The Naturalist Tapestry in "McTeague" by Frank Norris

Categories: Naturalism

Introduction: Frank Norris' novel, "McTeague," penned at the turn of the century, stands as a classic example of naturalist writing. Within its pages, Norris skillfully weaves together themes such as greed, lust, strife, Social Darwinism, and animal imagery to create a vivid portrayal of the harsh realities of the era. This essay delves into these themes, exploring their manifestations in characters like Zerkow, Trina, and McTeague, and how they contribute to the novel's overarching narrative of human degradation.

Greed as a Driving Force

One of the powerful forces steering the characters in "McTeague" is greed.

Zerkow, consumed by insatiable greed for gold, marries Maria with the hope of uncovering hidden riches. This obsession with wealth ultimately leads him to a tragic end, highlighting the destructive nature of unbridled greed. Similarly, Trina's newfound fortune after winning the lottery exposes her own greed as she becomes unwilling to spend money where it is needed, precipitating a decline in the couple's standards of living.

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McTeague himself, upon learning of Trina's windfall, reveals a desire to control the money, showcasing how greed infiltrates and manipulates the characters' motivations. This pervasive theme of greed extends beyond individual characters, reflecting the socio-economic climate of the time, where the pursuit of wealth overshadowed ethical considerations and human connections. Norris employs these portrayals to critique the corrosive impact of unrestrained greed on both personal relationships and societal structures, a key aspect of naturalist literature.

Lust and Its Consequences

Lust emerges as a potent force, particularly in the character of McTeague.

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From the moment Trina enters his dentist chair, McTeague's virile desire for her becomes palpable. This lust-driven pursuit of Trina eventually leads to violent kisses and a possessive proclamation of "I've got her!" This carnal desire becomes a significant catalyst for McTeague's actions, shaping the course of his tragic journey. Notably, Zerkow's lust is not directed towards a person but rather the imagined wealth Maria has described. The intertwining of lust and greed further complicates the characters' relationships, adding layers to the naturalistic exploration of their fates. Norris uses these depictions of lust to illustrate the destructive power of unchecked desires, portraying how personal obsessions can spiral into tragic consequences for individuals and those around them. This exploration of lust contributes to the broader naturalist narrative by showcasing how human instincts and desires can lead to downfall when left unchecked in the unforgiving environment depicted in "McTeague."

Strife and Internal Conflict

Strife, both internal and external, becomes a vigorous undercurrent in "McTeague." Marcus, who experiences internal turmoil after Trina's lottery win, engages in bitter conflicts with McTeague, revealing the rivalry sparked by his own regrets and desires. The narrative reflects the characters' struggles, creating a tense atmosphere that mirrors the broader societal conflicts of the time. This strife contributes to the overall degradation of the characters, mirroring the challenging socio-economic landscape depicted in naturalist literature. Marcus's internal conflict and external clashes with McTeague serve as microcosms of the societal tensions prevalent during the era, highlighting how individual struggles were intertwined with larger socio-economic upheavals. Norris strategically uses strife as a lens through which readers can witness the disintegration of relationships and the impact of external pressures on individual lives, aligning with the naturalist tradition's focus on portraying the deterministic influence of external forces on human existence.

Animal Imagery and Primal Instincts

Throughout the novel, animal imagery permeates the character of McTeague, offering insights into his primal instincts. As he etherizes Trina, the "animal in the man" awakens, revealing the raw, unbridled nature within him. This imagery recurs in scenes where McTeague physically overwhelms Trina, depicting him not as a human but as a powerful, beastly force. The recurrent comparisons of McTeague to an ox or a hungry swine deepen the reader's understanding of his character, emphasizing the animalistic qualities that drive his actions. This animalistic portrayal of McTeague serves as a commentary on the base instincts within every human being, suggesting that societal constraints are the only barriers preventing individuals from succumbing entirely to their primal nature. By employing animal imagery, Norris adds layers to the naturalist exploration of humanity, showcasing how characters' actions are influenced by deeply ingrained, instinctual drives that transcend societal norms. This thematic element contributes to the overall naturalistic framework, illustrating the fragility of the veneer of civilization and the primal forces that underpin human behavior in the harsh landscape depicted in "McTeague."

Social Darwinism and the Survival of the Strongest

Central to the naturalistic framework of "McTeague" is the theme of Social Darwinism, evident in the novel's overarching structure. The progression of events mirrors natural selection, where characters form alliances in the early stages, only for survival of the fittest to take center stage later. Zerkow and Maria's tragic end, followed by McTeague's killing of Trina and Marcus's pursuit of revenge, showcases a clear pattern of the survival of the strongest. The barren desert that remains at the story's conclusion symbolizes the ultimate victor in this struggle for existence. This theme aligns with the naturalist tradition's exploration of determinism and the influence of external forces on individual lives. Norris crafts a narrative where characters are subject to the harsh realities of their environment, and only the strongest, in terms of adaptability and resilience, emerge victorious in the unforgiving world depicted in "McTeague." The prevalence of Social Darwinism underscores the naturalist philosophy that individuals are at the mercy of external forces beyond their control, and survival hinges on the ability to navigate and endure the challenges presented by the environment.

Conclusion: A Realistic Portrayal of the Era

In conclusion, Frank Norris masterfully employs themes of greed, lust, strife, animal imagery, and Social Darwinism in "McTeague" to create a rich tapestry of naturalist literature. Through the intricate interplay of these elements, Norris provides a detailed and realistic portrayal of the societal landscape at the turn of the century. The characters' tragic fates serve as cautionary tales, illustrating the profound impact of uncontrollable desires and societal pressures. "McTeague" remains a timeless exploration of human degradation and survival within the harsh realities of the naturalist tradition, offering readers a nuanced and expansive perspective on the complexities of the human condition.

Updated: Dec 15, 2023
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The Naturalist Tapestry in "McTeague" by Frank Norris. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

The Naturalist Tapestry in "McTeague" by Frank Norris essay
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