Analysis of Personal Characteristics Tests

A personality test in a self-report questionnaire that has no right or wrong answer, nor is it timed. It is a tool used to measure an individual’s personality by asking various questions relevant to the individual’s behavioral style. For example, you would answer questions such as, “Are you prone to directly confront a matter in which bothers you, or sweep it under the rug?” More specifically, the Myers Briggs (MBTI) is based on the five-factor model of personality measuring openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

The acronym used for these traits is ‘OCEAN.’ These five traits are preferences that may align with an individual’s personality; they do not automatically determine all life situations. In this paper I will analyze and discuss my personal views on the two online personality examinations I took for my Theories of Personality course.

According to The Big Five personality test on the Truity website, I scored a high percentage in Openness. It says that people who are open tend to lean toward creativity, adventure, and intellect.

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These people enjoy the arts and seeking out self-expression in unique, complex forms. I can agree with this result. I really like to get creative, I am usually open to trying new things, and intellectual development interests me. I am not surprised by the score of my openness. I can certainly view myself in this manner.

For the second part of the report, I scored moderately in Conscientiousness. This score indicates that I have characteristics of being both organized and determined and impulsive and easily sidetracked.

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When analyzing these results as it pertains to myself, I can agree with the exam’s determined conscientiousness. There are times where I find myself focused and determined to get something done or go forward with what I need or planned to do. Other times I do occasionally find myself distracted in the event that a diversion presents itself.

The third section of the personality test consists of Extraversion. Extroverts can be defined as people who actively engage in their environment. They are stimulated by social interaction and are inclined “to earn friendship, admiration, power, status, excitement, and romance.” The test report states that I fall into the moderate percentile of extraversion. This score indicates that I am placed straight down the middle, between introversion and extraversion. This might also indicate ambiversion since it is in between the two personality traits, introversion and extraversion.

I strongly agree with these results. I am an individual that enjoys social interaction just as much as I enjoy my solitude. One thing I did not like about the results section of extraversion (also noticed in other sections) was that the descriptions can be quite dramatic. It states that extroverts are thrilled by victory, attention, influence, prestige and winning approval or recognition from others. Although some of these items may apply, I believe some of these do not align. One’s introversion does not always mean that the individual would not enjoy or indulge in social acts that lead to reward. One’s extraversion does not automatically call for attention or social approval.

Next, the personality examination displayed results for Agreeableness. This term is described as a person’s tendency to put other people before them. People who score high in agreeableness are naturally very empathetic. They take pleasure in caring for others. This is me one hundred percent! My score was moderate; however, I am on the fence about this one. I feel I should have had a higher percentage, but the description for moderate scoring aligns well. It states that people like me like to balance out their own interests with other people’s interests. I can honestly say that this applies to me and my personality traits because even though I love and care for people, I value myself, my time and resources.

Finally, we have Neuroticism. Neuroticism is the experience of negative thoughts and feelings that are processed through fear, sadness, accountability, etc. This factor emphasizes how high scoring people are more prone to negative emotions than low scoring people. For example, someone with a low percentage, like myself, may react to a given situation calm and collected. However, if a situation occurs with someone of a higher percentage in neuroticism, they may feel feelings of guilt, even if there is nothing to feel guilty about. People who score low in neuroticism generally possess self-confidence, freedom, and optimism.

The results of The Big Five personality test produced my core pattern, also known as the circumplex. The circumplex identifies how an individual is perceived to approach the world. This is based on the pattern created through taking the test. The circumplex can be viewed as a reflection that essentially highlights an individual’s values, motivations and thought processes. Two core patterns that my personality examination revealed is that I am an empathic idealist and practical caretaker. An empathic idealist is one who “uses insight and creativity to help others” and “thinks about how the world could be a better and more beautiful place.” A practical caretaker “helps other people in practical, everyday ways” and “uses established institutions to maintain stability and security.” I have no argument here. I accept these results as I am aware that I possess these qualities and characteristics. I can see how the two patterns intersect one another to best fit my personality traits.

According to the MBTI Personality Profile, my second personality examination, my results were very comparable to first test, The Big Five. The MBTI outlined my test results simple and plain. The conclusion of the test led to a page that says, “Joy’s Result,” displaying me as an ETSP, short for extraversion, sensation, thinking and perception. These four traits are what I tested high in as opposed to introversion, intuition, feeling and judgement. The results state that I am “The promoter, the pragmatic, the maker, the legionary.” The cognitive functions based on my results were listed as:

  1. Dominant function - Extraverted sensing
  2. Auxiliary function - Introverted thinking
  3. Tertiary function - Extraverted feeling
  4. Lower function - Introverted Intuition

ESTP’s are energetic, problem solving, flexible, adaptable, resourceful, and adaptive people. They can be very curious as it pertains to all aspects of life. ESTP’s learn better with repetition and practice rather than reading and studying for an extended period. ESTP’s can be observant, practical, sociable and spontaneous. As I have stated above, these results are similar to the first personality examination I took. Although formatted different, both personality tests are similar, and I believe they are both reliable sources proven to be effective for use for the assessment of one’s personality.

Updated: Dec 17, 2021
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