Bath and Body Works Marketing Strategy

Marketing for Bath and Body Works

Bath & Body Works is owned by the Limited Brand Company, who operates the retail stores in the malls all over the world. They offer their customers personal care products, like hand lotions, body soaps, creams and body spray in all kinds of fragrances. They also offer a line of men’s showering and grooming products, likes lotions and creams in different fragrances. The company has in addition for teenagers, in the group from thirteen to eighteen years of age.

The company goal is to begin focusing on the gender and age and income and how they will respect will encourage the customers to buy the products and brands.

The strategy used will give them the upper hand in a competitive spot, and how they will target their customers, after they analyze the competitors, Bath & Body Works needs to come up with an online marketing plan which we propose to online objectives. The first objective is to build a better relationship with current customers through communication techniques.

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The second objective is to make up our sales to new and current customers by 10%. They are trying to build a long term and strong relationship with the customers by sending out newsletters.

To bring it all together Bath & Body Works needs to improve their emails and social media of their websites and mail. Bath & Body Works Bath & Body Works is owned by Limited Brands a US based company and is a subsidiary of limited brands Apparel Company.

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It was established in New Albany, Ohio in 1990. They started the company by being spa level products in the home. Their stores are somewhat alike and carry just slightly different products and items. They have a wide assortment of products that are moved every season. They own over 1645 stores, and now have started their first Web site, to market their products and brands online.

They want to become the ultimate stop for personal care products. The company has recently offered more sales of the products to compete against other brands and products, with stores and websites. Bath & body has established a brand and physical presence, and just recently did not spend much time online. The social media bust has changed most of the executives mind and has be- gone on the social media wagon to force existing marketing efforts. This internet marketing tool will provide extensive product information on the site, presenting brand images and advertising (Kazarina, 2005).

Situational analysis on BBW’s are bringing the future opportunities by product positioning. Our competitors in the market place are around $2 million dollar with a 90% brand. Their company runs all kinds of surveys, ads, by going through mail, and Social Media. BBW’s approach is to build brand sponsors and positive word of mouth with a lot of products and brands, and more significantly, a very good repro with the customer experience. By putting their ads on –line and in their catalog to its 1645 stores, it has new ideas that come by the strategy and technology to show a good experience and the opinion of each customer.

Bath & Body Works wanted to show big but act small with customers in these hard times . customers using the mulit-channel can be three times better than a single channel to the customer. Customers have a value three times then a single customer, so making that strong and binding relationship, was very serious to Bath & Body Works for a long-term achievement. Their goal was to make sure that they look at their customers in a 360-degree view to discover what their fragrances and bath products were and was.

The company has really focused on the value of incorporating everything to meet the customer needs and wants. Pepper & Rogers, 2007) The future opportunities that they support are: They treat their employees with respect as well as their customers. They are one of the most well-known companies here in Arizona and the rest of the states. For the employees they have cheered them on to move up the ladder within the company. To combine the customer’s needs, and wants, it has designed their fragrances, and hand lotions to meet the individual needs. Product positioning is how we target our customers, it is very important to their success, BBW’s is a very good brand and it stands out, when it comes to being special, then you determine he difference in your product marketing.

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The company provides the brand through mail, media and mall stores. They have created quite an achievement in the market, BBW’s has moved out competitors like Bath and beyond, they have a succeeding numbers of stores in the US. BBW’s has always trusted their customers to be loyal when it comes to their personal care and how they are respected. In today’s economy everyone is looking for that bargain. BBW’s has been offering some bundling of items, like the holidays, take Christmas for example—they have a basket that has a bath set for around forty-five dollars.

A brand’s success mainly depends on its capability to market, revolutionize and introduce new products. I believe that competition can advance intensify in the future as more companies enter this high margin in business (Trefis, 2013). The company wants the customers to use their website, to help support the sales in a lot of ways, like for promotions sales and to find store locations. BBW’s would like all their customers to give them feedback so they can keep improving their proficiency in their products and brands.

The online website also wants to inspire online users to shop more and become multi-channel customers. They track the demographics of the on-line sites to other customers to improve through feedback over a period of time. They used a conventional focus on what groups they attracted and the approachability is gender and age, which they hired several people and employed them in a real-time dialog. Even though their company explained, “Usability studies are valuable because they allow us to see body language and mouse clicks.

Also they like to test a larger group of people in a more natural setting. The mall is one way of attracting customers as they passed by and smell the different fragrances (Keynote Systems, 2008).

The groups that you use to test your product would aim at an age group of women around eighteen to sixty-five. This group of people is likely to take a closer look at the more warm style and relationship of the product than the second group. The household income of this age group would look at the price and how much they could afford and want to spend.

The second group is your teenage group which buys unwisely and would look more on their wants not the price. The two groups are different and the first is that the main group goes to the original packaging created by limited.

The second group is unpredictable and outstanding when it comes to packaging for looks for teens. Teens still shop for bright outgoing scents like peach-scented lotions or cherry blossom smells, but women in a more adult age group is right their buying products that have Shea butter for softer and feeling good skin.

That’s why the

first group have their priorities straight, there efforts are to capture a larger group for spending and looking good. In 2009 they had a new packaging look for their signature collection on body care products for the first group. BBW’s has also tried to make health and wellness with personal care for its customers. Communications has always been a way of publicity; it is related to the social media used for marketing. Marketing involves sales, brand language, packaging and designs by the graphics.

BBW’s website designs the features model, with its logo. The logo has three age groups to buy these products. I have chosen the way of adverting, many of the teens and younger adults do the banking and shopping on online. It also interacts with the customers to bring them much closer to the purchase and marketing outcome. Bath & Body works will always focus on the customers by their practice of safe products and brands for their family. Bath and Body Works have stopped using Tricolson or in the process of stopping it from their brands.

Triclosan is used in most antibacterial and it’s the main ingredient, that’s found in mouthwashes and different hand soaps. This chemical can disrupt hormones and may affect growth and development and may cause many more problems. . Scientific studies have linked triclosan to hormone interference, which could be dangerous to teenagers whose bodies are still developing,” ‘This is one reason their eliminating it from handing wash soaps and studies has been proved that it is no more effective at stopping diseases or eliminating germs than soap and water ( Brand Channel, 2013).

The company’s goals are to make all their products very friendly by using natural ingredients, tests that have been found that BBW’s products contain ingredients that are skin or eye irritants which can cause some problems. Benzyl alcohol is just one of the combined ingredients that are also a neurotoxin which can cause an allergic reaction in the skin, or damage to the liver. If the customers keeps coming back and buying the same scents time and time again, then Bath & Body Works could start focusing on the customer in trying to selling them products with natural ingredients so there is no reaction to the skin or body.

The global opportunities were as of 2008, BBW’s purchased the Canadian retail stores and opened six more BBW’s across Canada, In 2010 it launched their first store overseas, In todays world, lenders must become more global, to compete. BBW’s suppliers have to be relevant of laws and regulations of all standards. In the global market, they to keep improving the products and service, so the company can grow and be profitable, the faster the products and brands improve the more they can go forward.

The strategy for going global helps them to stay on focus on the world as a whole, so they can adapt easier and keep the customer demands in order. Reductions in cost and savings, we can focus on the new markets. When using the internet, it has more savings when you shop on line, when you are global. Customers from all over the world can easily find the product or brand by one click of the mouse, and reach customers by using twitter or Facebook web pages. The cost saving will help serve BBW customers better. (about. com, 2013)

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Bath and Body Works Marketing Strategy essay
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