Analysis Of GZRP And AOMDV In MANET Computer Science Essay

Categories: Network

Genetic Zone Routing Protocol ( GZRP ) is a new intercrossed multipath routing protocol for MANETs which is an extension of ZRP by utilizing Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) . GZRP uses GA on IERP and BRP parts of ZRP to supply a limited set of alternate paths to the finish in order to lade balance the web and hardiness during node/link failure during the path find procedure. GZRP is studied for its public presentation compared to AOMDV, another multipath routing protocol extended from AODV, a beginning routing protocol.

The public presentation analysis is made utilizing GloMoSim 2.03. The consequences of the comparing are produced in this paper.

Keywords: MANET, Routing, ZRP, Genetic Algorithm, GZRP, Load Balancing, AOMDV, AODV.


A Mobile Ad hoc NETwork ( MANET ) [ 1 ] is a connectivity of web formed due to cooperation between the nomadic nodes dynamically and outright without depending on any of the fixed substructure like base Stationss. There are many challenges related to MANETs [ 2 ] . Some illustrations of the possible utilizations of ad hoc networking [ 3-4 ] include pupils utilizing laptop computing machines to take part in an synergistic talk, concern associates sharing information during a meeting, soldiers relaying information for situational consciousness on the battleground, and exigency catastrophe alleviation forces organizing attempts after a hurricane or temblor.

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There are assorted issues related to ad hoc webs [ 5-6 ] . Several protocols have been proposed for routing in such an environment. These protocols can loosely be classified into two types: proactive and reactive routing protocols. Proactive or table-driven protocols try to keep paths to all the nodes in the web at all times by airing routing updates in the web.

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Examples are Destination Sequenced Distance Vector ( DSDV ) [ 7 ] , Optimized Link State Routing ( OLSR ) , Wireless Routing Protocol ( WRP ) and Fishey State Routing ( FSR ) . On the other manus, reactive or on-demand protocols effort to happen a path to the finish, merely when the beginning has a package to direct to the finish. Examples are Dynamic Source Routing ( DSR ) [ 8 ] , Adhoc Ondemand Distance Vector ( AODV ) , and Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm ( TORA ) . In between the above two extremes, there are the intercrossed protocols. The Zone Routing Protocol ( ZRP ) [ 9 ] is a intercrossed protocol. ZRP is a routing model composed of the proactive Intrazone Routing Protocol ( IARP ) [ 10 ] , reactive Interzone Routing Protocol ( IERP ) [ 11 ] , and the Bordercast Resolution Protocol ( BRP ) [ 12 ] . There are surveies [ 13-16 ] related to ZRP which prove that its public presentation is better compared to either table-driven or on-demand protocols. Writers of this paper have besides made a considerable public presentation survey on ZRP whose consequences are presented in [ 17-20 ] .

Familial Algorithms [ 21 ] perform much better with uneven conditions because of their population based attack distributing hunt throughout the possible options. A big sum of work [ 21-30 ] has been done on the application of familial algorithms or evolutionary algorithms to communications webs. Research workers have applied GAs to the shortest way ( SP ) routing job [ 22-23 ] . C.W. Ahn et al [ 27 ] have proposed a GA attack for SP routing job. It employs the variable length chromosomes. The crossing over operation exchanges partial chromosomes ( partial paths ) at partly independent traversing sites and the mutant operation maintains the generic diverseness of the population. A fix map is used to bring around the impracticable solutions due to crossover. The writers of the paper proposed a protocol called Genetic Zone Routing Protocol ( GZRP ) [ 32 ] , which utilizes the new GA suggested in [ 27 ] with small alterations and is proved to be fast compared to other GA-based methods. In our attack, the proposed routing protocol maintains a limited figure of alternate paths which are often used in order to cut down communicating operating expense and end-to-end hold in paths while holding better bringing of packages. We generate alternate paths by GA with familial operators based on topological information of the web. These alternate paths generated by GA are usage for administering the packages in multiple waies in order to lade balance the web and the waies can besides be used for mistake tolerance.

