An Essay on the Two Pest in My Life, My Twin Sisters

Do you have a brother or sister, who is a pest? I am one of the pest controllers for my twin sisters, who will stop at nothing to satisfy their endless list of needs.

After eleven years of being an only child, I wasn't exactly thrilled about having twin sisters appear in my life. Between the stories I had heard of the constant crying and the out-of-control tantrums that babies have, I wasn't about ready to go into this willingly. I would have to put up with double the trouble, which would deprive me of the many advantages I had when I was an only child.

I was stunned, when on the way home from picking up Chinese food at Yangtze, my mother said, "How would you like to have a sibling? I laughed at first, but my laughter soon turned into a serious reality of what it would be like to have a brother or sister. Having a brother might be cool, but I wasn't looking forward to the responsibility I would have of taking care of him and watching him.

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I hadn't even considered the thought of having sisters, better yet two.

Thirty-eight weeks later on the day of delivery, I found out that I had twin sisters. I was ecstatic and jumping for joy. Yeah right. I was the first to see them up close. I saw two big, cute, newborn babies with their names, Brittany and Melanie, and their birth information on a sticker that was on the side of their basinets.

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When I first saw my sisters, they were fast asleep in their hospital basinets with a passiphire to prevent an outburst of crying, from two potential screech-professionals.

After my sisters woke up, my parents told me that I should read to them. The first book I came across was Goodnight Moon, so I chose that one. Brittany and Melanie were sleeping on my lap, draining their milk bottles, and trying to pay attention to the story to the best of their abilities. Their eyes were glued to pages because this was their first real interaction with someone and the first time that they clearly heard someone's voice. They loved it, and still love Goodnight Moon to this day. It was a very meaningful experience for all three of us, and we might not have been as close if I hadn't seen them until they were out of the hospital.

Ever since I read them Goodnight Moon, I have loved spending time with them. For three years, we have had a special connection that has extended far past the typical relationship between siblings.

Every time I help pick them up from their schools, their faces light up with excitement that can fill up the room. When I open their classrooms doors', Brittany and Melanie immediately freeze and stop whatever they're doing. Their bodies' slowly shift towards the door as soon as they recognize me. It is amusing to watch as their little legs sprint to their doors. After my sisters greet me, they show me off to their classmates. Occasionally, they say to their friends, “This is my brother Michael. He plays with me." This makes me feel special and proud because they think of me so highly, but it has taken a long time for my sisters to be as close with me as they are now.

It is amazing to watch them grow rapidly mentally. When Brittany and Melanie were born they were each about twenty inches tall, and weighed about seven and a quarter pounds. My sisters were barely able to walk at one year, and physically they couldn't do as much as they can now. Melanie and Brittany didn't really know I was part of their family, and we weren't friendly for the first year. Brittany and Melanie, like all other one-year-olds, had a very hard time getting to bed.

The terrible twos was a nightmare, and to put up with two trouble-making whiners was even more miserable. At this age, my sisters had become closer with one another and with me. They would share their toys, and one wouldn't play without the other. If one of the twins were gone, the other would go hysterical. Melanie and Brittany didn't go to sleep well at age two, and they would come up with a variety of excuses to delay their bedtime. Like all two-year-olds, Melanie and Brittany had a tendency to refuse to obey their parents, which commonly resulted in a major temper tantrum that drove everyone insane.

Now that they are three, Melanie and Brittany have started to develop very particular, often peculiar tastes and won't settle for anything less. Sometimes, they won't accept certain clothing, cap, and bottle colors. Neither of them will accept food if it is cracked or broken. Almost every time I turn my back, my sisters are fighting over a toy. When that happens, the most common reaction is for them to have a fit and hurl the rejected item onto the floor. If that doesn't work, then Brittany and Melanie will cry their hearts out until their demands are met.

My sisters commonly invade my privacy, and frequently charge into my room whenever they are afraid of getting caught or dealing with their punishment. Whenever one or both of my sisters gets yelled at or punished, they come to my room and look for a hiding place. The only problem is that while they're in my room, my sisters mess it up, and misplace and take away my possessions. My sister Brittany will often come into my room, when I am not around and will mess with the files on my computer. She will open applications, documents, or whatever she can see. She does it all for the sole purpose of listening to "What's My Age Again" by Blink 182. Brittany calls it the "pretty song;" she has peculiar tastes. In addition to her music preferences, Brittany loves the color orange and will eat nothing but macaroni and cheese. When she goes to bed, she always says, "I want more milk. I have to go potty." Often, it's eleven o'clock at night and she's laughing or singing in her bed.

Melanie isn't as picky as her sister, but when she really wants something, she always gets it. She doesn't understand the concept, "You can't always get what you want." Her main methods of getting what she wants are: coming up with bizarre excuses, having a terrible temper tantrum, using her mind, or calling everyone stupid. My family has a hard time of putting up with her. One particular incident stands out. It was the time when she didn't want to get in her car seat. My mom, my sisters, and I were riding home from Melanie's school, when Melanie resisted in every possible way to not get in her car seat. First, she called everyone stupid, and tried to resist being strapped into a car seat. After she got strapped in, we headed back to our house. During the car ride she shrieked non-stop and eventually unstrapped herself from the confines of her car seat. On that one ride, we had to pull over three times because she kept unstrapping herself and crying so loud.

Whenever we all go to a restaurant, they act like a bunch of unruly and rowdy animals. It is so embarrassing because they jump on the seats, scream, and cry as loud as possible. I often rethink the reasons why my mom chose to get pregnant. On top of that, my sisters rarely are fast asleep before 9:00. They will delay their bedtime as much as possible, even if it means claiming that they have to go to the bathroom up to five times. My sisters lay an enormous stress weight on our backs, that we have no chance of lifting.

Dealing with their constant and annoying attention drawing tactics has increased my tolerance and patience. Since my parents also have to deal with my sisters instead of just me, they have helped me less on my homework. I have become more independent, and I don't rely on them as much for help on writing papers or book reports. I have to be kind, thoughtful, patient, and tolerant with my sisters. As a result, I have started to apply everything I have learned to be a better friend. Being a brother has been a valuable learning experience, which has made me a better person.

Updated: Mar 25, 2022
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An Essay on the Two Pest in My Life, My Twin Sisters essay
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