Effectiveness of Change Approach at VC Brakes

Categories: Case Study

VC Brakes undertook an ambitious journey towards implementing Total Quality Management (TQM), a significant organizational change. However, the efficacy of this approach necessitates a critical evaluation of its alignment with the company's culture and the strategies employed. Andrew Ryan's role as a senior manager in the Engineering Services (ES) team, particularly in implementing TQM, warrants scrutiny in light of its success and the barriers encountered.

Evaluating the Change Approach

The approach adopted at VC Brakes to implement TQM was conceptually robust, emphasizing the integration of quality principles across all levels of the organization.

However, its failure implies a misalignment with the prevailing organizational culture. The existing division between the engineering team and other operational units posed a formidable challenge. A cohesive culture where engineers collaborate seamlessly with other departments is imperative for successful TQM implementation.

Notably, lower-level employees possessed valuable insights and innovative solutions to improve operations. For instance, their feedback on subpar box cutters highlights their engagement with day-to-day operations.

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However, the failure to address these simple yet significant issues underscores the inability to bridge the gap between management and the workforce. Had these concerns been addressed proactively, such as by replacing the box cutters or allowing employees to bring their own, it could have symbolized a commitment to TQM and fostered a sense of inclusivity and collaboration.

Andrew Ryan's Effectiveness and Strategies for Improvement

Ryan's effectiveness in his original role within the ES team was notable. However, his endeavors to implement TQM faced substantial challenges. While he demonstrated intent, his failure to transcend the hierarchical barriers hindered progress.

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Ryan could have leveraged his position to advocate for the implementation of employee-generated solutions, such as replacing the box cutters, as a symbolic step towards inclusivity.

Furthermore, his communication strategies might have been refined to emphasize the holistic benefits of TQM beyond minor operational changes. Encouraging open dialogue and showcasing leadership by personally championing the proposed changes, even at a minimal cost like procuring new box cutters, could have demonstrated a tangible commitment to employee suggestions and TQM principles.

Recommendations for Moving Forward

For Ryan to catalyze effective change and ensure the success of the TQM initiative at VC Brakes, a multifaceted approach is imperative. Firstly, fostering a culture of collaboration and inclusivity is pivotal. This can be achieved by actively involving employees in decision-making processes and visibly supporting their suggestions, even through symbolic gestures like replacing inadequate equipment.

Secondly, effective communication is paramount. Ryan should articulate the broader organizational benefits of TQM, emphasizing its long-term advantages beyond immediate operational changes. Encouraging a sense of ownership among employees and demonstrating how their contributions align with the company's larger objectives would be instrumental.


In conclusion, the change approach at VC Brakes towards implementing TQM was well-intentioned but inadequately aligned with the organizational culture. Andrew Ryan's effectiveness in this endeavor was limited due to his inability to bridge the gap between management and employees. Moving forward, a holistic strategy encompassing cultural integration, proactive employee engagement, and refined communication is essential for successful TQM implementation at VC Brakes.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Effectiveness of Change Approach at VC Brakes. (2016, May 27). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/case-study-andrew-ryan-at-vc-brakes-essay

Effectiveness of Change Approach at VC Brakes essay
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