Books Vs Technology

The battle between books and the digital age: will technology diminish the significance of a printed book? Although many books can be found on a Kindle, I-pad, or computer, the printed book is traditional and one simply can’t stray from tradition. It’s easy to get lost in a world where advancements are flourishing everywhere, but a world without books, is a world without knowledge. Printed books are still vital in a rapidly evolving technology dependent world. “Books have been around for seven centuries.

They are portable, accessible collections of knowledge and insight into human-thinking” (Donatich 1).

Remember when you were a child, and would be so happy when you found a hard cover of your favorite book? Also, there’s nothing more sentimental than seeing a parent and child read a book together. Paper books are meticulously put together and take many months just to complete one copy. It’s a person’s thoughts, idea’s, facts, and memories all put together for anyone to enjoy.

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Although most everything can be found on the Internet, even thinking about getting rid of the paper book would be preposterous.

“A bookless world in which people learn to read and research by virtue of snippets and tags and annotations and wiki-research will be a world of people who not only won’t be able to read books but won’t be able to write them. And the record of human experience, several thousand years evolved, will be irrevocably changed” (Donatich 7). Books are slowly diminishing, and technology is flourishing.

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Instead of flipping through a book to find information, most people type it into Google. If technology ends up taking over, knowledge will surely decrease. A book will have one meaning for something, while if you search online, tons of information will be displayed.

If everything becomes easily found by a click of a button, it takes away the significance of searching through a book and expanding ones knowledge. By reading a book, you collect more information because you won’t have to search for it again. If it weren’t for copy and paste and search engines, would you really know that information? Chances are no.

In a rapid, technology-advancing world, the importance of printed books is still vital in today’s society. Technology shouldn’t diminish the printed book, only help enhance its significance. Works Cited Donatich, John. “Books Still Matter in a Digital Age” Journal of Scholarly Publishing. Vol. 40, No. 4. Pg. 329-342. University of Toronto Press, July 2009. 21 Aug 2014.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Books Vs Technology. (2016, Sep 08). Retrieved from

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