A Hero for a Good War: Captain America

Categories: AmericaHero

Did you know that superheroes have been around for 80 years? It is a funny thought that your grandma is possibly the same age as Captain America. Captain America is easily one of the most patriotic and influential superheroes of all time. Captain has been around for many years, from 1941 to the present day. He is a figure that everyone has heard of and seen. Marvel Studios is continuing to make him a well-known icon. Not only has Captain America encouraged soldiers, but he also encourages people today and has become increasingly popular.

At that time, Captain America was created to help influence soldiers during World War II.

Many posters and movies were created to encourage soldiers and help the United States gain more soldiers. “On the Homefront, propaganda posters and comic books featuring Captain America were used to inspire support for troops, encourage growing victory gardens, and boost sales of war bonds for military production,” (Captain America: A WWII). During WWII, the soldiers needed lots of influence.

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Their families and friends could have died, and it could make the troubling times better if there is always someone cheering you on. Captain was a hit during the war, selling many comic books. His comics also took kids' minds off the war and entertained them during a scary time. “By the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor, in December 1941, Captain America Comics had become the publisher’s top-selling title, and, over the course of World War II, Captain America and Bucky fought the Axis powers on multiple fronts,” (McNamara).

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As the series became more popular, the publisher had to keep coming out with new ideas to keep entertaining people. Creating Captain America was a great move, as he became very popular and helped many people.

At this time, Captain America has stayed very popular throughout his lifespan. After the events of WWII, Captain started to have movies about him, but was not talked about as much as other superheroes such as Spiderman or Hulk. “While Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers, was introduced in comic book form decades before some of Marvel's more well-known characters (like Spider-Man and the Hulk), Captain America is still a vital superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe,” (11 Reasons Why). Marvel Studios continues to make Captain a well-known icon again, in 2011 when they came out with his first movie in twenty years. “Initially, not a lot about the film or the character really suggested that Captain America would be as hugely popular, or mean as much, as he does now. Over the course of eight years and six movies though, the character has undergone a metamorphosis that’s drawn in casual moviegoers and hardcore comic book fans alike,” (How Captain America). As Marvel pushes this icon to the public, many people become attached and want more of him. As of right now, Marvel is not stopping when it comes to Captain, they are going to keep pushing him out and do what's good for their business.

There is no doubt that Marvel is still proceeding to make Captain America even better than ever. In 2008, Marvel made their first movie, Iron Man, it made much more money than expected. Marvel tried experimenting with new ideas and wanted to do the same with Captain America. “Stark’s story, from his very first movie, has been about coming to terms with his father’s legacy while also reckoning with his effect on the world. Howard Stark was seen as a visionary world-changer and had, throughout his life, worked alongside heroes such as Captain America to save the world,” (Santos). This is a very smart move for the studio. Taking an icon that everyone knows and loves and pairing it with a new character is a great decision. “As Marvel sold many of their characters to other companies, they had to work with what they had. A little over a decade ago, all Marvel Studios had in its catalog of potential movie stars was a third-tier armored hero and the movie rights to other JV-level supers: a thunder god, an American patriot, and a KGB [Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti] assassin. To pull itself out of bankruptcy in the late ’90s, Marvel sold the movie rights to its most popular comic book characters, including Spider-Man, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four, to established entertainment giants like Sony and Fox,” (Santos). Marvel was in a pretty rough spot in the 2000s. They sold some of their best properties and were left with a limited amount of working space. In the end, Marvel found a way around it and became very successful because of it.

In conclusion, Captain America is one of the most beloved superheroes of all time, and there is a reason for that. Whether you enjoy his comics, the movies, or his motivation for soldiers, there is always something to enjoy out of him. Not only did he encourage people in the ’40s, but even today people get motivated by him and what he stands for. He has helped so many people through rough times. Captain America inspired the lives of countless soldiers in WWII, go read some of his earlier comics and watch his movies to see if he inspires you too!

Updated: Sep 21, 2020
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A Hero for a Good War: Captain America. (2020, Sep 18). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-hero-for-a-good-war-captain-america-essay

A Hero for a Good War: Captain America essay
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