An Exploration of Womanhood in Sujata Bhatt's Muliebrity

Categories: Womanhood

Sujata Bhatt's poem, "Muliebrity," delves into the profound essence of womanhood, highlighting the inherent power and character of women. The narrative centers around a young girl, a representative of village women, engaged in the seemingly mundane task of picking cow dung outside a temple. Despite the simplicity of her occupation, the poet elevates the girl to a position of reverence, portraying her as a symbol of pride in her actions. The very title of the poem, "Muliebrity," inherently suggests a celebration of womanhood, a theme deeply embedded in the verses that follow.

Throughout the poem, Bhatt employs a language that conveys the greatness and power associated with the status of women, emphasizing the dignity and strength found within the feminine identity.

Childhood Impressions and Optimistic Tone

Bhatt employs an optimistic tone to recount her imperative childhood experiences, creating a vivid portrayal of the village scenery. The use of delightful language serves to enhance the overall affectivity of the poem, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the imagery painted by the poet.

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Enjambment is skillfully employed to emphasize the temporal distance between the poet and the girl, perhaps hinting at a sense of nostalgia. The simplicity of tone and language mirrors the unpretentious nature of the situation, as Bhatt contemplates the girl's occupation with deep thought and admiration.

The poet's reflection on why the girl willingly undertakes a task conventionally deemed beneath her suggests a profound respect for the girl and her unwavering commitment. Despite societal expectations, the girl approaches her work with a sense of happiness and dedication.

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Bhatt's positive approach toward the girl's labor underscores the theme of the dignity of labor, highlighting the girl's ability to pursue her chosen path without succumbing to societal norms or expectations.

Feminine Movements and Independence

Bhatt intricately describes the feminine movements and attitude of the girl as she carries out her job, emphasizing the presence of womanhood in even the most humble tasks. The poet draws attention to the girl's pride and retained femininity, challenging societal perceptions of certain jobs as demeaning. Notably, the poem also depicts the girl's independence, with Bhatt noting the manifestation of power glistening through her cheekbones.

Despite the challenging environment in which the girl works, surrounded by the stench of cow dung and monkey breath, Bhatt introduces contrasting elements of freshly washed clothes and canna lilies. This duality serves to underscore the poet's positive perspective on the girl's occupation, emphasizing the juxtaposition of societal judgments with the inherent dignity the girl finds in her work. By employing vivid visual imagery, Bhatt allows readers to vividly imagine the surroundings and the olfactory experiences, creating a more profound connection with the narrative.

Womanhood Explored and Idealized

Bhatt explicitly states her reluctance to use the girl as a metaphor or a universal role model for women. However, the poet's admiration for the girl, who embraces her womanhood regardless of societal expectations, is evident throughout the poem. Muliebrity becomes a canvas on which the poet explores various feminine qualities, including elegance, pride, dignity, and independence. Implicitly, Bhatt suggests an idealized vision of womanhood, emphasizing the importance of exhibiting these qualities in the face of societal norms.

As the girl engages in the task of picking cow dung, she exudes a sense of self-worth and pride, challenging stereotypes and societal expectations. The poet encourages the audience to recognize the multifaceted nature of womanhood, as embodied by the girl in the poem. Through this exploration, Bhatt subtly conveys her vision of an ideal woman — one who possesses a strong and powerful personality while embracing her femininity.


In conclusion, Sujata Bhatt's "Muliebrity" serves as a poignant exploration of womanhood, using the image of a girl engaged in a humble task to convey powerful messages about pride, dignity, and independence. The poet's childhood reflections and optimistic tone lay the foundation for a narrative that challenges societal expectations and celebrates the strength inherent in women. Bhatt's vivid descriptions, coupled with her nuanced portrayal of the girl's femininity and independence, create a compelling tapestry of womanhood. While the poet refrains from explicitly idealizing the girl, the underlying message suggests a vision of womanhood that defies societal norms and embraces diverse qualities. "Muliebrity" stands as a testament to the resilience and power found in women, even in the most unconventional circumstances.

Updated: Jan 02, 2024
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An Exploration of Womanhood in Sujata Bhatt's Muliebrity. (2016, Jul 24). Retrieved from

An Exploration of Womanhood in Sujata Bhatt's Muliebrity essay
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