Automatic Fan Speed Control System

This chapter covers the ideas, generalization, conclusions, methodologies, and others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that is relevant and similar to the present study.

According to Kunla Singh (2015), Automatic Fan Speed Control system using Arduino as we all know that we are slowly moving toward automation and Automation is one of the trending topics. Basically in this project will be controlling the fan speed with respect to the temperature. The system will get the temperature from the temperature sensor and it will control the speed according to the temperature, set by the user.

In this project, microcontroller forms the processing parts, which firstly senses the temperature and the controller then compares the data with the set temperature. If the current temperature is greater than the set temperature, the controller turns ON the fan and the set speed will be proportional to the difference between the set temperature and the current temperature. If the current temperature is less than the set temperature, the fan will be turned OFF.

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The fan's speed will change according to the temperature.

Moreover, RipunjayChachan (2015), said designing an intelligent Temperature-Cum-Humidity monitoring device is depicted in this current project. The designing of the fully functional prototype is developed in-house. Once the humidity of the temperature gets out of the range mentioned by the user the device sends an SMS to the user's predefined number. This SMS contains information on the current temperature and the humidity. The developed device is also able to send the data to the monitoring station for recording and graph plotting for analyzing purposes at the later stage.

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The developed device has been tested under various simulated conditions.

Jeffrey Alan Siegfried (2016) Remote Sensing to Quantify in-field soil moisture variability in irrigated maize production, Agriculture is the largest consumer of water globally. As pressure on available water resources increases, the need to exploit technology in order to produce more food with less water becomes crucial. The technological hardware requisite for precise water delivery methods such as variable rate irrigation is commercially available. Despite that, techniques to formulate a timely, accurate prescription for those systems are inadequate. Spectral vegetation indices, especially Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, are often used to gauge crop vigor and related parameters (e.g. leaf nitrogen content and grain yield). However, research rarely addresses the influence of soil moisture on the indices. Canopy temperature measured using inexpensive infrared thermometers could also serve as an indicator of water stress, but current methods which exploit the data can be cumbersome


According to RogobertoSolorio (2015), a web-based temperature monitoring system for the college of arts and letters The Web-Based Temperature Monitoring System for the College of Arts and Letters helps users keep track of the College of Arts & Letters' server room temperature from a remote location. The project's mission is to inform system administrators via email/text if a critical temperature has been reached inside the server room, as well as provide a method for displaying the current server room temperature.

Base on Robert Jaron (2016) in conclusion, our integrated board design has been completed and tested effectively. The system is intended to integrate the temperature measurement section using temperature sensors, heater control unit using PWM output and resistance change reading part using the Wheatstone bridge principle for application of gas sensor technology. Results show that the design criteria have been satisfied to maintain the gas sensing material at a predetermined temperature of 200°C and read the resistance change of gas 39 sensors successfully. However, there are few limitations regarding with accuracy and contact area of the heater with a temperature sensor that need to be addressed in future works by applying more tuning methods and effective design. This work can be extended and optimized to achieve its ultimate goal and high-level performance

Jeane A. Rodrigo (2015) Automatic soil moisture sensing water irrigation system with water level indicator, the development of our project which is the Automatic Soil moisture Sensing Water Irrigation System with water level indicator is the device that will provide the needed water when the soil moisture sensor detects if the soil is dry. LPU-Laguna Journal of Engineering and Computer Studies Vol. 3 No.1 September 2015 179 The development of program is obtained to operate the automatic irrigation system, given the scheduling process that is provided by the RTC, the amount of suitable water(based on range of its soil moisture) needed to deliver for the plants is being controlled so there is no excess water, which mainly contributes to conservation of water.

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Daniela Atalla (2015) an Automated Greenhouse temperature and Soil Moisture Control. In this thesis an automated greenhouse was built with the purpose of investigating the watering system's reliability and if a desired range of temperatures can be maintained. The microcontroller used to create the automated greenhouse was an Arduino UNO. This project utilizes two different sensors, a soil moisture sensor, and a temperature sensor. The sensors are controlling the two actuators which are a heating fan and a pump. The heating fan is used to change the temperature and the pump is used to water the plant. The watering system and the temperature control system were tested both separately and together. The result showed that the temperature could be maintained in the desired range. Results from the soil moisture sensor were uneven and therefore interpret as unreliable.

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Based on Tiger Print Philippines (2015) Automated Wireless Greenhouse Management System There are many Sensor Based Projects for Engineering Students. And out these projects, Greenhouse monitoring and controlling project is used to measure the various parameters like Temperature, Humidity, and light and soil moisture. Microcontroller displays these parameters on an LCD. Temperature, Humidity, and Light are sensed by respective sensors, soil moisture is sensed by 2 thin metal rods or metal wires. Sensor output of Temperature is amplified and along with other 3 sensors, it is given to Analog to Digital Converter ADC. The microcontroller controls these parameters and keeps them below predefined levels using relay interface and motor drivers. These relays can be connected to Fan/Heater and DC motors can be connected to respective devices. For demo purpose, we have connected a 12 volt DC fan and a 12 volt DC bulb and two 12 volt DC motors. Values of temperature, humidity, and light and soil moisture are sending to a computer through serial port. These values can be displayed on the PC using a hyper terminal.

Edwin Basnet (2016) Smart Greenhouse Automation system Applying moving average algorithm, Automation of greenhouses has proved to be extremely helpful in maximizing crop yields and minimizing labor costs. The optimum conditions for cultivating plants are regularly maintained by the use of programmed sensors and actuators with constant monitoring of the system. In this paper, we have designed a prototype of a smart greenhouse using Arduino microcontroller, simple yet improved in feedbacks and algorithms. Only three important microclimatic parameters namely moisture level, temperature, and light are taken into consideration for the design of the system. Signals acquired from the sensors are first isolated and filtered to reduce noise before it is processed by Arduino. With the help of the LabVIEW program, Time domain analysis and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the acquired signals are done to analyze the waveform. Especially, for smoothing the outlying data digitally, Moving average algorithm is designed. With the implementation of this algorithm, variations in the sensed data which could occur from rapidly changing environment or imprecise sensors could be largely smoothed and stable output could be created. Also, actuators are controlled with constant feedbacks to ensure desired conditions are always met.

Marien M. Medalla (2017) Greenhouse Monitoring and control system, entering the era of Productivity 4.0, the agriculture industry faces a need to transform from the traditional production-oriented method to a new value chain-oriented approach. Information and communications technologies should be employed to create high-value markets and maintain international competitiveness. ITRI's greenhouse monitoring and control system implement sensor monitoring of environmental parameters including temperature, humidity, illumination, and wind speed. Greenhouse conditions for crop culturing can, therefore, be optimized via real-time analysis and control of factors such as shade and water. This technology has been field tested and verified in greenhouse cultures of strawberries. The system is highly customizable and features low operating costs, easy operation, and remote control capability. It can assist farmers in automating their crop production management and improving the quality of produce.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Automatic Fan Speed Control System. (2019, Nov 23). Retrieved from

Automatic Fan Speed Control System essay
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