This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides the inside informations and working of the protocol proposed by the writers, called Genetic Zone Routing Protocol ( GZRP ) . Section 3 discusses the brief thought of AOMDV protocol. The experimental process including the rating methodological analysis and environment used for the simulation are given in Section 4, and in Section 5, we present the consequences of the experimented simulations. Finally, Section 6 proposes the decisions.


Genetic Zone Routing Protocol ( GZRP ) is proposed [ 32 ] by the writers of this paper which is a multipath extension of Zone Routing Protocol ( ZRP ) following the construct of Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) . Some of the public presentation ratings on GZRP are done in [ 33-35 ] . The rule of GZRP is explained hereunder: GZRP makes usage of IARP, similar to ZRP, to verify whether intended finish is within the routing zone of the beginning node. If the path to the finish is available in its routing tabular array, it makes of the same path and forwards the packages to the finish. And, if the path to the finish is non within its range, it applies route find procedure utilizing its sub-protocols, IERP and BRP. IERP makes usage of Route Request ( RREQ ) and Route Reply ( RREP ) packages in the path find procedure. The RREQ packages are bordercasted in to the web. In bend, these packages are farther bordercasted from the boundary line nodes. Every boundary line node hunts for the finish node within its routing tabular array. When a path to the finish is found, the Route Reply ( RREP ) packages are sent back to the beginning node. The GZRP makes usage of GA at each boundary line node and generates possible alternate waies which may be optimum or sub-optimal. These alternate waies are stored at the boundary line nodes for two basic grounds: ( a ) they can use these paths as the alternate paths in instance of the bing path fails or node fails ( Fault Tolerance ) ( B ) they can administer the packages on multiple alternate paths to cut down the congestion and every bit good to equilibrate the web ( burden equilibrating ) . At each boundary line node, alternatively of bordercasting the RREQ packages on a primary way entirely, they can be bordercasted on many paths. Even though, GA produces many possible alternate waies, we make usage of limited figure of alternate paths which are either optimum or close optimal. The architecture of the GZRP is shown in Fig.1.

Figure 1. Architecture of Genetic Zone Routing Protocol

While utilizing GA in calculating the shortest way or near shortest waies, it includes the procedure like crossing over and mutant to bring forth the new paths. The chief advantage of the GZRP is that it limits the control operating expense as it does non rediscover the paths when the path fails. It makes usage of readily available paths which are generated utilizing GA.

Routing Table of a Border Nodes

The routing table consists of the entries including finish, path, frequence, and metric. The default metric used throughout the work is hop count. The finish entry indicates the finish node of packages. For each finish, we have a set of alternate paths. A route entry is a list of node IDs along the path. The frequence entry specifies the figure of packages sent to the finish by the path.

Robustness: mistake tolerance

Mistake tolerance is indispensable in existent routing algorithms. It will take attention of path care. The routing algorithms must be robust for package loss caused by instability of the web such as congestion and node/link failure. The GZRP reduces this job by supplying a set of alternate paths to a boundary line node. The following best available alternate path at the boundary line node is used for send oning the packages. This gives hardiness for the web and besides reduces the control overhead that may happen in the web due to rediscovery of the paths.

Load Balancing

This frequence field in the routing tabular array will be utile in order to lade balance the web. This reduces the burden on a individual path by administering the package bringing through the available alternate paths. The first path to the finish in the list is considered as the default path. In initial province, the routing tabular array is empty. When a package is generated at a node, a default path is generated by the IARP routing model and will be inserted in to the routing tabular array. This non merely reduces the end-to-end hold but besides helps in cut downing the operating expense. Further, bringing of the packages will be done more expeditiously.


