The Future of Capital Punishment in the United States

In a compelling discourse, the speaker passionately addresses the critical issue of the death penalty in the United States, urging the audience to consider the future trajectory of this controversial practice. The speaker meticulously highlights various reasons advocating for the cessation of the death penalty and the exploration of viable alternatives. Central to his argument is the assertion that the current justice system often leads to unfair convictions, with cases tainted by manipulated evidence, coerced witnesses, and inadequate legal representation. This essay delves into the persuasive elements employed by the speaker, targeting Californian citizens eligible to vote in the upcoming popular referendum.

Furthermore, it explores the global context of capital punishment, emphasizing the evolving consensus against it, and examines the speaker's strategic use of reason, emotion, and credibility to drive his point home.

Contextualizing the Advocacy: Targeting Californian Voters

The speaker, recognizing the pivotal role of the audience, specifically directs his appeal to Californian citizens eligible to vote on the issue of capital punishment.

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This strategic targeting is crucial for effective advocacy and campaign efforts. By engaging with the audience, the speaker seeks to advance the narrative that the death penalty is an outdated and barbaric practice. To underscore this point, he draws attention to the significant number of advanced democracies worldwide that have already abolished capital punishment, while the United States still grapples with its application. Notably, the global landscape reveals that over 100 countries have abolished the death penalty, and an additional 60 no longer employ it, whereas it remains legal in 28 countries.

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In the United States, 19 states have chosen to abolish the death penalty, signaling a growing momentum against its retention.

Persuasion Through Reason, Emotion, and Credibility

The speaker employs a multifaceted approach to persuasion, integrating reason, emotion, and credibility to build a compelling case for the repeal of the death penalty. Drawing upon his background as an engineering professor, the speaker addresses the logical query of his involvement in the cause. Recounting his experiences volunteering for Amnesty International during college, he establishes a personal connection to human rights advocacy, thereby presenting a logical basis for his engagement. Furthermore, the speaker taps into the emotional core of the audience, urging them to recognize the impact of their individual voices. He contends that even a small act of standing up and speaking out can bring about significant change. Bolstering his arguments with statistical facts, the speaker appeals to the audience's sense of logic, emphasizing the alarming racial disparities within the American prison system. The statistic highlighting the disproportionate incarceration rates of African Americans serves as a potent tool to evoke empathy and underscore the urgency of reform.

Enhancing Credibility through Statistical Evidence

Credibility is a cornerstone of the speaker's persuasive arsenal, and he reinforces it by presenting robust statistical evidence. Drawing on data from Amnesty International, the speaker delineates the global landscape of capital punishment, delineating the number of countries where it is legal, not in use, or abolished. This information adds weight to his argument, positioning it within a broader international context. Additionally, the speaker leverages court statistics from the State of California, bolstering the credibility of his claims regarding the flaws in the current justice system. Beyond the global and state-level statistics, the speaker introduces pertinent information on the cost of executions, the average time spent on death row, and the alarming percentage of innocent individuals wrongfully executed. These details serve to underscore the inefficacy and moral quandaries associated with the death penalty.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

In conclusion, the speaker's impassioned appeal for the repeal of the death penalty in California emerges as a meticulously crafted argument, seamlessly weaving together reason, emotion, and credibility. By contextualizing the issue within the global movement against capital punishment and strategically targeting Californian voters, the speaker establishes a compelling foundation for his advocacy. The use of statistical evidence, drawn from credible sources, fortifies the persuasiveness of his message, offering a stark portrayal of the flaws inherent in the current justice system. The concluding device, invoking the words of Martin Luther King Jr., encapsulates the urgency of the matter and implores the audience to actively participate in shaping the future of capital punishment through their votes. As the speaker's discourse reverberates, it calls not only for a reconsideration of the death penalty in California but also for a broader societal reflection on the ethical implications of capital punishment in the United States.

Updated: Jan 02, 2024
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The Future of Capital Punishment in the United States. (2020, Sep 16). Retrieved from

The Future of Capital Punishment in the United States essay
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