Bill Gates: A Life Path Of The Genius

Categories: Bill Gates

Early Childhood

Bill Gates was born on October 28th, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. He was in a wealthy family, and he grew up very close to his mom. They often went to local schools and charity and they helped. He was always competitive, and he excelled in monopoly. He was always smart in school and so were his parents. He had a small family, only his dad, mom, sister, and himself.

Early Adulthood

Bill excelled in school and he got a 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT.

In the fall of 1973 Bill went to Harvard. He was a very smart student and went to school for law. He dropped out his second year because he found himself in the computer lab and fascinated with computers more than class. He was motivated with computers, so Bill and his friend Paul Allen created Microsoft after dropping out of college.

What Made Him Successful

As you probably know Microsoft made Bill Gates successful. Bill Gates was extremely smart and even though he dropped out of college he doesn't regret his decision because Microsoft made him the Richest man in the world currently.

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Microsoft was Bill Gates “big break” as expected, he didn’t fail with any other companies. Bill Gates was an extremely smart man, so his obstacles weren’t as dramatic as many others. Bill Gates always tried and never gave up. He would think outside of the box whenever he failed. He also thought nothing is impossible and there is always an answer to his problem.

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Bill Gates never stopped making inventions he was always updating what he made and making more things. As you know Microsoft is a huge company and they have many inventions. On your computer if you have a PC you probably have windows as your software, windows is a software from Microsoft. Bill gates made plenty of software's. He was a very busy man and he made everything that he thought would change people lives. If he thought that a product could help people and himself in daily life. He did just that, his products changed technology and our life.


Bill Gates loved to give back to the community. He has given back the community since he was a little kid. When he was younger him and his mom would always go to charity events, so giving back is in his blood. He has his own foundation in 1994 the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.” In 2014 Bill dropped down to the chairman at Microsoft. He wanted to put more focus on his charity. He did just that and worked a lot on the “Bill and Melinda gates Foundation” as much as he Microsoft he was ready to focus on what he finds important, charity. 

Works cited

  1. Bill Gates: The Life, Lessons & Rules for Success by Influential Individuals. (2017). Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
  2. Gates, B. (1996). The Road Ahead. New York: Viking Press.
  3. Manes, S. (1994). Gates: How Microsoft's Mogul Reinvented an Industry and Made Himself the Richest Man in America. New York: Touchstone Books.
  4. Cusumano, M. A. (1997). Microsoft Secrets: How the World's Most Powerful Software Company Creates Technology, Shapes Markets, and Manages People. New York: Free Press.
  5. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (2023). Home Page.
  6. Gates, B. (2015). Our Big Bet for the Future. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  7. Trenholm, R. (2019). Bill Gates: A Tech Genius Life. UK: Robinson.
  8. Schlender, B. (2014). The Inside Story of How Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Is Rebooting the Company. Fast Company.
  9. Bill Gates Biography. (n.d.).
  10. Gates, B. (2019). How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. New York: Knopf.
Updated: Feb 25, 2024
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Bill Gates: A Life Path Of The Genius. (2024, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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