The Protocol AOMDV is a multipath extension of bing reactive routing protocol AODV. The working of AOMDV protocol is hereunder. RREQ extension from the beginning towards the finish establishes multiple contrary waies both at intermediate nodes every bit good as the finish. Multiple RREPs crossbeam these change by reversal waies back to organize multiple frontward waies to the finish at the beginning and intermediate nodes. Note that AOMDV besides provides intermediate nodes with alternate waies as they are found to be utile in cut downing route find frequence. The nucleus of the AOMDV protocol lies in guaranting that multiple waies discovered are loop-free and disjoint, and in expeditiously happening such waies utilizing a flood-based path find. AOMDV path update regulations, applied locally at each node, play a cardinal function in keeping loop-freedom and disjointness belongingss. AOMDV relies every bit much as possible on the routing information already available in the implicit in AODV protocol, thereby restricting the operating expense incurred in detecting multiple waies. In peculiar, it does non use any particular control packages. In fact, excess RREPs and RERRs for multipath find and care along with a few excess Fieldss in routing control packages ( i.e. , RREQs, RREPs, and RERRs ) constitute the lone extra operating expense in AOMDV relative to AODV.

Experimental Procedure

A. Evaluation Methodology

The simulator used for rating of the protocols is GloMoSim ( Global Mobile Information System Simulator ) [ 31 ] . The purpose of this simulation survey is to measure both the protocols, AOMDV and GZRP, for their public presentation on the factors like per centum of package loss, route find frequence and the mean hold.

B. Parameter used in the Simulation Model

The parametric quantities used for patterning the simulation to measure the protocol are summarized in Table I and Table II lists the parametric quantities used for GA. No information was collected for the first 10 seconds to avoid measurings before intra-zone path find procedure stabilized.

Consequences Analysis

In this subdivision, an analysis is made on the achieved consequences due to the public presentation rating of AOMDV and GZRP with regard to per centum of package loss, package bringing frequence and mean hold. The zero seconds of intermission clip imply that nodes are in uninterrupted gesture without any intermission whereas the 900 seconds of intermission clip imply that nodes are in stationary as the simulation is run for 900 seconds.

Fig. 2 indicates the consequences of the simulation made for the influence of mobility on AOMDV and GZRP protocols to look into the per centum loss of packages. It is observed that due to the burden equilibrating the web, there much less packet loss in GZRP, in general, and better performed with regard to AOMDV, in peculiar. The overall betterment of 4 % is seen in GZRP compared to AOMDV.

Fig. 3 shows the consequence of mobility on the path find frequence of both the protocols, AOMDV and GZRP severally. Due to the readily handiness of the paths which are generated by GA faculty of GZRP, there is much less demand for rediscovery of the paths. The consequences indicate that GZRP shows an improved consequence of 4 % compared to AOMDV in path find frequence. This is a considerable betterment over AOMDV.

Finally, Fig.3 represents the fluctuation of mean hold over mobility for AOMDV and GZRP protocols. There is an betterment of about 6 % of GZRP over AOMDV protocol. It can be inferred that GZRP is presenting the packages utilizing multiple alternate paths because of which there is a much less mean hold of GZRP compared to AOMDV.


In this paper, we have presented the public presentation rating of Genetic Zone Routing Protocol ( GZRP ) and Adhoc Ondemand Multipath Distance Vector ( AOMDV ) Routing Protocols. GZRP is an extension to the Zone Routing Protocol ( ZRP ) with the usage of familial algorithm ( GA ) . GZRP shows little betterment of around 5 % over AOMDV on the norm. The surveies are made on assorted factors like per centum of package loss, package bringing frequence and mean hold. The consequences indicate that GZRP is good balanced protocol compared to AOMDV. Its burden reconciliation nature and mistake tolerance nature provided a set of alternate paths without necessitating for more path finds.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Analysis Of GZRP And AOMDV In MANET Computer Science Essay. (2020, Jun 01). Retrieved from

Analysis Of GZRP And AOMDV In MANET Computer Science Essay essay
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