Biography of Patricia Piccinini: A Creator of Unearthly Delights

Categories: Biography

Patricia Piccinini is an Australian artist responsible for fascinatingly hyper-realistic works. Patricia was born in 1965 in Sierra Leone, West Africa where she spent her early years of life. She was raised in Australia and Italy (QAGOMA. 2018. Patricia Piccinini: Curious Affection Student Resource) where she grew to become quite fascinated with world issues such as bioethics, Patricia portrays such issues within her works which vary from media arts to visual arts. Her works touch on controversial topics which includes issues inflicted upon animal, environmental and humane cultures which causes the viewer to ask the question when is too far.

Because of her unique artistic vision Patricia was selected to represent Australia at the 2003 Venice Biennale, where the inflatable sculpture Skywhale was displayed. (QAGOMA. 2018. Patricia Piccinini: Curious Affection Student Resource). People are amazed by “strangely familiar life-like creature” and of her artistic vision, However, Skywhale isn’t the only work she has completed which has the potential to amaze viewers. Heartwood a Work displayed at the Goma Exercitation in Brisbane is an exemplar of her surreal art style.

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Heart wood is an odd piece which combines a number of features into an odd collection of elements. Even though elements of Heart wood clash, the overall effect is stunning. The piece is made up of silicone, fiberglass, various metals, a taxidermy wedged tail eagle as well as real human hair. These features enable the sculpture to have a highly realistic feel. The use of texture in this work is a vast combination of realistic human skin and element of metal work.

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The piece uses the texture to allow the viewer to fully immerse themselves and think of the sculpture as a real living being. The piece resembles a tree, with motor cycle boots and large metal beams supporting the base of the sculpture almost like the roots of the tree, which support the torso like () dangling an entourage of elbows which grow into a bough laden with helmet fruits on top of which sets a majestic wedge tail eagle. Everything in this work pushes the image of surrealism and a sensual feeling.

Patricia was found her inspiration to create this piece. The pieces torso and body is heavily representative of saint Sebastian in ecstasy, the position portrays the emotion of pain and anguish but at the same time hope and faith. Patricia also incorporated helmets and legs/boots which come from her own love of athletic sports. “The Helmets and legs come from my own love of the athletics of automotive painting and upholstery”. There is also a third symbol depicted inside of her sculpture the wedged tail eagle which suggests the values of power and freedom but also gestures of the web of life the interdependency of different species and complexity of the ecosystem. Patricia Intends to portray these aspects of the work to the viewer, the complex life we live here on earth the interdependence all species has on one another, the different means of living we all have. Throughout the work the use of colour allows the piece to have a beautiful array of colours. The colours are almost complete opposites of one another with the use of a matt red and a fluoro green tinted yellow, it manes of an interesting spectrum. However, Piccinini uses these colours to create an almost separation and focus around these pieces almost like they are different of don’t belong.

Patricia has effectively displayed the use of “strangely familiar”, life like hybrid creatures. By utilizing various colours, shapes and textures she was able to achieve an optimal piece. However, the appeal of the artwork lies within the elements which have been combined to create a powerful statement about certain issues within society. Some would argue that Patricia Piccinini’s works are abominable and horrifying, but if one would look into the works further one would see the beauty and appeal behind the piece. Dear Mrs Markwell I do apologise for exceeding the word limitation for this task, but I intend on shortening it down during the coming week.

Updated: Feb 20, 2024
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Biography of Patricia Piccinini: A Creator of Unearthly Delights. (2024, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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