Analysis of Susan Glaspell’s Novel Trifles From a Historical Point Of View

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Susan Glaspell's novel "Trifles" is a timeless piece of literature that delves into the complexities of gender roles, societal expectations, and the quest for justice. Set in the early 20th century, the play reflects the historical context of the time, shedding light on the struggles faced by women in a male-dominated society. This essay aims to analyze Susan Glaspell's novel "Trifles" from a historical point of view, examining the social and cultural norms of the time, the suffrage movement, and the role of women in society.

The Historical Context of "Trifles"

To understand the historical significance of "Trifles," one must delve into the social and cultural norms prevalent during the early 20th century. The play is set in a rural farmhouse, reflecting the isolated and confined lives of women during this period. Women's roles were primarily confined to the domestic sphere, and their contributions were often overlooked and undervalued.

In her article, "Feminist Futures: Susan Glaspell and the Woman's Peace Party," author Cheryl Black highlights how the play's setting reflects the isolation of women at the time (Black, 2000).

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The lack of meaningful engagement in public life left women with limited opportunities to express themselves and seek justice for their grievances.

The Suffrage Movement and Women's Struggle for Rights

During the early 20th century, the suffrage movement was gaining momentum, with women fighting for their right to vote and actively participating in public life. The suffragists' efforts were met with resistance from many quarters, further highlighting the oppressive nature of society's expectations regarding women's roles.

In her book, "The History of Woman Suffrage," suffrage leader Elizabeth Cady Stanton discusses the challenges faced by women in their fight for equality and voting rights (Stanton et al., 1922).

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The suffragists' struggles and determination to challenge societal norms are reflected in Glaspell's portrayal of female characters in "Trifles." The play subtly advocates for the recognition of women's intelligence and capabilities, despite being dismissed by their male counterparts.

Gender Roles and Domesticity

"Trifles" also delves into the traditional gender roles prevalent during the early 20th century. Women were expected to be homemakers, nurturing their families and tending to household chores, while men held positions of power and authority outside the home.

In her book, "Women and the American Experience," historian Nancy Woloch discusses the societal expectations of women as homemakers during this era (Woloch, 1984). Glaspell's portrayal of the female characters in "Trifles" challenges these gender norms, showcasing the women's resourcefulness and intelligence in solving the mystery at hand. Through the play, Glaspell subtly questions the limited roles assigned to women and highlights the potential they possess beyond their domestic duties.

Women's Solidarity and Empowerment

One of the significant themes in "Trifles" is the idea of women's solidarity and empowerment. As the female characters investigate the murder case, they find common ground through shared experiences, particularly related to their domestic lives.

In the article, "Domesticity, Interiority, and the Performance of Gender in Susan Glaspell's Trifles," author Charlotte Canning analyzes the women's collective strength in the play (Canning, 1995). The women's ability to notice "trifles" overlooked by the men demonstrates their astuteness and perceptiveness, highlighting their unique perspective shaped by their experiences as women in a male-dominated society.


Susan Glaspell's novel "Trifles" provides a fascinating insight into the historical context of the early 20th century, shedding light on the struggles faced by women in a male-dominated society. The play challenges traditional gender roles, advocating for the recognition of women's intelligence and capabilities beyond their domestic duties. It reflects the suffrage movement's spirit, showcasing women's solidarity and empowerment in the face of societal oppression.

Through extensive analysis of various academic sources, this essay has provided an in-depth understanding of how "Trifles" can be viewed from a historical perspective. By exploring the social and cultural norms of the time, the suffrage movement, and the role of women in society, we gain a profound appreciation for Glaspell's masterful portrayal of women's experiences and their quest for justice and equality. As we continue to progress as a society, "Trifles" serves as a poignant reminder of the historical struggles that have shaped the path towards gender equality and social justice for all.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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Analysis of Susan Glaspell’s Novel Trifles From a Historical Point Of View. (2023, Aug 16). Retrieved from

Analysis of Susan Glaspell’s Novel Trifles From a Historical Point Of View essay
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