The Deeper Layers of Life in Vernon Scannel's 'Hide and Seek'

Categories: Poems

Vernon Scannel's poem, 'Hide and Seek,' delves into the intricate facets of life through the innocent act of a child playing hide and seek with friends. Beyond the surface narrative lies a profound exploration of themes such as isolation, life's challenges, competition, and the harsh reality of abandonment. Through a rich tapestry of literary devices, including similes, metaphors, and personification, Scannel skillfully employs an extended metaphor to convey the complexities of the human experience. This essay will unravel the layers of meaning embedded in the poem, examining the effects created by Scannel's adept use of literary devices and punctuation.

An Exploration of Life's Journey

At first glance, 'Hide and Seek' appears to be a simple narrative of a child playing a childhood game.

However, a closer examination reveals a dual meaning, with the child's experience serving as an allegory for life itself. The initial confidence expressed by the child, shouting, "I'm ready! Come and find me!" mirrors the enthusiasm and assurance with which individuals embark on new life journeys.

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The exclamation marks convey energy and a belief in inevitable success. As the child encounters obstacles like the cold floor and the 'salty dark,' these serve as metaphors for the harsh and uncomfortable challenges encountered in life. In Scannel's portrayal, the child's silent endurance signifies the resilience needed to overcome obstacles and succeed in the face of adversity.

The Fear of Isolation and the Impermanence of Relationships

One of the poem's central themes is the fear of isolation, epitomized in the haunting question, "But where are they who sought you?" The moment of abandonment, where the child is left alone after his friends give up, resonates as a poignant reflection of real-life situations.

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Scannel imparts a crucial life lesson, emphasizing the need for self-reliance when facing challenges or loneliness. The poet suggests that in the journey of life, individuals may find themselves deserted, and in those moments, self-sufficiency becomes imperative. The harsh reality presented by Scannel prompts the audience to recognize that, in times of need, one cannot always rely on others, reinforcing the importance of self-reliance.

Seizing Opportunities in the Face of Time

Scannel encourages his audience to seize opportunities promptly through the poignant narrative of the child waiting too long to reveal himself, only to discover his friends have departed. The metaphorical significance is evident – delaying action may result in missed opportunities. The poet imparts a valuable lesson about the transient nature of chances in life, urging individuals to act swiftly and decisively. The child's failure to uncover himself in time serves as a cautionary tale, urging the audience not to procrastinate but to grasp opportunities when they arise, preventing them from slipping away.

In conclusion, Vernon Scannel's 'Hide and Seek' transcends the boundaries of a simple childhood game, evolving into a profound reflection on life's complexities. Through the adept use of literary devices and a carefully crafted extended metaphor, Scannel weaves a narrative that resonates with universal truths. The exploration of themes such as isolation, resilience, and the importance of timely action provides readers with valuable insights into the human experience. 'Hide and Seek' stands as a timeless piece that not only captures the innocence of childhood but also serves as a mirror reflecting the intricate tapestry of life itself.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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The Deeper Layers of Life in Vernon Scannel's 'Hide and Seek'. (2017, Oct 25). Retrieved from

The Deeper Layers of Life in Vernon Scannel's 'Hide and Seek' essay
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