how these systems can play a role in a child's life.

Dave’s Mother revealed that Dave's stories were products of his imagination and a cry for attention after she had another child, no longer making him the youngest in the family. The education professionals accepted her explanation and closed the case. In Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model, the link between the Exosystem and the Microsystem is illustrated in the Mesosystem, showing how factors like religion, school, and healthcare can affect family dynamics. For example, Dave's principal stopped questioning Dave's mother about his injuries after an incident where Dave returned to school with even worse wounds than before. This led to the principal no longer addressing Dave's injuries with his mother.

Bronfenbrenner’s Microsystem involves the family, peers, school, workplace, church, and/or health services in the assessment of child abuse outside the home. In Dave’s memoir, examples show how peers at school ridiculed him based on his appearance, with even a substitute teacher joining in the bullying. Despite witnessing troubling behavior, Dave's brothers failed to alert their parents. These instances highlight the importance of recognizing and addressing signs of abuse within a child’s immediate environment.

As the brothers matured, they continued to stand by and watch Dave's Mother abuse him, sometimes even escalating the situation. Dave understood that they were likely just trying to avoid their Mother's anger, but as they grew older, they should have realized the importance of standing up to protect their brother. By working together, they could have gotten their Mother the help she truly needed. Uri Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model effectively illustrates the various levels of child abuse and emphasizes that it is not confined to the home, but rather a complex issue that must be addressed on multiple levels. The model demonstrates how each system is interconnected and builds upon one another. It stresses the importance of communities coming together to recognize and address child abuse, in order to ensure that the children and families in need receive the support they require.

Reference: Pelzer, D. (1995). A Child Called "It". Health Communications, Incorporated.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model: Addressing Child Abuse on Multiple Levels. (2016, May 12). Retrieved from

Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model: Addressing Child Abuse on Multiple Levels essay
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