All Bodies are Beautiful

Is beauty defined by the body type of a person? Nowadays, some people’s point of view on beauty is depending on the size of a woman’s breasts or butt, body curves, or fair skin complexion on women. On the other hand, some people’s point of view on the beauty of men is body physique. I do believe that body type does not define beauty. Society dictates the standards of beauty, which is wrong. All body types are beautiful.

Being healthy is a real beauty. The beauty of a person comes from within and it is also the attitude that defines beauty.
All body types are beautiful, even if your fat or skinny, and no matter what your body structure is, you are beautiful. It is all about how you see yourself and being confident in what God gave you. It is a blessing, not a curse.

Beauty comes from within. It is not about a beautiful cover but the important is the content of a book.

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Beauty is all about being good to yourself and to other people. The content of the heart is more important than the appearance of the person.

Being healthy is a real beauty. Not taking good care of your body is like not watering a plant on a hot sunny day. Our bodies need nutrients like plants and our bodies need rest. If we are going to abuse it then our own bodies will be frail, and it will be exposed to sickness.

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That is why taking good care of our bodies is important.

Looks can be deceiving. Being fit does not necessarily mean that they are beautiful. It is all about how you see yourself whatever your body size is. You are beautiful inside and out, as long as you take good care of yourself in your own way, and as long as you do not expose yourself to sickness. We are in a judgmental society that most people never take into consideration how other people would feel from the hateful comments about their physical appearances.

Being skinny or fat shows a lack of self-discipline and an unhealthy lifestyle. Scientifically speaking, there are people with a fast and slow metabolism which makes them skinny or fat. People differ in body structures, hormones, and genes which greatly affect how they look. Some people can eat a lot without being fat because of their fast metabolism while others do much effort to control their diet but still gain weight because of their slow metabolism.

All body types are beautiful. Being healthy is a real beauty. The beauty of a person comes from within and it is also the attitude that defines beauty. Being yourself is important. Be proud of the gift that the Almighty God gave you. Do not let other people and society dictate your perspective on yourself. You know yourself better than others. You know that you are beautiful. Confidence is the key to all. Being confident in what you are and being yourself always is beauty itself.

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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All Bodies are Beautiful. (2020, Sep 12). Retrieved from

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