Alexander Hamilton's Vision of America

Hamilton’s vision of a strong central government challenged Jefferson’s belief of an agrarian society. Jefferson's agrarian vision gained the mass support of Southern Americans with his idea of the “will of the people.” Jefferson wanted a simple, local government that leaves the citizens in charge but this didn’t articulate a strong vision for America. Jefferson’s agrarian plan was biased towards farmers in the south and targeted against the people in the North. He valued the rural society over the urban, favored the independent farmers over the paid workers and saw only farming as a way to shape social values.

Jefferson claims that Hamilton wanted too much of a monarchy like government like Great Britain but “They have a womanish attachment to France and a womanish resentment against Great Britain. They would draw us into the closest embrace of the former & involve us in all the consequences of her politics, & they would risk the peace of the country in their endeavors to keep us at the greatest possible distance from the latter,” as Hamilton said.

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Hamilton sees that America’s future could be misled by Jefferson because Jefferson doesn’t put the nation first, rather he is impulsive and acts on his own accord. Jefferson openly expresses his approval of France and openly dismisses the British, ruining the whole purpose that President George Washington set forth neutrality during the war. Even though Hamilton commonly praised the british, he is not siding with them unlike Jefferson who can’t see the big picture of America’s future.

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Also, Jefferson’s agrarian plan disregarded the idea of a united nation because he only thought of the southerners and attacked the people in the north which splits America into two. This will create conflict between the north and the south who already opposed each other due to their very different ideals.

Alexander Hamilton articulated a stronger vision of the United States because his ideals of a strong central government and plans of manufacturing demonstrated a future of the united nations, as opposed to Thomas Jefferson, who only visualized the agrarian plan. Hamilton planned out America’s future for the long run whether it be politically or economically, he sought what is best for the nation. Manufacturing was the best way to solve the national debt that America owed and a strong central government is the best way to stabilize the newly formed country as united. Hamilton’s modern economic vision had no place for slavery but Jefferson’s plan relied on them and slaves are what made up majority of the south. He saw the United States as a whole rather than Jefferson who only saw half. And especially under the constitution, it states that no state shall be acting on their own without the congress therefore meaning that one decision should be approved by all, as a form of unity. But even so, both Hamilton and Jefferson made their contribution to the US, forming our society now.

Updated: Jan 25, 2024
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Alexander Hamilton's Vision of America. (2024, Jan 25). Retrieved from

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