Causes and Solutions for Crime

Crime is a serious issue in many countries in contemporary society; in particular, the crime rate gradually increases annually in some sectors worldwide. There are two main causes and one solution to crime that will be illustrated in this article.

The first cause is poverty, which is deemed to be the principal cause of crime. People cannot survive without food; however, in some areas, the poor do not have sufficient money to buy food or other necessities. The only way to maintain their lives is to steal or rob, which leads to crimes.

The second reason is the violence from the media.

There are many films and teleplays including violence, which provide individuals with negative influences. Some people want to emulate the main character in films; therefore, they value the performance of actors in films, but these behaviors in reality are illegal.

Especially, teenagers are easily affected and tend to imitate, so the crime rate of the young raise annually. The authorities need to adopt the necessary measures to resolve this problem.

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For poverty, it has to narrow the gap between the poor and the rich, that is, the government should tax more from the rich and relieve the poor. For TV violence, television and film rating systems need to be strictly implemented. Moreover, parents should supervise their children and restrict the time of watching TV.

To conclude, poverty and TV violence are the main reasons for crime. The authorities need to have efficient solutions such as a tax balance policy and film rating system to decrease the rate of crime and defend their populace.

Updated: Feb 06, 2023
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