Censorship in north korea

Categories: CensorshipNorth Korea

Would you live in a place where there is no worldwide internet, no phones, or where none of any kind of your usual advertisements do not exist? (rhet) Well, in North Korea, millions live without knowing what it is like to live your kind of life where media is usually freely distributed and absorbed everywhere. The North Korean citizens are constantly being malnourished of information with the exception of the government's propaganda. To clarify, the North Korean regime's extreme media censorship should be suspended allowing the citizens free access to all kinds of media.

To begin with, the North Korean government's extreme censorship of media is corrupt, since it can help increase influence over the public and control over the dictatorship of the country.

How? The North Korean government censors media that does not have anything to do or anything that challenges against their communistic judgement, main focus of suppressing one's idea to strengthen control. Adding to that, the country rarely allows foreign visits inside the border fearing that their citizens' views and opinions for the party will alter, with many people questioning the government's authority.

In North Korea, a huge percent of the media is made and distributed by the government, including TV channels by the government, radio stations by the government, their own computer operating system by the government, and even the internet is supplied by the government.

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(repetition) People's rights and freedom can be upheld if only the North Korean Government suspend their rights to extreme censorship of media.

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Do you really think their censorship of media is acceptable?

(rhet) Secondly, the North Korean government's extreme censorship of media should be suspended as it may lead to an oppressed and uneducated society limiting creativity and entertainment. Media, making life more rich with ideas and creativity. Media educates us in every aspect. Censoring huge amounts of media can drastically alter the people and the society, similar to how a flower cannot develop without water and light. Furthermore, In North Korea if you are caught with non-domestic media, you can face severe punishments, even death. Censorship of media in North Korea may have its drawbacks but it surely has some good side to it as well.

The DPRK's media censorship has some judgment that is mean well for the country too such as protecting social unity and national glory. For instance, this is shown through big events like the Olympics or the World cup when North Korea broadcasts only when their country triumphs or they win a match. This demonstrates how the DPRK uses censorship to strengthen their country's morale and patriotic spirit. On the other hand the morale and patriotism can interfere with one's own thoughts allowing the communist government to easily control you.

Surely you wouldn't want to live in a world where that happens? (rhet) Last but not least, the censorship of media can lead to isolation and the ignorance of the globally advancing world. The censorship of media in North Korea can drastically affect the growth of a nation. According to the chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt says, “As the world is becoming increasingly connected, their (North Korea) decision to be virtually (internet) isolated is very much going to affect their physical world, their economic growth and so forth”.

Think of how poverty can drastically affect the nation if censorship continues — millions of men, women, and children can be homeless and hungry, changing into a third world country. (emotional appeal). How would you feel if your close relatives lived in a world like that? (rhet) Extreme censorship is a tactic used by the immoral communistic government of the DPRK. Censorship has it ups an its downs, but the negative sides of this are the most concerning. Dulling up life is one thing, causing global isolation is worse, and using censorship to manipulate citizens is the worst.

(Climax) To conclude, the North Korean government's extreme media censorship should be suspended. Censorship in North Korea is used mainly for the governments own purposes — not for the people. With so many wrongful reasons of the censorship, should people just allow that to continue? (rhet) Henry Steele Commager, a famous historian once said, " censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion".

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Censorship in north korea. (2016, Jul 20). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/censorship-in-north-korea-essay

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