The Art of Sugar: Cake Decorating for Special Occasions

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Cake decorating is referred to as one of the sugar arts in the world of baking. Cakes are decorated for many people and their special occasions. Many remember the birthday cakes and wedding cakes that went along with creating such fond memories of the events. The success of certain cake decorating shows like Cake Boss, Amazing Wedding Cakes, and Ace of Cakes have taken cake decorating from ordinary and boring to an extraordinary and marvelous level. There are also many new textures and flavors of frosting that have been conjured up over the years.

The varieties of frosting have been created to compliment the many creations of cake flavors.

The craft has evolved into a form of art over the years using different tips and techniques. It is now a craft which requires a lot of new skills, techniques, and education. One might even pursue a four year or two year college degree in Culinary Arts from a school such as, The Culinary Art Institute.

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There are also many new textures and flavors of frosting that have been conjured up over the years. The varieties of frosting have been created to compliment the many creations of cake flavors. If you are not easily impressed you might still be amazed at the number, variety and creativity of cakes. Some intricate designs appear to defy gravity.

The secret, Patrick says, is judicious use of inedible props, such as Styrofoam (Decorating Lane 58). Sculpted animals are popular. However, they're at most only cake. Decorating cakes depending on the designing and style tends to be pricier.

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If the customer tends to ask for a sculpted cake that can make an impressive centerpiece may cost approximately 200 or more. Cakes that are decorated some special way could get good publicity and get good business. Having to sculpt the cake is highly visible and correctly and profitable. Color and dimension is what most people want to see when they order the cake.

An if the customers like the work they might come back. However, the cakes must truly be memorable. . One may ask, what does it really take to be a great cake decorator and most importantly where did it all start? Decorating skills and techniques have developed greatly since three-tiered wedding and candled birthday cakes. The process has evolved to this day presenting beautiful towers of deliciousness. These unique creations also take us on an interesting trip through decorating history. As most know, cake is a term with an elaborate history and a subject with many aspects.

Cake denotes a baked flour connection sweetened with sugar, honey, eggs and milk. It has a distinct texture created by mixture rising during the cooking process. Cakes found in “Swiss Lake Villages” were made from roughly crushed grains, moistened, compacted, and cooked on hot stone. Obviously cake techniques have progressed since then. As time passed, over many centuries by trial and error, baking techniques began to improve due to influence from other countries and cultures (Kroskey).

Work Cited

"Decorating in the fast lane. " Bakery Production and Marketing 24 Jan. 1992: 58. Culinary Arts Collection. Web. 14 Aug.2013. Kroskey, Carol Meres. "Color and dimension add profits to cakes. " Bakery Production and Marketing 24 June 1991: 74+. Culinary Arts Collection. Web. 14 Aug. 2013. Kroskey, Carol Meres. "Complementing cakes with color. " Bakery Production and Marketing 24 Sept. 1991: 106+.

Culinary Arts Collection. Web. 14 Aug. 2013. Kroskey, Carol Meres. "Create an illusion. " Bakery Production and Marketing 24 June 1993: 56+. Culinary Arts Collection. Web. 14 Aug. 2013. Kuyper, Frances. "Making your own decorations in advance. " Bakery Production and Marketing 24 Sept. 1991: 112. Culinary Arts Collection. Web. 14 Aug. 2013.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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The Art of Sugar: Cake Decorating for Special Occasions essay
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