Antigone: Timeless Themes and Theatrical Relevance

Categories: Theatre


This paper explores the significance of the plot and theatrical components of the great Greek disaster, Antigone. It discusses how although Antigone was written thousands of years ago it is still important today; it is a play that all can associate with in some way. It likewise discusses my personal reactions to the play: what I liked, what I didn't like, and what I thought could have been done in a different way for the enhancement of the play.

Antigone was written as the last play in a trilogy of disasters.

As one of the last remaining thirty-one plays from Ancient Greece, Antigone contains a plot and theatrical practices that were not only valued and appropriate in the pasts when it was written however that are likewise valued and appropriate now.

In the play, Antigone breaks the law by providing her sibling a proper burial despite the fact that her king, Creon, has considered him a traitor. She is caught in the act, and, as her punishment, forced into a cavern where she will starve and pass away.

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Her bride-to-be, Creon's boy, begs Creon to release her, but Creon will not. Just after the seer informs Creon that if he does not spare Antigone the Gods will take revenge does Creon go to Antigone's cave to release her. Regrettably, Antigone has currently killed herself, therefore has Creon's boy, out of heart break.

The general style of this play-to defend what one thinks is right-morphs as the plot goes on. At first, we see Antigone: a young, strong girl doing what she believes is ideal (burying her bro) despite the fact that she understands it's against the law.

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Throughout the plot, she waits her choice, even when confronted with her own death. She never stops defending what she thinks is right.

King Creon, on the other hand, starts off believing that not burying the traitor brother is right, and anyone who defies his order should, rightfully, be put to death. He stands by this belief, even when the perpetrator is his son’s fiancee. But once he finds out that the Gods are not pleased with is decision to leave the brother unburied and to punish the sister, his belief quickly adapts. His character and his belief of right and wrong changes, showing the second part of the theme-what you believe is right may not always be right, and you need to be prepared to deal with the consequences. These themes are part of what makes the play relevant throughout the ages.

Another part of what makes the play relevant throughout the ages are the theatrical practices. Since it’s a Greek tragedy, there are some theatrical practices that are outdated or not used in modern plays, such as the Chorus. However, the language, costumes, sets, lighting, and other technical elements used are simple enough that any theatre could easily produce this play. All they’d have to do is recreate the kind of dress that was worn in Ancient Greece.

This play leaves quite a bit to the imagination of the director, actors, and designers. For example, it never describes the set in extreme, minute detail. This menas that the designers can make the set look just about anyway they want as long as they stick to the general outline of where the scene is taking place. Also, it never describes the characters in minute detail. This means the actors and directors can portray the characters however they wish as long as they stay true to the characters personality.

As a reader, I very much enjoyed this play. The theme is one that all can relate to and learn from. It’s carried throughout the play very well, making the lesson and overall moral of the play easy to learn.

The only thing that could have been done differently to make the play better, in my opinion, would be to give more description of the set and characters. Then, the reader could picture them better, but the actors could still depict them however they see fit.

Even though Antigone was written thousands of years ago, it’s plotline and theatrical practices make it relevant and relatable today. That is what makes this great tragedy such a great classic.

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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Antigone: Timeless Themes and Theatrical Relevance essay
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